Removed writerSourceURL, add source URL to common state.
Removed `writerSourceURL` from `WriterOptions` (API change). Added `stSourceURL` to `CommonState`. It is set automatically by `setInputFiles`. Text.Pandoc.Class now exports `setInputFiles`, `setOutputFile`. The type of `getInputFiles` has changed; it now returns `[FilePath]` instead of `Maybe [FilePath]`. Functions in Class that formerly took the source URL as a parameter now have one fewer parameter (`fetchItem`, `downloadOrRead`, `setMediaResource`, `fillMediaBag`). Removed `WriterOptions` parameter from `makeSelfContained` in `SelfContained`.
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 118 additions and 123 deletions
@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Builder (setMeta)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocIO, extractMedia, fillMediaBag, getLog,
setResourcePath, getMediaBag, setTrace, report,
setUserDataDir, readFileStrict, readDataFile,
readDefaultDataFile, setTranslations)
readDefaultDataFile, setTranslations,
setInputFiles, setOutputFile)
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (highlightingStyles)
import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (parseBCP47, Lang(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Lua (runLuaFilter, LuaException(..))
@ -169,14 +170,13 @@ pdfWriterAndProg mWriter mEngine = do
convertWithOpts :: Opt -> IO ()
convertWithOpts opts = do
let args = optInputFiles opts
let outputFile = fromMaybe "-" (optOutputFile opts)
let filters = optFilters opts
let verbosity = optVerbosity opts
when (optDumpArgs opts) $
do UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout outputFile
mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout) args
mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout) (optInputFiles opts)
epubMetadata <- case optEpubMetadata opts of
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
let filters' = if needsCiteproc then "pandoc-citeproc" : filters
else filters
let sources = case args of
let sources = case optInputFiles opts of
[] -> ["-"]
xs | optIgnoreArgs opts -> ["-"]
| otherwise -> xs
@ -261,15 +261,6 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
_ -> e
let standalone = optStandalone opts || not (isTextFormat format) || pdfOutput
let sourceURL = case sources of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> case parseURI x of
Just u
| uriScheme u `elem` ["http:","https:"] ->
Just $ show u{ uriQuery = "",
uriFragment = "" }
_ -> Nothing
let addStringAsVariable varname s vars = return $ (varname, s) : vars
highlightStyle <- lookupHighlightStyle $ optHighlightStyle opts
@ -347,6 +338,8 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
runIO' $ do
setUserDataDir datadir
setInputFiles (optInputFiles opts)
setOutputFile (optOutputFile opts)
variables <-
withList (addStringAsVariable "sourcefile")
@ -449,7 +442,6 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
, writerColumns = optColumns opts
, writerEmailObfuscation = optEmailObfuscation opts
, writerIdentifierPrefix = optIdentifierPrefix opts
, writerSourceURL = sourceURL
, writerHtmlQTags = optHtmlQTags opts
, writerTopLevelDivision = optTopLevelDivision opts
, writerListings = optListings opts
@ -509,7 +501,7 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
setResourcePath (optResourcePath opts)
doc <- sourceToDoc sources >>=
( (if isJust (optExtractMedia opts)
then fillMediaBag (writerSourceURL writerOptions)
then fillMediaBag
else return)
>=> return . flip (foldr addMetadata) metadata
>=> applyLuaFilters datadir (optLuaFilters opts) format
@ -545,8 +537,7 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
if optSelfContained opts && htmlFormat
-- TODO not maximally efficient; change type
-- of makeSelfContained so it works w/ Text
then T.pack <$> makeSelfContained writerOptions
(T.unpack output)
then T.pack <$> makeSelfContained (T.unpack output)
else return output
type Transform = Pandoc -> Pandoc
@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Class ( PandocMonad(..)
, getUserDataDir
, fetchItem
, getInputFiles
, setInputFiles
, getOutputFile
, setOutputFile
, setResourcePath
, getResourcePath
, PandocIO(..)
