Switch to hslua-2.1
This allows for some code simplification and improves stability.
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 138 additions and 252 deletions
@ -480,9 +480,9 @@ library
file-embed >= 0.0 && < 0.1,
filepath >= 1.1 && < 1.5,
haddock-library >= 1.10 && < 1.11,
hslua >= 2.0.1 && < 2.1,
hslua-aeson >= 2.0.1 && < 2.1,
hslua-marshalling >= 2.0.1 && < 2.1,
hslua >= 2.1 && < 2.2,
hslua-aeson >= 2.1 && < 2.2,
hslua-marshalling >= 2.1 && < 2.2,
hslua-module-path >= 1.0 && < 1.1,
hslua-module-system >= 1.0 && < 1.1,
hslua-module-text >= 1.0 && < 1.1,
@ -724,7 +724,6 @@ library
@ -782,7 +781,7 @@ test-suite test-pandoc
doctemplates >= 0.10 && < 0.11,
exceptions >= 0.8 && < 0.11,
filepath >= 1.1 && < 1.5,
hslua >= 2.0 && < 2.1,
hslua >= 2.1 && < 2.2,
mtl >= 2.2 && < 2.3,
pandoc-types >= 1.22.1 && < 1.23,
process >= 1.2.3 && < 1.7,
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua.ErrorConversion
Copyright : © 2020-2022 Albert Krewinkel
@ -17,7 +16,6 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Lua.ErrorConversion
import HsLua (LuaError, LuaE, top)
import HsLua.Marshalling (resultToEither, runPeek)
import HsLua.Class.Peekable (PeekError (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError (PandocLuaError))
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.PandocError (pushPandocError, peekPandocError)
@ -41,8 +39,3 @@ instance LuaError PandocError where
popException = popPandocError
pushException = pushPandocError
luaException = PandocLuaError . T.pack
instance PeekError PandocError where
messageFromException = \case
PandocLuaError m -> T.unpack m
err -> show err
@ -23,13 +23,12 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Lua.ErrorConversion ()
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.AST
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Filter
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util as LuaUtil
-- | Transform document using the filter defined in the given file.
runFilterFile :: FilePath -> Pandoc -> LuaE PandocError Pandoc
runFilterFile filterPath doc = do
oldtop <- gettop
stat <- LuaUtil.dofileWithTraceback filterPath
stat <- dofileTrace filterPath
if stat /= Lua.OK
then throwErrorAsException
else do
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.ReaderOptions
import Data.Default (def)
import HsLua as Lua
import HsLua.Aeson (peekViaJSON, pushViaJSON)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.List (pushPandocList)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (peekViaJSON, pushViaJSON)
import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions (..))
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Inline (pushInlines)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.List (pushPandocList)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified HsLua
-- | Pushes a ReaderOptions value as userdata object.
pushReference :: LuaError e => Pusher e (Reference Inlines)
@ -94,14 +93,3 @@ pushDate = pushAsTable
-- date parts are lists of Int values
pushDateParts (DateParts dp) = pushPandocList pushIntegral dp
-- | Helper funtion to push an object as a table.
pushAsTable :: LuaError e
=> [(HsLua.Name, a -> LuaE e ())]
-> a -> LuaE e ()
pushAsTable props obj = do
createtable 0 (length props)
forM_ props $ \(name, pushValue) -> do
HsLua.pushName name
pushValue obj
rawset (nth 3)
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.WriterOptions
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Data.Default (def)
import HsLua as Lua
import HsLua.Aeson (peekViaJSON, pushViaJSON)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.List (pushPandocList)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Template (peekTemplate, pushTemplate)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (peekViaJSON, pushViaJSON)
import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions (..))
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import HsLua ( LuaE, DocumentedFunction, Module (..)
