Merge pull request #3945 from tarleb/lua-mediabag

Lua mediabag module
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2017-09-30 10:50:02 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9b7d652ab7
6 changed files with 252 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -1062,3 +1062,80 @@ Lua functions for pandoc scripts.
return {pandoc.global_filter()}
-- the above is equivallent to
-- return {{Str = Str}}
# Submodule mediabag
The submodule `mediabag` allows accessing pandoc's media
storage. The "media bag" is used when pandoc is called with the
`--extract-media` or `--standalone`/`-s` option.
[`insert (filepath, mime_type, contents)`]{#mediabag-insert}
: Adds a new entry to pandoc's media bag.
: filename and path relative to the output folder.
: the file's MIME type
: the binary contents of the file.
local fp = "media/hello.txt"
local mt = "text/plain"
local contents = "Hello, World!"
pandoc.mediabag(fp, mt, contents)
[`list ()`]{#mediabag-list}
: Get a summary of the current media bag contents.
Returns: A list of elements summarizing each entry in the
media bag. The summary item contains the keys `path`,
`type`, and `length`, giving the filepath, MIME type, and
length of contents in bytes, respectively.
-- calculate the size of the media bag.
local mb_items = pandoc.mediabag.list()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, #mb_items:
sum = sum + mb_items[i].length
[`lookup (filepath)`]{#mediabag-lookup}
: Lookup a media item in the media bag, returning mime type
and contents.
: name of the file to look up.
- the entries MIME type, or nil if the file was not found.
- contents of the file, or nil if the file was not found.
local filename = "media/diagram.png"
local mt, contents = pandoc.mediabag.lookup(filename)
[`fetch (source, base_url)`]{#mediabag-fetch}
: Fetches the given source and inserts it into the media bag
using a SHA1 hash of the content as filename.
local diagram_url = ""
pandoc.mediabag.fetch(diagram_url, ".")

View file

@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
( (if isJust (optExtractMedia opts)
then fillMediaBag (writerSourceURL writerOptions)
else return)
>=> maybe return extractMedia (optExtractMedia opts)
>=> return . flip (foldr addMetadata) metadata
>=> applyTransforms transforms
>=> applyLuaFilters datadir (optLuaFilters opts) format
>=> maybe return extractMedia (optExtractMedia opts)
>=> applyTransforms transforms
>=> applyFilters readerOpts datadir filters' [format]
media <- getMediaBag
@ -850,16 +850,15 @@ expandFilterPath mbDatadir fp = liftIO $ do
else return fp
_ -> return fp
applyLuaFilters :: MonadIO m
=> Maybe FilePath -> [FilePath] -> String -> Pandoc
-> m Pandoc
applyLuaFilters :: Maybe FilePath -> [FilePath] -> String -> Pandoc
-> PandocIO Pandoc
applyLuaFilters mbDatadir filters format d = do
expandedFilters <- mapM (expandFilterPath mbDatadir) filters
let go f d' = liftIO $ do
res <- E.try (runLuaFilter mbDatadir f format d')
let go f d' = do
res <- runLuaFilter mbDatadir f format d'
case res of
Right x -> return x
Left (LuaException s) -> E.throw (PandocFilterError f s)
Right x -> return x
Left (LuaException s) -> E.throw (PandocFilterError f s)
foldrM ($) d $ map go expandedFilters
applyFilters :: MonadIO m

View file

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Class ( PandocMonad(..)
, runPure
, readDefaultDataFile
, readDataFile
, fetchMediaResource
, fillMediaBag
, extractMedia
, toLang
@ -246,9 +247,9 @@ getMediaBag = getsCommonState stMediaBag
insertMedia :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> Maybe MimeType -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
insertMedia fp mime bs = do
mb <- getsCommonState stMediaBag
mb <- getMediaBag
let mb' = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs mb
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stMediaBag = mb' }
setMediaBag mb'
getInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => m (Maybe [FilePath])
getInputFiles = getsCommonState stInputFiles
@ -633,6 +634,20 @@ withPaths (p:ps) action fp =
catchError (action (p </> fp))
(\_ -> withPaths ps action fp)
-- | Fetch local or remote resource (like an image) and provide data suitable
-- for adding it to the MediaBag.
fetchMediaResource :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String -> String
-> m (FilePath, Maybe MimeType, BL.ByteString)
fetchMediaResource sourceUrl src = do
(bs, mt) <- downloadOrRead sourceUrl src
let ext = fromMaybe (takeExtension src)
(mt >>= extensionFromMimeType)
let bs' = BL.fromChunks [bs]
let basename = showDigest $ sha1 bs'
let fname = basename <.> ext
return (fname, mt, bs')
-- | Traverse tree, filling media bag for any images that
-- aren't already in the media bag.
fillMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => Maybe String -> Pandoc -> m Pandoc
@ -643,13 +658,8 @@ fillMediaBag sourceURL d = walkM handleImage d
case lookupMedia src mediabag of
Just (_, _) -> return $ Image attr lab (src, tit)
Nothing -> do
(bs, mt) <- downloadOrRead sourceURL src
let ext = fromMaybe (takeExtension src)
(mt >>= extensionFromMimeType)
let bs' = BL.fromChunks [bs]
let basename = showDigest $ sha1 bs'
let fname = basename <.> ext
insertMedia fname mt bs'
(fname, mt, bs) <- fetchMediaResource sourceURL src
insertMedia fname mt bs
return $ Image attr lab (fname, tit))
(\e ->
case e of

