ImageSize: Added functions for converting between image dimensions.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 138 additions and 15 deletions
@ -29,17 +29,37 @@ Portability : portable
Functions for determining the size of a PNG, JPEG, or GIF image.
module Text.Pandoc.ImageSize ( ImageType(..), imageType, imageSize,
sizeInPixels, sizeInPoints ) where
module Text.Pandoc.ImageSize ( ImageType(..)
, imageType
, imageSize
, sizeInPixels
, sizeInPoints
, desiredSizeInPoints
, Dimension(..)
, Direction(..)
, dimension
, inInch
, inPoints
, numUnit
, showInInch
, showInPixel
, showFl
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead, hush)
import Data.Default (Default)
import Numeric (showFFloat)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans
@ -49,6 +69,20 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- algorithms borrowed from
data ImageType = Png | Gif | Jpeg | Pdf | Eps deriving Show
data Direction = Width | Height
instance Show Direction where
show Width = "width"
show Height = "height"
data Dimension = Pixel Integer
| Centimeter Double
| Inch Double
| Percent Double
instance Show Dimension where
show (Pixel a) = show a ++ "px"
show (Centimeter a) = showFl a ++ "cm"
show (Inch a) = showFl a ++ "in"
show (Percent a) = show a ++ "%"
data ImageSize = ImageSize{
pxX :: Integer
@ -56,7 +90,11 @@ data ImageSize = ImageSize{
, dpiX :: Integer
, dpiY :: Integer
} deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Default ImageSize where
def = ImageSize 300 200 72 72
showFl :: (RealFloat a) => a -> String
showFl a = showFFloat (Just 5) a ""
imageType :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageType
imageType img = case B.take 4 img of
@ -88,8 +126,93 @@ defaultSize = (72, 72)
sizeInPixels :: ImageSize -> (Integer, Integer)
sizeInPixels s = (pxX s, pxY s)
sizeInPoints :: ImageSize -> (Integer, Integer)
sizeInPoints s = (pxX s * 72 `div` dpiX s, pxY s * 72 `div` dpiY s)
-- | Calculate (height, width) in points using the image file's dpi metadata,
-- using 72 Points == 1 Inch.
sizeInPoints :: ImageSize -> (Double, Double)
sizeInPoints s = (pxXf * 72 / dpiXf, pxYf * 72 / dpiYf)
pxXf = fromIntegral $ pxX s
pxYf = fromIntegral $ pxY s
dpiXf = fromIntegral $ dpiX s
dpiYf = fromIntegral $ dpiY s
-- | Calculate (height, width) in points, considering the desired dimensions in the
-- attribute, while falling back on the image file's dpi metadata if no dimensions
-- are specified in the attribute (or only dimensions in percentages).
desiredSizeInPoints :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> ImageSize -> (Double, Double)
desiredSizeInPoints opts attr s =
case (getDim Width, getDim Height) of
(Just w, Just h) -> (w, h)
(Just w, Nothing) -> (w, w / ratio)
(Nothing, Just h) -> (h * ratio, h)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> sizeInPoints s
ratio = fromIntegral (pxX s) / fromIntegral (pxY s)
getDim dir = case (dimension dir attr) of
Just (Percent _) -> Nothing
Just dim -> Just $ inPoints opts dim
Nothing -> Nothing
inPoints :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> Double
inPoints opts dim = 72 * inInch opts dim
inInch :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> Double
inInch opts dim =
case dim of
(Pixel a) -> fromIntegral a / (fromIntegral $ writerDpi opts)
(Centimeter a) -> a * 0.3937007874
(Inch a) -> a
(Percent _) -> 0
-- | Convert a Dimension to a String denoting its equivalent in inches, for example "2.00000".
-- Note: Dimensions in percentages are converted to the empty string.
showInInch :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> String
showInInch _ (Percent _) = ""
showInInch opts dim = showFl $ inInch opts dim
-- | Convert a Dimension to a String denoting its equivalent in pixels, for example "600".
-- Note: Dimensions in percentages are converted to the empty string.
showInPixel :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> String
showInPixel opts dim =
case dim of
(Pixel a) -> show a
(Centimeter a) -> show (floor $ dpi * a * 0.3937007874 :: Int)
(Inch a) -> show (floor $ dpi * a :: Int)
(Percent _) -> ""
dpi = fromIntegral $ writerDpi opts
-- | Maybe split a string into a leading number and trailing unit, e.g. "3cm" to Just (3.0, "cm")
numUnit :: String -> Maybe (Double, String)
numUnit s =
let (nums, unit) = span (\c -> isDigit c || ('.'==c)) s
in case readMaybe nums of
Just n -> Just (n, unit)
Nothing -> Nothing
-- | Read a Dimension from an Attr attribute.
-- `dimension Width attr` might return `Just (Pixel 3)` or for example `Just (Centimeter 2.0)`, etc.
dimension :: Direction -> Attr -> Maybe Dimension
dimension dir (_, _, kvs) =
case dir of
Width -> extractDim "width"
Height -> extractDim "height"
extractDim key =
case lookup key kvs of
Just str ->
case numUnit str of
Just (num, unit) -> toDim num unit
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
toDim a "cm" = Just $ Centimeter a
toDim a "mm" = Just $ Centimeter (a / 10)
toDim a "in" = Just $ Inch a
toDim a "inch" = Just $ Inch a
toDim a "%" = Just $ Percent a
toDim a "px" = Just $ Pixel (floor a::Integer)
toDim a "" = Just $ Pixel (floor a::Integer)
toDim _ _ = Nothing
epsSize :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageSize
epsSize img = do
@ -279,21 +402,21 @@ exifHeader hdr = do
return (tag, payload)
entries <- sequence $ replicate (fromIntegral numentries) ifdEntry
subentries <- case lookup ExifOffset entries of
Just (UnsignedLong offset) -> do
Just (UnsignedLong offset') -> do
pos <- lift bytesRead
lift $ skip (fromIntegral offset - (fromIntegral pos - 8))
lift $ skip (fromIntegral offset' - (fromIntegral pos - 8))
numsubentries <- lift getWord16
sequence $
replicate (fromIntegral numsubentries) ifdEntry
_ -> return []
let allentries = entries ++ subentries
(width, height) <- case (lookup ExifImageWidth allentries,
lookup ExifImageHeight allentries) of
(Just (UnsignedLong w), Just (UnsignedLong h)) ->
return (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
_ -> return defaultSize
-- we return a default width and height when
-- the exif header doesn't contain these
(wdth, hght) <- case (lookup ExifImageWidth allentries,
lookup ExifImageHeight allentries) of
(Just (UnsignedLong w), Just (UnsignedLong h)) ->
return (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
_ -> return defaultSize
-- we return a default width and height when
-- the exif header doesn't contain these
let resfactor = case lookup ResolutionUnit allentries of
Just (UnsignedShort 1) -> (100 / 254)
_ -> 1
@ -302,8 +425,8 @@ exifHeader hdr = do
let yres = maybe 72 (\(UnsignedRational x) -> floor $ x * resfactor)
$ lookup YResolution allentries
return $ ImageSize{
pxX = width
, pxY = height
pxX = wdth
, pxY = hght
, dpiX = xres
, dpiY = yres }
Add table
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