, (<#>), (###), (=#>), (=?>), defun, functionResult
, optionalParameter , parameter)
, opt, parameter, stringParam, textParam)
import Text.Pandoc.Class.CommonState (CommonState (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (fetchItem, getMediaBag, modifyCommonState,
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ delete :: DocumentedFunction PandocError
delete = defun "delete"
### (\fp -> unPandocLua $ modifyCommonState
(\st -> st { stMediaBag = MB.deleteMedia fp (stMediaBag st) }))
<#> parameter Lua.peekString "string" "filepath" "filename of item to delete"
<#> stringParam "filepath" "filename of item to delete"
=#> []
@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ insert = defun "insert"
mb <- getMediaBag
setMediaBag $ MB.insertMedia fp mmime contents mb
return (Lua.NumResults 0))
<#> parameter Lua.peekString "string" "filepath" "item file path"
<#> optionalParameter Lua.peekText "string" "mimetype" "the item's MIME type"
<#> stringParam "filepath" "item file path"
<#> opt (textParam "mimetype" "the item's MIME type")
<#> parameter Lua.peekLazyByteString "string" "contents" "binary contents"
=?> "Nothing"
=#> []
-- | Returns iterator values to be used with a Lua @for@ loop.
items :: DocumentedFunction PandocError
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ lookup = defun "lookup"
Just item -> 2 <$ do
Lua.pushText $ MB.mediaMimeType item
Lua.pushLazyByteString $ MB.mediaContents item)
<#> parameter Lua.peekString "string" "filepath" "path of item to lookup"
<#> stringParam "filepath" "path of item to lookup"
=?> "MIME type and contents"
-- | Function listing all mediabag items.
@ -122,5 +122,5 @@ fetch = defun "fetch"
Lua.pushText $ fromMaybe "" mimeType
Lua.pushByteString bs
return 2)
<#> parameter Lua.peekText "string" "src" "URI to fetch"
<#> textParam "src" "URI to fetch"
=?> "Returns two string values: the fetched contents and the mimetype."
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import Data.Default (Default (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import HsLua hiding (pushModule)
import HsLua.Class.Peekable (PeekError)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError (..))
@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import qualified HsLua as Lua
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util as LuaUtil
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-- | Push the "pandoc" package to the Lua stack. Requires the `List`
@ -198,9 +196,9 @@ functions =
Left e ->
throwM e)
<#> parameter peekByteString "string" "content" "text to parse"
<#> optionalParameter peekText "string" "formatspec" "format and extensions"
<#> optionalParameter peekReaderOptions "ReaderOptions" "reader_options"
"reader options"
<#> opt (textParam "formatspec" "format and extensions")
<#> opt (parameter peekReaderOptions "ReaderOptions" "reader_options"
"reader options")
=#> functionResult pushPandoc "Pandoc" "result document"
, sha1
@ -227,10 +225,9 @@ functions =
(ByteStringWriter w, es) -> Left <$>
w writerOpts{ writerExtensions = es } doc)
<#> parameter peekPandoc "Pandoc" "doc" "document to convert"
<#> optionalParameter peekText "string" "formatspec"
"format and extensions"
<#> optionalParameter peekWriterOptions "WriterOptions" "writer_options"
"writer options"
<#> opt (textParam "formatspec" "format and extensions")
<#> opt (parameter peekWriterOptions "WriterOptions" "writer_options"
"writer options")
=#> functionResult (either pushLazyByteString pushText) "string"
"result document"
@ -247,23 +244,23 @@ data PipeError = PipeError
, pipeErrorOutput :: BL.ByteString
peekPipeError :: PeekError e => StackIndex -> LuaE e PipeError
peekPipeError :: LuaError e => StackIndex -> LuaE e PipeError
peekPipeError idx =
<$> (Lua.getfield idx "command" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
<*> (Lua.getfield idx "error_code" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
<*> (Lua.getfield idx "output" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
pushPipeError :: PeekError e => Pusher e PipeError
pushPipeError :: LuaError e => Pusher e PipeError
pushPipeError pipeErr = do
LuaUtil.addField "command" (pipeErrorCommand pipeErr)
LuaUtil.addField "error_code" (pipeErrorCode pipeErr)
LuaUtil.addField "output" (pipeErrorOutput pipeErr)
pushAsTable [ ("command" , pushText . pipeErrorCommand)
, ("error_code" , pushIntegral . pipeErrorCode)
, ("output" , pushLazyByteString . pipeErrorOutput)
] pipeErr
Lua.setmetatable (-2)
Lua.setmetatable (nth 2)
pushPipeErrorMetaTable :: PeekError e => LuaE e ()
pushPipeErrorMetaTable :: LuaError e => LuaE e ()
pushPipeErrorMetaTable = do
v <- Lua.newmetatable "pandoc pipe error"
when v $ do
@ -271,7 +268,7 @@ pushPipeError pipeErr = do
pushHaskellFunction pipeErrorMessage
rawset (nth 3)
pipeErrorMessage :: PeekError e => LuaE e NumResults
pipeErrorMessage :: LuaError e => LuaE e NumResults
pipeErrorMessage = do
(PipeError cmd errorCode output) <- peekPipeError (nthBottom 1)
pushByteString . BSL.toStrict . BSL.concat $
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ functions =
Nothing -> runWithDefaultPartials
(compileTemplate "templates/default" template))
<#> parameter peekText "string" "template" "template string"
<#> optionalParameter peekString "string" "templ_path" "template path"
<#> opt (stringParam "templ_path" "template path")
=#> functionResult (either failLua pushTemplate) "pandoc Template"
"compiled template"
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ functions =
forcePeek $ peekText top `lastly` pop 1
format <- maybe getFORMAT pure mformat
getDefaultTemplate format)
<#> optionalParameter peekText "string" "writer"
"writer for which the template should be returned."