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@ -39,26 +39,40 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..))
import Data.Data (DataType, Data, toConstr, showConstr, dataTypeOf,
dataTypeConstrs, dataTypeName, tyconUQname)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Foreign.Lua (Lua, FromLuaStack (peek), LuaException (..), StackIndex,
Status (OK), ToLuaStack (push))
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocIO, getMediaBag, setMediaBag)
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule (pushPandocModule)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule (pushPandocModule, pushMediaBagModule)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
runLuaFilter :: (MonadIO m)
=> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> Pandoc -> m Pandoc
runLuaFilter datadir filterPath format pd = liftIO . Lua.runLua $ do
runLuaFilter :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> String
-> Pandoc -> PandocIO (Either LuaException Pandoc)
runLuaFilter datadir filterPath format pd = do
mediaBag <- getMediaBag
mediaBagRef <- liftIO (newIORef mediaBag)
res <- liftIO . Lua.runLuaEither $
runLuaFilter' datadir filterPath format mediaBagRef pd
newMediaBag <- liftIO (readIORef mediaBagRef)
setMediaBag newMediaBag
return res
runLuaFilter' :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IORef MediaBag
-> Pandoc -> Lua Pandoc
runLuaFilter' datadir filterPath format mbRef pd = do
-- store module in global "pandoc"
pushPandocModule datadir
Lua.setglobal "pandoc"
push format
Lua.setglobal "FORMAT"
top <- Lua.gettop
stat <- Lua.dofile filterPath
if stat /= OK
@ -71,6 +85,16 @@ runLuaFilter datadir filterPath format pd = liftIO . Lua.runLua $ do
when (newtop - top < 1) pushGlobalFilter
luaFilters <- peek (-1)
runAll luaFilters pd
addMediaBagModule = do
Lua.getglobal "pandoc"
push "mediabag"
pushMediaBagModule mbRef
Lua.rawset (-3)
registerFormat = do
push format
Lua.setglobal "FORMAT"
pushGlobalFilter :: Lua ()
pushGlobalFilter = do