@ -251,12 +253,29 @@ insertMedia fp mime bs = do
let mb' = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs mb
setMediaBag mb'
getInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => m (Maybe [FilePath])
getInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => m [FilePath]
getInputFiles = getsCommonState stInputFiles
setInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> m ()
setInputFiles fs = do
let sourceURL = case fs of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> case parseURI x of
Just u
| uriScheme u `elem` ["http:","https:"] ->
Just $ show u{ uriQuery = "",
uriFragment = "" }
_ -> Nothing
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stInputFiles = fs
, stSourceURL = sourceURL }
getOutputFile :: PandocMonad m => m (Maybe FilePath)
getOutputFile = getsCommonState stOutputFile
setOutputFile :: PandocMonad m => Maybe FilePath -> m ()
setOutputFile mbf = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stOutputFile = mbf }
setResourcePath :: PandocMonad m => [FilePath] -> m ()
setResourcePath ps = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stResourcePath = ps}
@ -289,12 +308,14 @@ data CommonState = CommonState { stLog :: [LogMessage]
-- ^ A list of log messages in reverse order
, stUserDataDir :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Directory to search for data files
, stSourceURL :: Maybe String
-- ^ Absolute URL + dir of 1st source file
, stMediaBag :: MediaBag
-- ^ Media parsed from binary containers
, stTranslations :: Maybe
(Lang, Maybe Translations)
-- ^ Translations for localization
, stInputFiles :: Maybe [FilePath]
, stInputFiles :: [FilePath]
-- ^ List of input files from command line
, stOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Output file from command line
@ -311,9 +332,10 @@ data CommonState = CommonState { stLog :: [LogMessage]
instance Default CommonState where
def = CommonState { stLog = []
, stUserDataDir = Nothing
, stSourceURL = Nothing
, stMediaBag = mempty
, stTranslations = Nothing
, stInputFiles = Nothing
, stInputFiles = []
, stOutputFile = Nothing
, stResourcePath = ["."]
, stVerbosity = WARNING
@ -473,20 +495,19 @@ getUserDataDir = getsCommonState stUserDataDir
-- | Fetch an image or other item from the local filesystem or the net.
-- Returns raw content and maybe mime type.
fetchItem :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String
-> String
=> String
-> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
fetchItem sourceURL s = do
fetchItem s = do
mediabag <- getMediaBag
case lookupMedia s mediabag of
Just (mime, bs) -> return (BL.toStrict bs, Just mime)
Nothing -> downloadOrRead sourceURL s
Nothing -> downloadOrRead s
downloadOrRead :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String
-> String
=> String
-> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
downloadOrRead sourceURL s =
downloadOrRead s = do
sourceURL <- getsCommonState stSourceURL
case (sourceURL >>= parseURIReference' .
ensureEscaped, ensureEscaped s) of
(Just u, s') -> -- try fetching from relative path at source
@ -637,10 +658,9 @@ withPaths (p:ps) action fp =
-- | Fetch local or remote resource (like an image) and provide data suitable
-- for adding it to the MediaBag.
fetchMediaResource :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String -> String
-> m (FilePath, Maybe MimeType, BL.ByteString)
fetchMediaResource sourceUrl src = do
(bs, mt) <- downloadOrRead sourceUrl src
=> String -> m (FilePath, Maybe MimeType, BL.ByteString)
fetchMediaResource src = do
(bs, mt) <- downloadOrRead src
let ext = fromMaybe (takeExtension src)
(mt >>= extensionFromMimeType)
let bs' = BL.fromChunks [bs]
@ -650,15 +670,15 @@ fetchMediaResource sourceUrl src = do
-- | Traverse tree, filling media bag for any images that
-- aren't already in the media bag.
fillMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => Maybe String -> Pandoc -> m Pandoc
fillMediaBag sourceURL d = walkM handleImage d
fillMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => Pandoc -> m Pandoc
fillMediaBag d = walkM handleImage d
where handleImage :: PandocMonad m => Inline -> m Inline
handleImage (Image attr lab (src, tit)) = catchError
(do mediabag <- getMediaBag
case lookupMedia src mediabag of
Just (_, _) -> return $ Image attr lab (src, tit)
Nothing -> do
(fname, mt, bs) <- fetchMediaResource sourceURL src
(fname, mt, bs) <- fetchMediaResource src
insertMedia fname mt bs
return $ Image attr lab (fname, tit))
(\e ->
@ -136,11 +136,9 @@ mediaDirectoryFn mbRef = do
insertResource :: IORef MB.MediaBag
-> String
-> OrNil String
-> Lua NumResults
insertResource mbRef src sourceUrlOrNil = do
(fp, mimeType, bs) <- liftIO . runIOorExplode $
fetchMediaResource (toMaybe sourceUrlOrNil) src
insertResource mbRef src = do
(fp, mimeType, bs) <- liftIO . runIOorExplode $ fetchMediaResource src
liftIO $ print (fp, mimeType)
insertMediaFn mbRef fp (OrNil mimeType) bs
@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
, writerEmailObfuscation :: ObfuscationMethod -- ^ How to obfuscate emails
, writerIdentifierPrefix :: String -- ^ Prefix for section & note ids in HTML
-- and for footnote marks in markdown
, writerSourceURL :: Maybe String -- ^ Absolute URL + directory of 1st source file
, writerCiteMethod :: CiteMethod -- ^ How to print cites
, writerHtmlQTags :: Bool -- ^ Use @<q>@ tags for quotes in HTML
, writerSlideLevel :: Maybe Int -- ^ Force header level of slides
@ -244,7 +243,6 @@ instance Default WriterOptions where
, writerColumns = 72
, writerEmailObfuscation = NoObfuscation
, writerIdentifierPrefix = ""
, writerSourceURL = Nothing
, writerCiteMethod = Citeproc
, writerHtmlQTags = False
, writerSlideLevel = Nothing
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ makePDF program writer opts verbosity mediabag doc = do
else withTempDir
resourcePath <- getResourcePath
liftIO $ withTemp "tex2pdf." $ \tmpdir -> do
doc' <- handleImages verbosity opts resourcePath mediabag tmpdir doc
doc' <- handleImages verbosity resourcePath mediabag tmpdir doc
source <- runIOorExplode $ do
setVerbosity verbosity
writer opts doc'
@ -141,18 +141,17 @@ makePDF program writer opts verbosity mediabag doc = do
_ -> return $ Left $ UTF8.fromStringLazy $ "Unknown program " ++ program
handleImages :: Verbosity
-> WriterOptions
-> [FilePath]
-> MediaBag
-> FilePath -- ^ temp dir to store images
-> Pandoc -- ^ document
-> IO Pandoc
handleImages verbosity opts resourcePath mediabag tmpdir doc = do
handleImages verbosity resourcePath mediabag tmpdir doc = do
doc' <- runIOorExplode $ do
setVerbosity verbosity
setResourcePath resourcePath
setMediaBag mediabag
fillMediaBag (writerSourceURL opts) doc >>=
fillMediaBag doc >>=
extractMedia tmpdir
walkM (convertImages verbosity tmpdir) doc'
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ csvTableDirective top fields rawcsv = do
rawcsv' <- case trim <$>
lookup "file" fields `mplus` lookup "url" fields of
Just u -> do
(bs, _) <- fetchItem Nothing u
(bs, _) <- fetchItem u
return $ UTF8.toString bs
Nothing -> return rawcsv
let res = parseCSV opts (T.pack $ case explicitHeader of
@ -70,14 +70,8 @@ instance Default T2TMeta where
-- | Get the meta information required by Txt2Tags macros
getT2TMeta :: PandocMonad m => m T2TMeta
getT2TMeta = do
mbInps <- P.getInputFiles
let inps = case mbInps of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> []
mbOutp <- P.getOutputFile
let outp = case mbOutp of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> ""
inps <- P.getInputFiles
outp <- fromMaybe "" <$> P.getOutputFile
curDate <- formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" <$> P.getZonedTime
let getModTime = fmap (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%T") .