<#> opt (textParam "writer"
"writer for which the template should be returned.")
=#> functionResult pushText "string"
"string representation of the writer's default template"
@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ documentedModule = Module
return $ B.toList (Shared.blocksToInlinesWithSep sep blks))
<#> parameter (peekList peekBlock) "list of blocks"
"blocks" ""
<#> optionalParameter (peekList peekInline) "list of inlines"
"inline" ""
<#> opt (parameter (peekList peekInline) "list of inlines" "inline" "")
=#> functionResult pushInlines "list of inlines" ""
, defun "equals"
@ -121,8 +120,8 @@ documentedModule = Module
<#> parameter peekPandoc "Pandoc" "doc" "input document"
<#> parameter peekString "filepath" "filter_path" "path to filter"
<#> optionalParameter (peekList peekString) "list of strings"
"args" "arguments to pass to the filter"
<#> opt (parameter (peekList peekString) "list of strings"
"args" "arguments to pass to the filter")
=#> functionResult pushPandoc "Pandoc" "filtered document"
, defun "stringify"
@ -65,9 +65,6 @@ instance Pushable QuoteType where
instance Pushable Cell where
push = pushCell
instance Peekable Cell where
peek = forcePeek . peekCell
instance Pushable Inline where
push = pushInline
@ -92,25 +89,28 @@ instance Pushable TableHead where
-- These instances exist only for testing. It's a hack to avoid making
-- the marshalling modules public.
instance Peekable Inline where
peek = forcePeek . peekInline
safepeek = peekInline
instance Peekable Block where
peek = forcePeek . peekBlock
safepeek = peekBlock
instance Peekable Cell where
safepeek = peekCell
instance Peekable Meta where
peek = forcePeek . peekMeta
safepeek = peekMeta
instance Peekable Pandoc where
peek = forcePeek . peekPandoc
safepeek = peekPandoc
instance Peekable Row where
peek = forcePeek . peekRow
safepeek = peekRow
instance Peekable Version where
peek = forcePeek . peekVersionFuzzy
safepeek = peekVersionFuzzy
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Peekable Attr where
peek = forcePeek . peekAttr
safepeek = peekAttr
instance Pushable Sources where
push = pushSources
@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ runPandocLua pLua = do
return result
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Exposable PandocError (PandocLua NumResults) where
partialApply _narg = unPandocLua
partialApply _narg = liftLua . unPandocLua
instance Pushable a => Exposable PandocError (PandocLua a) where
partialApply _narg x = 1 <$ (unPandocLua x >>= Lua.push)
partialApply _narg x = 1 <$ (liftLua (unPandocLua x >>= Lua.push))
-- | Global variables which should always be set.
defaultGlobals :: PandocMonad m => m [Global]
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util
Copyright : © 2012-2022 John MacFarlane,
© 2017-2022 Albert Krewinkel
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb+pandoc@moltkeplatz.de>
Stability : alpha
Lua utility functions.