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@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#if !MIN_VERSION_hslua(0,9,0)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule
Copyright : Copyright © 2017 Albert Krewinkel
@ -25,28 +29,37 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Pandoc module for lua.
module Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule ( pushPandocModule ) where
module Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule
( pushPandocModule
, pushMediaBagModule
) where
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad (unless, zipWithM_)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.Default (Default (..))
import Data.IORef
import Data.Text (pack)
import Foreign.Lua (Lua, Status (OK), NumResults, call, loadstring, liftIO,
push, pushHaskellFunction, rawset)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (readDataFile, runIO, runIOorExplode, setUserDataDir)
import Foreign.Lua (Lua, FromLuaStack, ToLuaStack, NumResults, liftIO)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (fetchMediaResource, readDataFile, runIO,
runIOorExplode, setUserDataDir)
import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions(readerExtensions))
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.StackInstances ()
import Text.Pandoc.Readers (Reader (..), getReader)
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType)
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Text.Pandoc.MediaBag as MB
-- | Push the "pandoc" on the lua stack.
pushPandocModule :: Maybe FilePath -> Lua ()
pushPandocModule datadir = do
script <- liftIO (pandocModuleScript datadir)
status <- loadstring script
unless (status /= OK) $ call 0 1
push "__read"
pushHaskellFunction readDoc
rawset (-3)
status <- Lua.loadstring script
unless (status /= Lua.OK) $ 0 1
Lua.push "__read"
Lua.pushHaskellFunction readDoc
Lua.rawset (-3)
-- | Get the string representation of the pandoc module
pandocModuleScript :: Maybe FilePath -> IO String
@ -56,14 +69,98 @@ pandocModuleScript datadir = unpack <$>
readDoc :: String -> String -> Lua NumResults
readDoc formatSpec content = do
case getReader formatSpec of
Left s -> push s -- Unknown reader
Left s -> Lua.push s -- Unknown reader
Right (reader, es) ->
case reader of
TextReader r -> do
res <- liftIO $ runIO $ r def{ readerExtensions = es } (pack content)
case res of
Left s -> push $ show s -- error while reading
Right pd -> push pd -- success, push Pandoc
_ -> push "Only string formats are supported at the moment."
Left s -> Lua.push $ show s -- error while reading
Right pd -> Lua.push pd -- success, push Pandoc
_ -> Lua.push "Only string formats are supported at the moment."
return 1
-- MediaBag submodule
pushMediaBagModule :: IORef MB.MediaBag -> Lua ()
pushMediaBagModule mediaBagRef = do
addFunction "insert" (insertMediaFn mediaBagRef)
addFunction "lookup" (lookupMediaFn mediaBagRef)
addFunction "list" (mediaDirectoryFn mediaBagRef)
addFunction "fetch" (insertResource mediaBagRef)
return ()
addFunction name fn = do
Lua.push name
Lua.pushHaskellFunction fn
Lua.rawset (-3)
insertMediaFn :: IORef MB.MediaBag
-> FilePath
-> OrNil MimeType
-> BL.ByteString
-> Lua NumResults
insertMediaFn mbRef fp nilOrMime contents = do
liftIO . modifyIORef' mbRef $ MB.insertMedia fp (toMaybe nilOrMime) contents
return 0
lookupMediaFn :: IORef MB.MediaBag
-> FilePath
-> Lua NumResults
lookupMediaFn mbRef fp = do
res <- MB.lookupMedia fp <$> liftIO (readIORef mbRef)
case res of
Nothing -> Lua.pushnil *> return 1
Just (mimeType, contents) -> do
Lua.push mimeType
Lua.push contents
return 2
mediaDirectoryFn :: IORef MB.MediaBag
-> Lua NumResults
mediaDirectoryFn mbRef = do
dirContents <- MB.mediaDirectory <$> liftIO (readIORef mbRef)
zipWithM_ addEntry [1..] dirContents
return 1
addEntry :: Int -> (FilePath, MimeType, Int) -> Lua ()
addEntry idx (fp, mimeType, contentLength) = do
Lua.push "path" *> Lua.push fp *> Lua.rawset (-3)
Lua.push "type" *> Lua.push mimeType *> Lua.rawset (-3)
Lua.push "length" *> Lua.push contentLength *> Lua.rawset (-3)
Lua.rawseti (-2) idx
insertResource :: IORef MB.MediaBag
-> String
-> OrNil String
-> Lua NumResults
insertResource mbRef src sourceUrlOrNil = do
(fp, mimeType, bs) <- liftIO . runIOorExplode $
fetchMediaResource (toMaybe sourceUrlOrNil) src
liftIO $ print (fp, mimeType)
insertMediaFn mbRef fp (OrNil mimeType) bs
-- Helper types and orphan instances
newtype OrNil a = OrNil { toMaybe :: Maybe a }
instance FromLuaStack a => FromLuaStack (OrNil a) where
peek idx = do
noValue <- Lua.isnil idx
if noValue
then return (OrNil Nothing)
else OrNil . Just <$> Lua.peek idx
#if !MIN_VERSION_hslua(0,9,0)
instance ToLuaStack BL.ByteString where
push = Lua.push . BL.toStrict
instance FromLuaStack BL.ByteString where
peek = fmap BL.fromStrict . Lua.peek

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@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ import Test.Tasty (TestTree, localOption)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual, testCase)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (ioProperty, testProperty, QuickCheckTests(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block, Inline, Meta, Pandoc)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder ( (<>), bulletList, doc, doubleQuoted, emph
, linebreak, rawBlock, singleQuoted, para, plain
, space, str, strong)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (runIOorExplode)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block, Inline, Meta, Pandoc)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua
import Foreign.Lua
@ -80,8 +81,11 @@ tests = map (localOption (QuickCheckTests 20))
assertFilterConversion :: String -> FilePath -> Pandoc -> Pandoc -> Assertion
assertFilterConversion msg filterPath docIn docExpected = do
docRes <- runLuaFilter (Just "../data") ("lua" </> filterPath) [] docIn
assertEqual msg docExpected docRes
docEither <- runIOorExplode $
runLuaFilter (Just "../data") ("lua" </> filterPath) [] docIn
case docEither of
Left _ -> fail "lua filter failed"
Right docRes -> assertEqual msg docExpected docRes
roundtripEqual :: (Eq a, FromLuaStack a, ToLuaStack a) => a -> IO Bool
roundtripEqual x = (x ==) <$> roundtripped