The only thing we gained from the custom build was
automatic installation of the man page when using
'cabal install'. But custom builds cause problems,
e.g., with cross-compilation.
Installation of the man page is better handled by packagers.
Note to packagers (e.g. Debian): it may be necessary
to add a step installing the man page with the next
These notes should have been in the previous commit message.
Added `task_list` extension.
API changes:
+ Added constructor `Ext_task_lists` to `Extension`.
+ Added `taskListItemFromAscii` and `taskListItemToAscii` to
Task lists are supported form markdown and gfm input.
They should work, to some degree, in all output formats,
though in most formats you'll get an ordered list with
a following task list box. In HTML and LaTeX/PDF output,
the bullet will be suppressed for nicer output.
* Add 'landmarks' id attribute to the landmarks nav.
* Replace old default CSS removing numbers from ol.toc li
with new rules that match `nav#toc ol, nav#landmarks ol`.
* We keep the `toc` class on `ol` for backwards compatibility.
* FIX#5183 : zimwiki : remove automatic colon prefix before internal images
 should be converted to {{foo.png}} (relative path)

Therefore the ':' prefix is useless and must be removed.
I never used the zimwiki, but i submitted the similar dokuwiki fix.
1. The zimwiki syntax is inspired by dokuwiki
2. The zimwiki documentation does not mention the colon character for images
3. The pandoc zimwiki writer seems to be a copy-paste for the dokuwiki writer
If the PR #5184 is applied, I think this one should be applied too.
* FIX#5183 : remove automatic ':' prefix before internal image links
`` should be converted to `{{foo.png}}` (relative path)
Therefore the ':' prefix is useless and must be removed.
It blocks users from making relative image links.
Update tests for DokuWiki Writer : external images
Previously we used HsYAML's decodeStrict to recognize
boolean values (treating everything else as a string).
This caused problems relating to hvr/HsYAML#7.
We now just check for the recognized boolean values
`true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE`, and avoid using