module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util
( addField
, callWithTraceback
, pcallWithTraceback
, dofileWithTraceback
, peekViaJSON
, pushViaJSON
) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import HsLua
import HsLua.Aeson (peekValue, pushValue)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified HsLua as Lua
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-- | Add a value to the table at the top of the stack at a string-index.
addField :: (LuaError e, Pushable a) => String -> a -> LuaE e ()
addField key value = do
Lua.push key
Lua.push value
Lua.rawset (Lua.nth 3)
-- | Like @'Lua.pcall'@, but uses a predefined error handler which adds a
-- traceback on error.
pcallWithTraceback :: LuaError e => NumArgs -> NumResults -> LuaE e Status
pcallWithTraceback nargs nresults = do
let traceback' :: LuaError e => LuaE e NumResults
traceback' = do
l <- Lua.state
msg <- Lua.tostring' (Lua.nthBottom 1)
Lua.traceback l (Just msg) 2
return 1
tracebackIdx <- Lua.absindex (Lua.nth (Lua.fromNumArgs nargs + 1))
Lua.pushHaskellFunction traceback'
Lua.insert tracebackIdx
result <- Lua.pcall nargs nresults (Just tracebackIdx)
Lua.remove tracebackIdx
return result
-- | Like @'Lua.call'@, but adds a traceback to the error message (if any).
callWithTraceback :: LuaError e => NumArgs -> NumResults -> LuaE e ()
callWithTraceback nargs nresults = do
result <- pcallWithTraceback nargs nresults
when (result /= Lua.OK)
-- | Run the given string as a Lua program, while also adding a traceback to the
-- error message if an error occurs.
dofileWithTraceback :: LuaError e => FilePath -> LuaE e Status
dofileWithTraceback fp = do
loadRes <- Lua.loadfile fp
case loadRes of
Lua.OK -> pcallWithTraceback 0 Lua.multret
_ -> return loadRes
-- These will become part of hslua-aeson in future versions.
-- | Retrieves a value from the Lua stack via JSON.
peekViaJSON :: (Aeson.FromJSON a, LuaError e) => Peeker e a
peekViaJSON idx = do
value <- peekValue idx
case Aeson.fromJSON value of
Aeson.Success x -> pure x
Aeson.Error msg -> failPeek $ "failed to decode: " <>
UTF8.fromString msg
-- | Pushes a value to the Lua stack as a JSON-like value.
pushViaJSON :: (Aeson.ToJSON a, LuaError e) => Pusher e a
pushViaJSON = pushValue . Aeson.toJSON
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Supports custom parsers written in Lua which produce a Pandoc AST.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Custom ( readCustom ) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (when)
import HsLua as Lua hiding (Operation (Div), render)
import HsLua as Lua hiding (Operation (Div))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, report)
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Lua (Global (..), runLua, setGlobals)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocLua
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Pandoc (peekPandoc)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (dofileWithTraceback, callWithTraceback,
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Sources (ToSources(..), sourcesToText)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ readCustom luaFile opts srcs = do
let globals = [ PANDOC_SCRIPT_FILE luaFile ]
res <- runLua $ do
setGlobals globals
stat <- dofileWithTraceback luaFile
stat <- dofileTrace luaFile
-- check for error in lua script (later we'll change the return type
-- to handle this more gracefully):
when (stat /= Lua.OK)
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ readCustom luaFile opts srcs = do
getglobal "Reader"
push input
push opts
pcallWithTraceback 2 1 >>= \case
pcallTrace 2 1 >>= \case
OK -> forcePeek $ peekPandoc top
ErrRun -> do
-- Caught a runtime error. Check if parsing might work if we
@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ readCustom luaFile opts srcs = do
getglobal "Reader"
push $ sourcesToText input -- push sources as string
push opts
