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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-}
2015-01-19 12:00:29 +00:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
Copyright (C) 2011-2017 John MacFarlane <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
2012-01-15 15:43:52 -08:00
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
2012-01-15 15:43:52 -08:00
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2011-2017 John MacFarlane
2012-01-15 15:43:52 -08:00
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
2012-01-15 15:43:52 -08:00
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
2012-01-15 15:43:52 -08:00
Functions for determining the size of a PNG, JPEG, or GIF image.
module Text.Pandoc.ImageSize ( ImageType(..)
, imageType
, imageSize
, sizeInPixels
, sizeInPoints
, desiredSizeInPoints
, Dimension(..)
, Direction(..)
, dimension
, lengthToDim
, scaleDimension
, inInch
, inPixel
, inPoints
, inEm
, numUnit
, showInInch
, showInPixel
, showFl
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
import Data.Default (Default)
import Numeric (showFFloat)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Text.XML.Light as Xml
import qualified Data.Map as M
2016-08-31 17:44:07 -04:00
import Control.Monad.Except
2015-01-19 12:00:29 +00:00
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- quick and dirty functions to get image sizes
-- algorithms borrowed from
data ImageType = Png | Gif | Jpeg | Svg | Pdf | Eps deriving Show
data Direction = Width | Height
instance Show Direction where
show Width = "width"
show Height = "height"
data Dimension = Pixel Integer
| Centimeter Double
| Millimeter Double
| Inch Double
| Percent Double
| Em Double
instance Show Dimension where
show (Pixel a) = show a ++ "px"
show (Centimeter a) = showFl a ++ "cm"
show (Millimeter a) = showFl a ++ "mm"
show (Inch a) = showFl a ++ "in"
show (Percent a) = show a ++ "%"
show (Em a) = showFl a ++ "em"
data ImageSize = ImageSize{
pxX :: Integer
, pxY :: Integer
, dpiX :: Integer
, dpiY :: Integer
} deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Default ImageSize where
def = ImageSize 300 200 72 72
showFl :: (RealFloat a) => a -> String
showFl a = removeExtra0s $ showFFloat (Just 5) a ""
removeExtra0s :: String -> String
removeExtra0s s =
case dropWhile (=='0') $ reverse s of
'.':xs -> reverse xs
xs -> reverse xs
imageType :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageType
imageType img = case B.take 4 img of
"\x89\x50\x4e\x47" -> return Png
"\x47\x49\x46\x38" -> return Gif
"\xff\xd8\xff\xe0" -> return Jpeg -- JFIF
"\xff\xd8\xff\xe1" -> return Jpeg -- Exif
"%PDF" -> return Pdf
"<svg" -> return Svg
| findSvgTag img
-> return Svg
2017-06-02 15:06:14 +02:00
| B.take 4 (B.drop 1 $ B.dropWhile (/=' ') img) == "EPSF"
-> return Eps
_ -> mzero
findSvgTag :: ByteString -> Bool
findSvgTag img = "<svg" `B.isInfixOf` img || "<SVG" `B.isInfixOf` img
imageSize :: WriterOptions -> ByteString -> Either String ImageSize
imageSize opts img =
case imageType img of
Just Png -> mbToEither "could not determine PNG size" $ pngSize img
Just Gif -> mbToEither "could not determine GIF size" $ gifSize img
Just Jpeg -> jpegSize img
Just Svg -> mbToEither "could not determine SVG size" $ svgSize opts img
Just Eps -> mbToEither "could not determine EPS size" $ epsSize img
Just Pdf -> Left "could not determine PDF size" -- TODO
Nothing -> Left "could not determine image type"
where mbToEither msg Nothing = Left msg
mbToEither _ (Just x) = Right x
defaultSize :: (Integer, Integer)
defaultSize = (72, 72)
sizeInPixels :: ImageSize -> (Integer, Integer)
sizeInPixels s = (pxX s, pxY s)
-- | Calculate (height, width) in points using the image file's dpi metadata,
-- using 72 Points == 1 Inch.
sizeInPoints :: ImageSize -> (Double, Double)
sizeInPoints s = (pxXf * 72 / dpiXf, pxYf * 72 / dpiYf)
pxXf = fromIntegral $ pxX s
pxYf = fromIntegral $ pxY s
dpiXf = fromIntegral $ dpiX s
dpiYf = fromIntegral $ dpiY s
-- | Calculate (height, width) in points, considering the desired dimensions in the
-- attribute, while falling back on the image file's dpi metadata if no dimensions
-- are specified in the attribute (or only dimensions in percentages).
