This allows us to get rid of the old custom prelude and
some crufty cpp. But the primary reason for this is that
conduit has bumped its base lower bound to 4.12, making it
impossible for us to support lower base versions.
This is better as an example. And it is faster than pandoc's
regular creole parser, which shows that high-performance readers
can be developed this way.
Reader options can now be passed as an optional third argument to
``. The object can either be a table or a ReaderOptions value
like `PANDOC_READER_OPTIONS`. Creating new ReaderOptions objects is
possible through the new constructor `pandoc.ReaderOptions`.
Closes: #7656
New module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Custom, exporting
readCustom [API change].
Users can now do `-f myreader.lua` and pandoc will treat the
script myreader.lua as a custom reader, which parses an input
string to a pandoc AST, using the pandoc module defined for
Lua filters.
A sample custom reader can be found in data/reader.lua.
* Support for <indexterm>s when reading DocBook
* Update implementation status of `<n-ary>` tags
* Remove non-idiomatic parentheses
* More complete `<indexterm>` support, with tests
Co-authored-by: Rowan Rodrik van der Molen <>
Compiles the 'lpeg' library (Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua) into
the program.
Package maintainers may choose to rely on package dependencies to make
lpeg available, in which case they can compile the with the constraint
`lpeg +rely-on-shared-lpeg-library`.
This fixes issues with
- misleading error messages when a required function parameter is
- absent properties still being listed in the output of `pairs`; and
- alias accessing leading to errors instead of returning `nil`, e.g.
with `(pandoc.Str '').identifier`.
Fixes: #7661
See also: #7657
- Specify local scope for highlight_styles; prevents global namespace pollution when sourcing completion from a file rather than adding `eval "$(pandoc --bash-completion)"` to .bashrc
- Add argument completion for --print-highlight-style, --eol, and --markdown-headings
This is just a small improvement in terms of performance,
but it's simpler and more direct code.
Also, we avoid parsing interparagraph spaces in balanced
brackets, as the original did.