@ -42,10 +42,11 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, toLower)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Network.URI (URI (..), escapeURIString, parseURI)
import Network.URI (escapeURIString)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, takeExtension, (</>))
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad (..), fetchItem, report)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad (..), fetchItem, report,
getInputFiles, setInputFiles)
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType)
@ -68,29 +69,29 @@ makeDataURI (mime, raw) =
then mime ++ ";charset=utf-8"
else mime -- mime type already has charset
convertTags :: PandocMonad m => Maybe String -> [Tag String] -> m [Tag String]
convertTags _ [] = return []
convertTags sourceURL (t@TagOpen{}:ts)
| fromAttrib "data-external" t == "1" = (t:) <$> convertTags sourceURL ts
convertTags sourceURL (t@(TagOpen tagname as):ts)
convertTags :: PandocMonad m => [Tag String] -> m [Tag String]
convertTags [] = return []
convertTags (t@TagOpen{}:ts)
| fromAttrib "data-external" t == "1" = (t:) <$> convertTags ts
convertTags (t@(TagOpen tagname as):ts)
| tagname `elem`
["img", "embed", "video", "input", "audio", "source", "track"] = do
as' <- mapM processAttribute as
rest <- convertTags sourceURL ts
rest <- convertTags ts
return $ TagOpen tagname as' : rest
where processAttribute (x,y) =
if x == "src" || x == "data-src" || x == "href" || x == "poster"
then do
enc <- getDataURI sourceURL (fromAttrib "type" t) y
enc <- getDataURI (fromAttrib "type" t) y
return (x, enc)
else return (x,y)
convertTags sourceURL (t@(TagOpen "script" as):TagClose "script":ts) =
convertTags (t@(TagOpen "script" as):TagClose "script":ts) =
case fromAttrib "src" t of
[] -> (t:) <$> convertTags sourceURL ts
[] -> (t:) <$> convertTags ts
src -> do
let typeAttr = fromAttrib "type" t
res <- getData sourceURL typeAttr src
rest <- convertTags sourceURL ts
res <- getData typeAttr src
rest <- convertTags ts
case res of
Left dataUri -> return $ TagOpen "script"
(("src",dataUri) : [(x,y) | (x,y) <- as, x /= "src"]) :
@ -110,21 +111,21 @@ convertTags sourceURL (t@(TagOpen "script" as):TagClose "script":ts) =
(("src",makeDataURI (mime, bs)) :
[(x,y) | (x,y) <- as, x /= "src"]) :
TagClose "script" : rest
convertTags sourceURL (t@(TagOpen "link" as):ts) =
convertTags (t@(TagOpen "link" as):ts) =
case fromAttrib "href" t of
[] -> (t:) <$> convertTags sourceURL ts
[] -> (t:) <$> convertTags ts
src -> do
res <- getData sourceURL (fromAttrib "type" t) src
res <- getData (fromAttrib "type" t) src
case res of
Left dataUri -> do
rest <- convertTags sourceURL ts
rest <- convertTags ts
return $ TagOpen "link"
(("href",dataUri) : [(x,y) | (x,y) <- as, x /= "href"]) :
Right (mime, bs)
| "text/css" `isPrefixOf` mime
&& not ("</" `B.isInfixOf` bs) -> do
rest <- convertTags sourceURL $
rest <- convertTags $
dropWhile (==TagClose "link") ts
return $
TagOpen "style" [("type", mime)]
@ -132,16 +133,16 @@ convertTags sourceURL (t@(TagOpen "link" as):ts) =
: TagClose "style"
: rest
| otherwise -> do
rest <- convertTags sourceURL ts
rest <- convertTags ts
return $ TagOpen "link"
(("href",makeDataURI (mime, bs)) :
[(x,y) | (x,y) <- as, x /= "href"]) : rest
convertTags sourceURL (t:ts) = (t:) <$> convertTags sourceURL ts
convertTags (t:ts) = (t:) <$> convertTags ts
cssURLs :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String -> FilePath -> ByteString -> m ByteString
cssURLs sourceURL d orig = do
res <- runParserT (parseCSSUrls sourceURL d) () "css" orig
=> FilePath -> ByteString -> m ByteString
cssURLs d orig = do
res <- runParserT (parseCSSUrls d) () "css" orig
case res of
Left e -> do
report $ CouldNotParseCSS (show e)
@ -149,17 +150,16 @@ cssURLs sourceURL d orig = do
Right bs -> return bs