desiredSizeInPoints :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> ImageSize -> (Double, Double)
desiredSizeInPoints opts attr s =
case (getDim Width, getDim Height) of
(Just w, Just h) -> (w, h)
(Just w, Nothing) -> (w, w / ratio)
(Nothing, Just h) -> (h * ratio, h)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> sizeInPoints s
ratio = fromIntegral (pxX s) / fromIntegral (pxY s)
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getDim dir = case dimension dir attr of
Just (Percent _) -> Nothing
Just dim -> Just $ inPoints opts dim
Nothing -> Nothing
inPoints :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> Double
inPoints opts dim = 72 * inInch opts dim
inEm :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> Double
inEm opts dim = (64/11) * inInch opts dim
inInch :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> Double
inInch opts dim =
case dim of
2017-06-02 15:06:14 +02:00
(Pixel a) -> fromIntegral a / fromIntegral (writerDpi opts)
(Centimeter a) -> a * 0.3937007874
(Millimeter a) -> a * 0.03937007874
(Inch a) -> a
(Percent _) -> 0
(Em a) -> a * (11/64)
inPixel :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> Integer
inPixel opts dim =
case dim of
(Pixel a) -> a
(Centimeter a) -> floor $ dpi * a * 0.3937007874 :: Integer
(Millimeter a) -> floor $ dpi * a * 0.03937007874 :: Integer
(Inch a) -> floor $ dpi * a :: Integer
(Percent _) -> 0
(Em a) -> floor $ dpi * a * (11/64) :: Integer
dpi = fromIntegral $ writerDpi opts
-- | Convert a Dimension to a String denoting its equivalent in inches, for example "2.00000".
-- Note: Dimensions in percentages are converted to the empty string.
showInInch :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> String
showInInch _ (Percent _) = ""
showInInch opts dim = showFl $ inInch opts dim
-- | Convert a Dimension to a String denoting its equivalent in pixels, for example "600".
-- Note: Dimensions in percentages are converted to the empty string.
showInPixel :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> String
showInPixel _ (Percent _) = ""
showInPixel opts dim = show $ inPixel opts dim
-- | Maybe split a string into a leading number and trailing unit, e.g. "3cm" to Just (3.0, "cm")
numUnit :: String -> Maybe (Double, String)
numUnit s =
let (nums, unit) = span (\c -> isDigit c || ('.'==c)) s
in case safeRead nums of
Just n -> Just (n, unit)
Nothing -> Nothing
-- | Scale a dimension by a factor.
scaleDimension :: Double -> Dimension -> Dimension
scaleDimension factor dim =
case dim of
Pixel x -> Pixel (round $ factor * fromIntegral x)
Centimeter x -> Centimeter (factor * x)
Millimeter x -> Millimeter (factor * x)
Inch x -> Inch (factor * x)
Percent x -> Percent (factor * x)
Em x -> Em (factor * x)
-- | Read a Dimension from an Attr attribute.
-- `dimension Width attr` might return `Just (Pixel 3)` or for example `Just (Centimeter 2.0)`, etc.
