New input format: endnotexml
New reader module: Text.Pandoc.Readers.EndNote, exporting
`readEndNoteXML` and `readEndNoteXMLReferences`. [API change]
This reader is still a bit rudimentary, but it should get
be good enough to be helpful.
If a file path does not exist relative to the working directory, but
it does exist relative to the user data directory, and it exists outside
of the user data directory, do not read it. This applies to readDataFile
and readMetadataFile in PandocMonad and, by extension, any module that
uses these by passing them relative paths.
If files specified with `--metadata-file` are not found in the working
directory, look in `$DATADIR/metadata`.
Expose new `readMetadataFile` function from Text.Pandoc.Class
[API change].
Expose new `PandocCouldNotFindMetadataFileError` constructor for
`PandocError` from Text.Pandoc.Error [API change].
API changes:
- The function T.P.Filter.applyFilters now takes a filter
environment of type `Environment`, instead of a ReaderOptions value.
The `Environment` type is exported from `T.P.Filter` and allows to
combine ReaderOptions and WriterOptions in a single value.
- Global, exported from T.P.Lua, has a new type constructor
Closes: #5221
Previously the HTML writer was exceptional in not being
sensitive to the `--wrap` option. With this change `--wrap`
now works for HTML. The default (as with other formats) is
automatic wrapping to 72 columns.
A new internal module, T.P.Writers.Blaze, exports `layoutMarkup`.
This converts a blaze Html structure into a doclayout Doc Text.
In addition, we now add a line break between an `img` tag
and the associated `figcaption`.
Note: Output is never wrapped in `writeHtmlStringForEPUB`.
This accords with previous behavior since previously the HTML
writer was insensitive to `--wrap` settings. There's no real
need to wrap HTML inside a zipped container.
Note that the contents of script, textarea, and pre tags are
always laid out with the `flush` combinator, so that unwanted
spaces won't be introduced if these occur in an indented context
in a template.
Markua is a markdown variant used by Leanpub.
More information about Markua can be found at
Adds a new exported function `writeMarkua` from T.P.Writers.Markdown.
[API change]
Co-authored by Tim Wisotzki and Samuel Lemmenmeier.
The traversal order of filters can now be selected by setting the key
`traverse` of the filter to either `'topdown'` or `'typewise'`; the
default remains `'typewise'`.
Topdown traversals can be cut short by returning `false` as a second
value from the filter function. No child-element of the returned element
is processed in that case.
Previously, both `fmt == f` case and Image have a rank of 1.
In the end, e.g. from ipynb to html conversion,
if both html and image exists, it actually prefers the image.
This commit changes this, so that fmt == f is always highest rank,
and rank never collides.
This is achieved by keeping fmt == f case having rank 1,
and every other rank increased by 1.
The first argument passed to Lua `Reader` functions is no longer a plain
string but a richer data structure. The structure can easily be
converted to a string by applying `tostring`, but is also a list with
elements that contain each the *text* and *name* of each input source as
a property of the respective name.
A small example is added to the custom reader documentation, showcasing
its use in a reader that creates a syntax-highlighted code block for
each source code file passed as input.
Existing readers must be updated.
- `walk` methods are added to `Block` and `Inline` values; the methods
are similar to `pandoc.utils.walk_block` and
`pandoc.utils.walk_inline`, but apply to filter also to the element
itself, and therefore return a list of element instead of a single
- Functions of name `Doc` are no longer accepted as alternatives for
`Pandoc` filter functions. This functionality was undocumented.
The marshaling functions for pandoc's AST are extracted into a separate
package. The package comes with a number of changes:
- Pandoc's List module was rewritten in C, thereby improving error
- Lists of `Block` and `Inline` elements are marshaled using the new
list types `Blocks` and `Inlines`, respectively. These types
currently behave identical to the generic List type, but give better
error messages. This also opens up the possibility of adding
element-specific methods to these lists in the future.
- Elements of type `MetaValue` are no longer pushed as values which
have `.t` and `.tag` properties. This was already true for
`MetaString` and `MetaBool` values, which are still marshaled as Lua
strings and booleans, respectively. Affected values:
+ `MetaBlocks` values are marshaled as a `Blocks` list;
+ `MetaInlines` values are marshaled as a `Inlines` list;
+ `MetaList` values are marshaled as a generic pandoc `List`s.
+ `MetaMap` values are marshaled as plain tables and no longer
given any metatable.
- The test suite for marshaled objects and their constructors has
been extended and improved.
- A bug in Citation objects, where setting a citation's suffix
modified it's prefix, has been fixed.
* Drop old windows 32-bit constraints
- basement >= 0.0.10 was 0.0.12 on stackage-18.10
- foundation >= 0.0.23 was on stackage-18.10
* Update cabal `tested-with` field to correspond to `ci.yml` matrix
* ghc: 8.10.{2,4} → 8.10.7
This allows us to get rid of the old custom prelude and
some crufty cpp. But the primary reason for this is that
conduit has bumped its base lower bound to 4.12, making it
impossible for us to support lower base versions.
This is better as an example. And it is faster than pandoc's
regular creole parser, which shows that high-performance readers
can be developed this way.
New module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Custom, exporting
readCustom [API change].
Users can now do `-f myreader.lua` and pandoc will treat the
script myreader.lua as a custom reader, which parses an input
string to a pandoc AST, using the pandoc module defined for
Lua filters.
A sample custom reader can be found in data/reader.lua.