callWithTraceback 2 1
callTrace 2 1
forcePeek $ peekPandoc top
-- nothing we can do here
@ -25,14 +25,13 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import HsLua as Lua hiding (Operation (Div), render)
import HsLua.Class.Peekable (PeekError)
import HsLua as Lua hiding (Operation (Div))
import HsLua.Aeson (peekViaJSON)
import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
import Text.DocTemplates (Context)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Lua (Global (..), runLua, setGlobals)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (addField, dofileWithTraceback, peekViaJSON)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
@ -44,36 +43,34 @@ attrToMap (id',classes,keyvals) = M.fromList
: ("class", T.unwords classes)
: keyvals
newtype Stringify e a = Stringify a
newtype Stringify a = Stringify a
instance Pushable (Stringify e Format) where
instance Pushable (Stringify Format) where
push (Stringify (Format f)) = Lua.push (T.toLower f)
instance PeekError e => Pushable (Stringify e [Inline]) where
push (Stringify ils) = Lua.push =<<
changeErrorType ((inlineListToCustom @e) ils)
instance Pushable (Stringify [Inline]) where
push (Stringify ils) = Lua.push =<< inlineListToCustom ils
instance PeekError e => Pushable (Stringify e [Block]) where
push (Stringify blks) = Lua.push =<<
changeErrorType ((blockListToCustom @e) blks)
instance Pushable (Stringify [Block]) where
push (Stringify blks) = Lua.push =<< blockListToCustom blks
instance PeekError e => Pushable (Stringify e MetaValue) where
push (Stringify (MetaMap m)) = Lua.push (fmap (Stringify @e) m)
push (Stringify (MetaList xs)) = Lua.push (map (Stringify @e) xs)
instance Pushable (Stringify MetaValue) where
push (Stringify (MetaMap m)) = Lua.push (fmap Stringify m)
push (Stringify (MetaList xs)) = Lua.push (map Stringify xs)
push (Stringify (MetaBool x)) = Lua.push x
push (Stringify (MetaString s)) = Lua.push s
push (Stringify (MetaInlines ils)) = Lua.push (Stringify @e ils)
push (Stringify (MetaBlocks bs)) = Lua.push (Stringify @e bs)
push (Stringify (MetaInlines ils)) = Lua.push (Stringify ils)
push (Stringify (MetaBlocks bs)) = Lua.push (Stringify bs)
instance PeekError e => Pushable (Stringify e Citation) where
push (Stringify cit) = do
Lua.createtable 6 0
addField "citationId" $ citationId cit
addField "citationPrefix" . Stringify @e $ citationPrefix cit
addField "citationSuffix" . Stringify @e $ citationSuffix cit
addField "citationMode" $ show (citationMode cit)
addField "citationNoteNum" $ citationNoteNum cit
addField "citationHash" $ citationHash cit
instance Pushable (Stringify Citation) where
push (Stringify cit) = flip pushAsTable cit
[ ("citationId", push . citationId)
, ("citationPrefix", push . Stringify . citationPrefix)
, ("citationSuffix", push . Stringify . citationSuffix)
, ("citationMode", push . citationMode)
, ("citationNoteNum", push . citationNoteNum)
, ("citationHash", push . citationHash)
-- | Key-value pair, pushed as a table with @a@ as the only key and @v@ as the
-- associated value.
@ -96,7 +93,7 @@ writeCustom luaFile opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
res <- runLua $ do
setGlobals globals
stat <- dofileWithTraceback luaFile
stat <- dofileTrace luaFile
-- check for error in lua script (later we'll change the return type
-- to handle this more gracefully):
when (stat /= Lua.OK)
@ -115,7 +112,7 @@ writeCustom luaFile opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
Just tpl -> render Nothing $
renderTemplate tpl $ setField "body" body context
docToCustom :: forall e. PeekError e
docToCustom :: forall e. LuaError e
=> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> LuaE e (String, Context Text)
docToCustom opts (Pandoc (Meta metamap) blocks) = do
body <- blockListToCustom blocks
@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ docToCustom opts (Pandoc (Meta metamap) blocks) = do
-- `Doc` manually.