dimension :: Direction -> Attr -> Maybe Dimension
dimension dir (_, _, kvs) =
case dir of
Width -> extractDim "width"
Height -> extractDim "height"
extractDim key = lookup key kvs >>= lengthToDim
lengthToDim :: String -> Maybe Dimension
lengthToDim s = numUnit s >>= uncurry toDim
toDim a "cm" = Just $ Centimeter a
toDim a "mm" = Just $ Millimeter a
toDim a "in" = Just $ Inch a
toDim a "inch" = Just $ Inch a
toDim a "%" = Just $ Percent a
toDim a "px" = Just $ Pixel (floor a::Integer)
toDim a "" = Just $ Pixel (floor a::Integer)
toDim a "pt" = Just $ Inch (a / 72)
toDim a "pc" = Just $ Inch (a / 6)
toDim a "em" = Just $ Em a
toDim _ _ = Nothing
epsSize :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageSize
epsSize img = do
let ls = takeWhile ("%" `B.isPrefixOf`) $ B.lines img
let ls' = dropWhile (not . ("%%BoundingBox:" `B.isPrefixOf`)) ls
case ls' of
[] -> mzero
(x:_) -> case B.words x of
2017-06-02 15:06:14 +02:00
[_, _, _, ux, uy] -> do
ux' <- safeRead $ B.unpack ux
uy' <- safeRead $ B.unpack uy
return ImageSize{
pxX = ux'
, pxY = uy'
, dpiX = 72
, dpiY = 72 }
_ -> mzero
pngSize :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageSize
pngSize img = do
let (h, rest) = B.splitAt 8 img
guard $ h == "\x8a\x4d\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a" ||
h == "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a"
let (i, rest') = B.splitAt 4 $ B.drop 4 rest
guard $ i == "MHDR" || i == "IHDR"
let (sizes, rest'') = B.splitAt 8 rest'
2017-06-02 15:06:14 +02:00
(x,y) <- case map fromIntegral $unpack sizes of
([w1,w2,w3,w4,h1,h2,h3,h4] :: [Integer]) -> return
2017-06-02 15:06:14 +02:00
(shift w1 24 + shift w2 16 + shift w3 8 + w4,
shift h1 24 + shift h2 16 + shift h3 8 + h4)
_ -> Nothing -- "PNG parse error"
let (dpix, dpiy) = findpHYs rest''
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return ImageSize { pxX = x, pxY = y, dpiX = dpix, dpiY = dpiy }
findpHYs :: ByteString -> (Integer, Integer)
2017-06-02 15:06:14 +02:00
findpHYs x
| B.null x || "IDAT" `B.isPrefixOf` x = (72,72)
| "pHYs" `B.isPrefixOf` x =
let [x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4,u] =
map fromIntegral $ unpack $ B.take 9 $ B.drop 4 x
factor = if u == 1 -- dots per meter
then \z -> z * 254 `div` 10000
else const 72
in ( factor $ (shift x1 24) + (shift x2 16) + (shift x3 8) + x4,
factor $ (shift y1 24) + (shift y2 16) + (shift y3 8) + y4 )
| otherwise = findpHYs $ B.drop 1 x -- read another byte
gifSize :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageSize
gifSize img = do
let (h, rest) = B.splitAt 6 img
guard $ h == "GIF87a" || h == "GIF89a"
case map fromIntegral $ unpack $ B.take 4 rest of
[w2,w1,h2,h1] -> return ImageSize {
pxX = shift w1 8 + w2,
pxY = shift h1 8 + h2,
dpiX = 72,
dpiY = 72
_ -> Nothing -- "GIF parse error"
svgSize :: WriterOptions -> ByteString -> Maybe ImageSize
svgSize opts img = do
doc <- Xml.parseXMLDoc $ UTF8.toString img
let dpi = fromIntegral $ writerDpi opts
let dirToInt dir = do
dim <- Xml.findAttrBy (== Xml.QName dir Nothing Nothing) doc >>= lengthToDim
return $ inPixel opts dim
w <- dirToInt "width"
h <- dirToInt "height"
return ImageSize {
pxX = w
, pxY = h
, dpiX = dpi
, dpiY = dpi
jpegSize :: ByteString -> Either String ImageSize
jpegSize img =
let (hdr, rest) = B.splitAt 4 img
in if B.length rest < 14
then Left "unable to determine JPEG size"
else case hdr of
"\xff\xd8\xff\xe0" -> jfifSize rest
"\xff\xd8\xff\xe1" -> exifSize rest
_ -> Left "unable to determine JPEG size"
jfifSize :: ByteString -> Either String ImageSize
jfifSize rest =
let [dpiDensity,dpix1,dpix2,dpiy1,dpiy2] = map fromIntegral
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$ unpack $ B.take 5 $B.drop 9 rest
factor = case dpiDensity of
1 -> id
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2 -> \x -> x * 254 `div` 10
_ -> const 72
dpix = factor (shift dpix1 8 + dpix2)
dpiy = factor (shift dpiy1 8 + dpiy2)
in case findJfifSize rest of
Left msg -> Left msg
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Right (w,h) ->Right ImageSize { pxX = w
, pxY = h
, dpiX = dpix
, dpiY = dpiy }
findJfifSize :: ByteString -> Either String (Integer,Integer)
findJfifSize bs =
let bs' = B.dropWhile (=='\xff') $ B.dropWhile (/='\xff') bs
in case B.uncons bs' of
Just (c,bs'') | c >= '\xc0' && c <= '\xc3' ->
case map fromIntegral $ unpack $ B.take 4 $ B.drop 3 bs'' of
[h1,h2,w1,w2] -> Right (shift w1 8 + w2, shift h1 8 + h2)
_ -> Left "JFIF parse error"
Just (_,bs'') ->
case map fromIntegral $ unpack $ B.take 2 bs'' of
[c1,c2] ->
let len = shift c1 8 + c2
-- skip variables
in findJfifSize $ B.drop len bs''
_ -> Left "JFIF parse error"
Nothing -> Left "Did not find JFIF length record"
runGet' :: Get (Either String a) -> BL.ByteString -> Either String a
runGet' p bl =
#if MIN_VERSION_binary(0,7,0)
case runGetOrFail p bl of
Left (_,_,msg) -> Left msg
Right (_,_,x) -> x
runGet p bl
exifSize :: ByteString -> Either String ImageSize
2017-06-02 15:06:14 +02:00
exifSize bs =runGet' header bl
where bl = BL.fromChunks [bs]
2015-01-19 12:00:29 +00:00
header = runExceptT $ exifHeader bl
-- NOTE: It would be nicer to do
-- runGet ((Just <$> exifHeader) <|> return Nothing)
-- which would prevent pandoc from raising an error when an exif header can't
-- be parsed. But we only get an Alternative instance for Get in binary 0.6,
-- and binary 0.5 ships with ghc 7.6.