parseCSSUrls :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String -> FilePath -> ParsecT ByteString () m ByteString
parseCSSUrls sourceURL d = B.concat <$> P.many
(pCSSWhite <|> pCSSComment <|> pCSSImport sourceURL d <|>
pCSSUrl sourceURL d <|> pCSSOther)
=> FilePath -> ParsecT ByteString () m ByteString
parseCSSUrls d = B.concat <$> P.many
(pCSSWhite <|> pCSSComment <|> pCSSImport d <|> pCSSUrl d <|> pCSSOther)
pCSSImport :: PandocMonad m => Maybe String -> FilePath
-> ParsecT ByteString () m ByteString
pCSSImport sourceURL d = P.try $ do
pCSSImport :: PandocMonad m
=> FilePath -> ParsecT ByteString () m ByteString
pCSSImport d = P.try $ do
P.string "@import"
res <- (pQuoted <|> pUrl) >>= handleCSSUrl sourceURL d
res <- (pQuoted <|> pUrl) >>= handleCSSUrl d
P.char ';'
@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ pCSSOther = do
(B.singleton <$> P.char '/')
pCSSUrl :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String -> FilePath -> ParsecT ByteString () m ByteString
pCSSUrl sourceURL d = P.try $ do
res <- pUrl >>= handleCSSUrl sourceURL d
=> FilePath -> ParsecT ByteString () m ByteString
pCSSUrl d = P.try $ do
res <- pUrl >>= handleCSSUrl d
case res of
Left b -> return b
Right (mt,b) -> do
@ -215,41 +215,41 @@ pUrl = P.try $ do
return (url, fallback)
handleCSSUrl :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String -> FilePath -> (String, ByteString)
=> FilePath -> (String, ByteString)
-> ParsecT ByteString () m
(Either ByteString (MimeType, ByteString))
handleCSSUrl sourceURL d (url, fallback) = do
handleCSSUrl d (url, fallback) = do
-- pipes are used in URLs provided by Google Code fonts
-- but parseURI doesn't like them, so we escape them:
case escapeURIString (/='|') (trim url) of
'#':_ -> return $ Left fallback
'd':'a':'t':'a':':':_ -> return $ Left fallback
u -> do let url' = if isURI u then u else d </> u
res <- lift $ getData sourceURL "" url'
res <- lift $ getData "" url'
case res of
Left uri -> return $ Left (B.pack $ "url(" ++ uri ++ ")")
Right (mt, raw) -> do
-- note that the downloaded CSS may
-- itself contain url(...).
b <- if "text/css" `isPrefixOf` mt
then cssURLs sourceURL d raw
then cssURLs d raw
else return raw
return $ Right (mt, b)
getDataURI :: PandocMonad m => Maybe String -> MimeType -> String -> m String
getDataURI sourceURL mimetype src = do
res <- getData sourceURL mimetype src
getDataURI :: PandocMonad m => MimeType -> String -> m String
getDataURI mimetype src = do
res <- getData mimetype src
case res of
Left uri -> return uri
Right x -> return $ makeDataURI x
getData :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String -> MimeType -> String
=> MimeType -> String
-> m (Either String (MimeType, ByteString))
getData _ _ src@('d':'a':'t':'a':':':_) = return $ Left src-- already data: uri
getData sourceURL mimetype src = do
getData _ src@('d':'a':'t':'a':':':_) = return $ Left src-- already data: uri
getData mimetype src = do
let ext = map toLower $ takeExtension src
(raw, respMime) <- fetchItem sourceURL src
(raw, respMime) <- fetchItem src
let raw' = if ext == ".gz"
then B.concat $ L.toChunks $ Gzip.decompress $ L.fromChunks
$ [raw]
@ -259,15 +259,13 @@ getData sourceURL mimetype src = do
$ "Could not determine mime type for `" ++ src ++ "'"
(x, Nothing) -> return x
(_, Just x ) -> return x
let cssSourceURL = case parseURI src of
Just u
| uriScheme u `elem` ["http:","https:"] ->
Just $ show u{ uriPath = "",
uriQuery = "",
uriFragment = "" }
_ -> Nothing
result <- if "text/css" `isPrefixOf` mime
then cssURLs cssSourceURL (takeDirectory src) raw'
then do
oldInputs <- getInputFiles
setInputFiles [src]
res <- cssURLs (takeDirectory src) raw'
setInputFiles oldInputs
return res
else return raw'
return $ Right (mime, result)
@ -275,8 +273,8 @@ getData sourceURL mimetype src = do
-- | Convert HTML into self-contained HTML, incorporating images,
-- scripts, and CSS using data: URIs.