Lua.getglobal "Doc" -- function
push body -- argument 1
push (fmap (Stringify @e) metamap) -- argument 2
push (fmap Stringify metamap) -- argument 2
push (writerVariables opts) -- argument 3
call 3 2
rendered <- peek (nth 2) -- first return value
@ -131,125 +128,125 @@ docToCustom opts (Pandoc (Meta metamap) blocks) = do
return (rendered, fromMaybe mempty context)
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to Custom.
blockToCustom :: forall e. PeekError e
blockToCustom :: forall e. LuaError e
=> Block -- ^ Block element
-> LuaE e String
blockToCustom Null = return ""
blockToCustom (Plain inlines) = invoke @e "Plain" (Stringify @e inlines)
blockToCustom (Plain inlines) = invoke "Plain" (Stringify inlines)
blockToCustom (Para [Image attr txt (src,tit)]) =
invoke @e "CaptionedImage" src tit (Stringify @e txt) (attrToMap attr)
invoke "CaptionedImage" src tit (Stringify txt) (attrToMap attr)
blockToCustom (Para inlines) = invoke @e "Para" (Stringify @e inlines)
blockToCustom (Para inlines) = invoke "Para" (Stringify inlines)
blockToCustom (LineBlock linesList) =
invoke @e "LineBlock" (map (Stringify @e) linesList)
invoke "LineBlock" (map (Stringify) linesList)
blockToCustom (RawBlock format str) =
invoke @e "RawBlock" (Stringify @e format) str
invoke "RawBlock" (Stringify format) str
blockToCustom HorizontalRule = invoke @e "HorizontalRule"
blockToCustom HorizontalRule = invoke "HorizontalRule"
blockToCustom (Header level attr inlines) =
invoke @e "Header" level (Stringify @e inlines) (attrToMap attr)
invoke "Header" level (Stringify inlines) (attrToMap attr)
blockToCustom (CodeBlock attr str) =
invoke @e "CodeBlock" str (attrToMap attr)
invoke "CodeBlock" str (attrToMap attr)
blockToCustom (BlockQuote blocks) =
invoke @e "BlockQuote" (Stringify @e blocks)
invoke "BlockQuote" (Stringify blocks)
blockToCustom (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) =
let (capt, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
aligns' = map show aligns
capt' = Stringify @e capt
headers' = map (Stringify @e) headers
rows' = map (map (Stringify @e)) rows
in invoke @e "Table" capt' aligns' widths headers' rows'
capt' = Stringify capt
headers' = map (Stringify) headers
rows' = map (map (Stringify)) rows
in invoke "Table" capt' aligns' widths headers' rows'
blockToCustom (BulletList items) =
invoke @e "BulletList" (map (Stringify @e) items)
invoke "BulletList" (map (Stringify) items)
blockToCustom (OrderedList (num,sty,delim) items) =
invoke @e "OrderedList" (map (Stringify @e) items) num (show sty) (show delim)
invoke "OrderedList" (map (Stringify) items) num (show sty) (show delim)
blockToCustom (DefinitionList items) =
invoke @e "DefinitionList"
(map (KeyValue . (Stringify @e *** map (Stringify @e))) items)
invoke "DefinitionList"
(map (KeyValue . (Stringify *** map (Stringify))) items)
blockToCustom (Div attr items) =
invoke @e "Div" (Stringify @e items) (attrToMap attr)
invoke "Div" (Stringify items) (attrToMap attr)
-- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to Custom.
blockListToCustom :: forall e. PeekError e
blockListToCustom :: forall e. LuaError e
=> [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
-> LuaE e String
blockListToCustom xs = do
blocksep <- invoke @e "Blocksep"
blocksep <- invoke "Blocksep"
bs <- mapM blockToCustom xs
return $ mconcat $ intersperse blocksep bs
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to Custom.
inlineListToCustom :: forall e. PeekError e => [Inline] -> LuaE e String
inlineListToCustom :: forall e. LuaError e => [Inline] -> LuaE e String
inlineListToCustom lst = do
xs <- mapM (inlineToCustom @e) lst
return $ mconcat xs
-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to Custom.