2015-01-19 12:00:29 +00:00
exifHeader :: BL.ByteString -> ExceptT String Get ImageSize
exifHeader hdr = do
2015-01-19 12:00:29 +00:00
_app1DataSize <- lift getWord16be
exifHdr <- lift getWord32be
unless (exifHdr == 0x45786966) $ throwError "Did not find exif header"
zeros <- lift getWord16be
unless (zeros == 0) $ throwError "Expected zeros after exif header"
-- beginning of tiff header -- we read whole thing to use
-- in getting data from offsets:
let tiffHeader = BL.drop 8 hdr
2015-01-19 12:00:29 +00:00
byteAlign <- lift getWord16be
let bigEndian = byteAlign == 0x4d4d
let (getWord16, getWord32, getWord64) =
if bigEndian
then (getWord16be, getWord32be, getWord64be)
else (getWord16le, getWord32le, getWord64le)
let getRational = do
num <- getWord32
den <- getWord32
return $ fromIntegral num / fromIntegral den
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tagmark <- lift getWord16
unless (tagmark == 0x002a) $ throwError "Failed alignment sanity check"
ifdOffset <- lift getWord32
lift $ skip (fromIntegral ifdOffset - 8) -- skip to IDF
numentries <- lift getWord16
let ifdEntry :: ExceptT String Get (TagType, DataFormat)
ifdEntry = do
tag <- fromMaybe UnknownTagType . flip M.lookup tagTypeTable
<$> lift getWord16
dataFormat <- lift getWord16
numComponents <- lift getWord32
(fmt, bytesPerComponent) <-
case dataFormat of
1 -> return (UnsignedByte <$> getWord8, 1)
2 -> return (AsciiString <$>
(fromIntegral numComponents), 1)
3 -> return (UnsignedShort <$> getWord16, 2)
4 -> return (UnsignedLong <$> getWord32, 4)
5 -> return (UnsignedRational <$> getRational, 8)
6 -> return (SignedByte <$> getWord8, 1)
7 -> return (Undefined <$> getLazyByteString
(fromIntegral numComponents), 1)
8 -> return (SignedShort <$> getWord16, 2)
9 -> return (SignedLong <$> getWord32, 4)
10 -> return (SignedRational <$> getRational, 8)
11 -> return (SingleFloat <$> getWord32 {- TODO -}, 4)
12 -> return (DoubleFloat <$> getWord64 {- TODO -}, 8)
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_ -> throwError $ "Unknown data format " ++ show dataFormat
let totalBytes = fromIntegral $ numComponents * bytesPerComponent
payload <- if totalBytes <= 4 -- data is right here
then lift $ fmt <* skip (4 - totalBytes)
else do -- get data from offset
offs <- lift getWord32
let bytesAtOffset =
BL.take (fromIntegral totalBytes)
$ BL.drop (fromIntegral offs) tiffHeader
case runGet' (Right <$> fmt) bytesAtOffset of
Left msg -> throwError msg
Right x -> return x
return (tag, payload)
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entries <- replicateM (fromIntegral numentries) ifdEntry
subentries <- case lookup ExifOffset entries of
Just (UnsignedLong offset') -> do
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pos <- lift bytesRead
lift $ skip (fromIntegral offset' - (fromIntegral pos - 8))
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numsubentries <- lift getWord16
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replicateM (fromIntegral numsubentries) ifdEntry
_ -> return []
let allentries = entries ++ subentries
(wdth, hght) <- case (lookup ExifImageWidth allentries,
lookup ExifImageHeight allentries) of
(Just (UnsignedLong w), Just (UnsignedLong h)) ->
