Background: syntactically, references to example list items
can't be distinguished from citations; we only know which they
are after we've parsed the whole document (and this is resolved
in the `runF` stage).
This means that pandoc's calculation of `citationNoteNum`
can sometimes be wrong when there are example list references.
This commit partially addresses #6836, but only for the case
where the example list references refer to list items defined
previously in the document.
Previously in-text note citations inside a footnote
would sometimes have the final period stripped, even
if it was needed (e.g. on the end of 'ibid').
See #6813.
If `\cL` is defined as `\mathcal{L}`, and `\til` as `\tilde{#1}`,
then `\til\cL` should expand to `\tilde{\mathcal{L}}`, but pandoc
was expanding it to `\tilde\mathcal{L}`. This is fixed by
parsing the arguments in "verbatim mode" when the macro expands
arguments at the point of use.
These changes restore the 20px font size while increasing readibility by
reducing line width. (The number of words per line is now similar to
that of pandoc's default LaTeX/PDF output.) With the narrower lines, we
also need less interline and interparagraph space, so the content
becomes more compact and skimmable:
- Change default font size back to 20px.
- Set font-size for print media to 12pt.
- Reduce interline space.
- Reduce interparagraph space.
- Reduce line width.
- Remove the special `line-height: 1` for table cells,
which I had suggested but which now seems a mistake.
- Remove the special line-height for pre.
- Ensure that there is a bit more space before a heading
than after.
- Slightly reduced space after title header.
The map-based YAML representation of filters expects `type` and `path`
fields. The path field had to be present for all filter types, but is
not used for citeproc filters. The field can now be omitted when type
is "citeproc", as described in the MANUAL.
- Fix margin before codeblock
- Add `monobackgroundcolor` variable, making the background color
and padding of code optional.
- Ensure that backgrounds from highlighting styles take precedence over
- Remove list markers from TOC
- Add margin-bottom where needed
- Remove italics from blockquote styling
- Change borders and spacing in tables to be more consistent with other
output formats
- Style h5, h6
- Decrease root font-size to 18px
- Update tests for styles.html changes
- Add CSS example to MANUAL
When an author-in-text citation like `@foo` occurs in a footnote,
we now render it with: `AUTHOR NAME + COMMA + SPACE + REST`.
Previously we rendered: `AUTHOR NAME + SPACE + "(" + REST + ")"`.
This gives better results. Note that normal citations are still
rendered in parentheses.
We now have LaTeX do the calculation, using `\tabcolsep`.
So we should now have accurate relative column widths no
matter what the text width.
The default template has been modified to load the calc
package if tables are used.