makeSelfContained :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> String -> m String
makeSelfContained opts inp = do
makeSelfContained :: PandocMonad m => String -> m String
makeSelfContained inp = do
let tags = parseTags inp
out' <- convertTags (writerSourceURL opts) tags
out' <- convertTags tags
return $ renderTags' out'
@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Image attr alt (src, title)) = do
Just (_,_,_,elt,_) -> return [elt]
Nothing -> do
(do (img, mt) <- P.fetchItem (writerSourceURL opts) src
(do (img, mt) <- P.fetchItem src
ident <- ("rId"++) `fmap` ((lift . lift) getUniqueId)
let (xpt,ypt) = desiredSizeInPoints opts attr
(either (const def) id (imageSize opts img))
@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ modifyMediaRef opts oldsrc = do
case lookup oldsrc media of
Just (n,_) -> return n
Nothing -> catchError
(do (img, mbMime) <- P.fetchItem (writerSourceURL opts) oldsrc
(do (img, mbMime) <- P.fetchItem oldsrc
let new = "media/file" ++ show (length media) ++
fromMaybe (takeExtension (takeWhile (/='?') oldsrc))
(('.':) <$> (mbMime >>= extensionFromMimeType))
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ fetchImage href link = do
else return Nothing
(True, Just _) -> return Nothing -- not base64-encoded
_ -> do
catchError (do (bs, mbmime) <- P.fetchItem Nothing link
catchError (do (bs, mbmime) <- P.fetchItem link
case mbmime of
Nothing -> do
report $ CouldNotDetermineMimeType link
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ styleToStrAttr style =
imageICML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> Attr -> Target -> WS m Doc
imageICML opts style attr (src, _) = do
imgS <- catchError
(do (img, _) <- P.fetchItem (writerSourceURL opts) src
(do (img, _) <- P.fetchItem src
case imageSize opts img of
Right size -> return size
Left msg -> do
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ addLang lang = everywhere' (mkT updateLangAttr)
-- | transform both Image and Math elements
transformPicMath :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions ->Inline -> O m Inline
transformPicMath opts (Image attr@(id', cls, _) lab (src,t)) = catchError
(do (img, mbMimeType) <- P.fetchItem (writerSourceURL opts) src
(do (img, mbMimeType) <- P.fetchItem src
(ptX, ptY) <- case imageSize opts img of
Right s -> return $ sizeInPoints s
Left msg -> do
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ import Text.Printf (printf)
-- If file not found or filetype not jpeg or png, leave the inline unchanged.
rtfEmbedImage :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Inline -> m Inline
rtfEmbedImage opts x@(Image attr _ (src,_)) = catchError
(do result <- P.fetchItem (writerSourceURL opts) src
(do result <- P.fetchItem src
case result of
(imgdata, Just mime)
| mime == "image/jpeg" || mime == "image/png" -> do
@ -13,10 +13,8 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Class
muse :: Text -> Pandoc
muse = purely $ \s -> do
def { stInputFiles = Just ["in"]
, stOutputFile = Just "out"
setInputFiles ["in"]
setOutputFile (Just "out")
readMuse def s
infix 4 =:
@ -14,10 +14,8 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Class
t2t :: Text -> Pandoc
-- t2t = handleError . readTxt2Tags (T2TMeta "date" "mtime" "in" "out") def
t2t = purely $ \s -> do
def { stInputFiles = Just ["in"]
, stOutputFile = Just "out"
setInputFiles ["in"]
setOutputFile (Just "out")
readTxt2Tags def s
infix 4 =:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Add table
Reference in a new issue