return (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
_ -> return defaultSize
-- we return a default width and height when
-- the exif header doesn't contain these
let resfactor = case lookup ResolutionUnit allentries of
2017-06-02 15:06:14 +02:00
Just (UnsignedShort 1) -> 100 / 254
_ -> 1
let xres = maybe 72 (\(UnsignedRational x) -> floor $ x * resfactor)
$ lookup XResolution allentries
let yres = maybe 72 (\(UnsignedRational x) -> floor $ x * resfactor)
$ lookup YResolution allentries
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return ImageSize{
pxX = wdth
, pxY = hght
, dpiX = xres
, dpiY = yres }
data DataFormat = UnsignedByte Word8
| AsciiString BL.ByteString
| UnsignedShort Word16
| UnsignedLong Word32
| UnsignedRational Rational
| SignedByte Word8
| Undefined BL.ByteString
| SignedShort Word16
| SignedLong Word32
| SignedRational Rational
| SingleFloat Word32
| DoubleFloat Word64
deriving (Show)
data TagType = ImageDescription
| Make
| Model
| Orientation
| XResolution
| YResolution
| ResolutionUnit
| Software
| DateTime
| WhitePoint
| PrimaryChromaticities
| YCbCrCoefficients
| YCbCrPositioning
| ReferenceBlackWhite
| Copyright
| ExifOffset
| ExposureTime
| FNumber
| ExposureProgram
| ISOSpeedRatings
| ExifVersion
| DateTimeOriginal
| DateTimeDigitized
| ComponentConfiguration
| CompressedBitsPerPixel
| ShutterSpeedValue
| ApertureValue
| BrightnessValue
| ExposureBiasValue
| MaxApertureValue
| SubjectDistance
| MeteringMode
| LightSource
| Flash
| FocalLength
| MakerNote
| UserComment
| FlashPixVersion
| ColorSpace
| ExifImageWidth
| ExifImageHeight
| RelatedSoundFile
| ExifInteroperabilityOffset
| FocalPlaneXResolution
| FocalPlaneYResolution
| FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
| SensingMethod
| FileSource
| SceneType
| UnknownTagType
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
tagTypeTable :: M.Map Word16 TagType
tagTypeTable = M.fromList
[ (0x010e, ImageDescription)
, (0x010f, Make)
, (0x0110, Model)
, (0x0112, Orientation)
, (0x011a, XResolution)
, (0x011b, YResolution)
, (0x0128, ResolutionUnit)
, (0x0131, Software)
, (0x0132, DateTime)
, (0x013e, WhitePoint)
, (0x013f, PrimaryChromaticities)
, (0x0211, YCbCrCoefficients)
, (0x0213, YCbCrPositioning)
, (0x0214, ReferenceBlackWhite)
, (0x8298, Copyright)
, (0x8769, ExifOffset)
, (0x829a, ExposureTime)
, (0x829d, FNumber)
, (0x8822, ExposureProgram)
, (0x8827, ISOSpeedRatings)
, (0x9000, ExifVersion)
, (0x9003, DateTimeOriginal)
, (0x9004, DateTimeDigitized)
, (0x9101, ComponentConfiguration)
, (0x9102, CompressedBitsPerPixel)
, (0x9201, ShutterSpeedValue)
, (0x9202, ApertureValue)
, (0x9203, BrightnessValue)
, (0x9204, ExposureBiasValue)
, (0x9205, MaxApertureValue)
, (0x9206, SubjectDistance)
, (0x9207, MeteringMode)
, (0x9208, LightSource)
, (0x9209, Flash)
, (0x920a, FocalLength)
, (0x927c, MakerNote)
, (0x9286, UserComment)
, (0xa000, FlashPixVersion)
, (0xa001, ColorSpace)
, (0xa002, ExifImageWidth)
, (0xa003, ExifImageHeight)
, (0xa004, RelatedSoundFile)
, (0xa005, ExifInteroperabilityOffset)
, (0xa20e, FocalPlaneXResolution)
, (0xa20f, FocalPlaneYResolution)
, (0xa210, FocalPlaneResolutionUnit)
, (0xa217, SensingMethod)
, (0xa300, FileSource)
, (0xa301, SceneType)