inlineToCustom :: forall e. PeekError e => Inline -> LuaE e String
inlineToCustom :: forall e. LuaError e => Inline -> LuaE e String
inlineToCustom (Str str) = invoke @e "Str" str
inlineToCustom (Str str) = invoke "Str" str
inlineToCustom Space = invoke @e "Space"
inlineToCustom Space = invoke "Space"
inlineToCustom SoftBreak = invoke @e "SoftBreak"
inlineToCustom SoftBreak = invoke "SoftBreak"
inlineToCustom (Emph lst) = invoke @e "Emph" (Stringify @e lst)
inlineToCustom (Emph lst) = invoke "Emph" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (Underline lst) = invoke @e "Underline" (Stringify @e lst)
inlineToCustom (Underline lst) = invoke "Underline" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (Strong lst) = invoke @e "Strong" (Stringify @e lst)
inlineToCustom (Strong lst) = invoke "Strong" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (Strikeout lst) = invoke @e "Strikeout" (Stringify @e lst)
inlineToCustom (Strikeout lst) = invoke "Strikeout" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (Superscript lst) = invoke @e "Superscript" (Stringify @e lst)
inlineToCustom (Superscript lst) = invoke "Superscript" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (Subscript lst) = invoke @e "Subscript" (Stringify @e lst)
inlineToCustom (Subscript lst) = invoke "Subscript" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (SmallCaps lst) = invoke @e "SmallCaps" (Stringify @e lst)
inlineToCustom (SmallCaps lst) = invoke "SmallCaps" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (Quoted SingleQuote lst) =
invoke @e "SingleQuoted" (Stringify @e lst)
invoke "SingleQuoted" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) =
invoke @e "DoubleQuoted" (Stringify @e lst)
invoke "DoubleQuoted" (Stringify lst)
inlineToCustom (Cite cs lst) =
invoke @e "Cite" (Stringify @e lst) (map (Stringify @e) cs)
invoke "Cite" (Stringify lst) (map (Stringify) cs)
inlineToCustom (Code attr str) =
invoke @e "Code" str (attrToMap attr)
invoke "Code" str (attrToMap attr)
inlineToCustom (Math DisplayMath str) =
invoke @e "DisplayMath" str
invoke "DisplayMath" str
inlineToCustom (Math InlineMath str) =
invoke @e "InlineMath" str
invoke "InlineMath" str
inlineToCustom (RawInline format str) =
invoke @e "RawInline" (Stringify @e format) str
invoke "RawInline" (Stringify format) str
inlineToCustom LineBreak = invoke @e "LineBreak"
inlineToCustom LineBreak = invoke "LineBreak"
inlineToCustom (Link attr txt (src,tit)) =
invoke @e "Link" (Stringify @e txt) src tit (attrToMap attr)
invoke "Link" (Stringify txt) src tit (attrToMap attr)
inlineToCustom (Image attr alt (src,tit)) =
invoke @e "Image" (Stringify @e alt) src tit (attrToMap attr)
invoke "Image" (Stringify alt) src tit (attrToMap attr)
inlineToCustom (Note contents) = invoke @e "Note" (Stringify @e contents)
inlineToCustom (Note contents) = invoke "Note" (Stringify contents)
inlineToCustom (Span attr items) =
invoke @e "Span" (Stringify @e items) (attrToMap attr)
invoke "Span" (Stringify items) (attrToMap attr)
@ -12,22 +12,23 @@ extra-deps:
- doctemplates-
- emojis-0.1.2
- doclayout-
- lpeg-1.0.1
- hslua-2.0.1
- hslua-aeson-2.0.1
- hslua-classes-2.0.0
- hslua-core-
- hslua-marshalling-2.0.1
- hslua-module-path-1.0.0
- hslua-module-system-1.0.0
- hslua-module-text-1.0.0
- hslua-module-version-1.0.0
- hslua-objectorientation-2.0.1
- hslua-packaging-2.0.0
- lua-2.0.2
- tasty-hslua-1.0.0
- tasty-lua-1.0.0
- pandoc-lua-marshal-
- lpeg-1.0.2
- hslua-2.1.0
- hslua-aeson-2.1.0
- hslua-classes-2.1.0
- hslua-core-2.1.0
- hslua-marshalling-2.1.0
- hslua-module-path-1.0.1
- hslua-module-system-1.0.1
- hslua-module-text-1.0.1
- hslua-module-version-1.0.1
- hslua-objectorientation-2.1.0
- hslua-packaging-2.1.0
- lua-2.1.0
- lua-arbitrary-1.0.0
- tasty-hslua-1.0.1
- tasty-lua-1.0.1
- pandoc-lua-marshal-0.1.4
- pandoc-types-1.22.1
- aeson-pretty-0.8.9
- unicode-transforms-0.4.0
@ -43,5 +44,3 @@ ghc-options:
resolver: lts-18.10
packages: [zlib]
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