This adds support for counter cookies in org lists. Such cookies are
used to override the item counter in ordered lists. In org it is
possible to set the counter at any list item, but since Pandoc AST does
not support this, we restrict the usage to setting an offset for the
entire ordered list, by using the cookie in the first list item.
Note that even though unordered lists do not have counters, Org Mode
still parses such cookies in unordered lists and suppresses them in the
output, so we do the same.
Also, even though org-list-allow-alphabetical is disabled in Emacs by
default, for some reason alphabetical cookies are always parsed and used
in Org Mode regardlessly of whether this option is enabled or the list
style is decimal, so we do the same.
2. test
3. test
Is parsed as an ordered list starting at 1, as before. This also
conforms to Org Mode behaviour.
1. [@2] test
2. test
Is now parsed as an ordered list starting at 2, so that it conforms to
Org Mode behaviour.
Note that when parsing
1. [@2] test
2. [@9] test
the second cookie is silenced and the entire list starts at 2. This is
because the current Pandoc AST does not support expressing a change in
the counter at a specific item.
This ensures that all writer exported in T.P.Writers are parameterized
and work with any `PandocMonad` type. This is consistent with
T.P.Readers, as `readCustom` is not exported from that module either.
New templates variables can be added by giving variable-value pairs as a
second return value of the global function `Doc`.
function Doc (body, meta, vars) = or '%B %e, %Y'
return body, vars
Closes: #6731
API changes:
- The function T.P.Filter.applyFilters now takes a filter
environment of type `Environment`, instead of a ReaderOptions value.
The `Environment` type is exported from `T.P.Filter` and allows to
combine ReaderOptions and WriterOptions in a single value.
- Global, exported from T.P.Lua, has a new type constructor
Closes: #5221
The function `` is updated to use the same state that was
used while parsing the main input files. This ensures that log messages
are preserved and that images embedded in the input are added to the
...instead of ParPart.
Also remove NullParPart constructor, as it is no longer
This will allow us to handle elements that contain multiple
ParParts, e.g. w:drawing elements with multiple pic:pic.
See #7786.
We were using `splitPath` in two places in the code
where `splitDirectories` should have been used.
This led to a test for `..` in paths in `extractMedia`
failing, so that images with `..` in the path name
could be extracted outside the directory specified
by `extractMedia`.
It also led a test for `media` in resource paths to fail
in the docx reader.
Previously some displayed formulas would be floated above
a preceding text line. This is fixed by setting vertical-rel
to 'text' rather than 'paragraph-content'.
Affiliations were `xlink`ed even in the articleauthoring tag set, but
`<aff>` are not allowed as children of `contrib-group` elements in that
tag set. Each affiliation must be listed directly in the contrib
- With `--wrap=none`, we now output line breaks between
block-level elements. Previously they were omitted
entirely, so the whole document was on one line, unless
there were literal line breaks in pre sections. This makes
the HTML writer's behavior more consistent with that of
other writers.
- Put newline after `<dd>`.
- Put newlines after block-level elements in footnote section.