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42 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
e429dbf946 Trying to apply the same technique used for directObjects (apparently it ruins the performances) 2020-02-13 16:21:44 +01:00
919f640443 Merge branch 'extract-text' into navigation 2020-02-12 17:35:56 +01:00
ae938acc02 Merge branch 'main' into extract-text 2020-02-12 17:34:56 +01:00
32f9866106 Use peek to improve directObject parser avoiding a large <|> disjunction 2020-02-12 17:34:27 +01:00
eb4d76002c Finish the split of Navigation out of Page, generalize the use of MonadFail with a custom Error monad (~= Either String) 2020-02-11 22:41:46 +01:00
af994cb50c WIP: in the process of migrating to Object.Navigation in Pages, still unsure how to manage simple Content parsing and efficient font loading (+ giving a way to edit Contents) 2020-02-11 17:59:15 +01:00
704d7a7fcf It turns out Output.concat wasn't necessary, OBuilder seems already is a Monoid so mconcat works (that fact was used in the very implementation of concat…) 2020-02-11 17:36:29 +01:00
11647eb4eb Implement output for Content streams 2020-02-11 17:26:47 +01:00
aed7af376a WIP: still trying to figure things out, moved to a separate submodule for Navigation, proper naming is hell 2020-02-11 08:29:08 +01:00
e77bbbcda9 WIP: start moving some navigation-related routines from Pages into Object directly and generalize them to multi-component to allow easier browsing 2020-02-10 17:43:04 +01:00
195446e653 Allow resources with no /Font field, they won't cause any problem as long as no call to Tf (to load a font) is made 2020-02-10 17:41:44 +01:00
9f1b1afafe Implement Text rendering from parsed Content 2020-02-10 10:54:44 +01:00
20466c4f13 WIP: Clean code parsing «pages» (now Content), separated from text rendering (will be reimplemented as an upper layer, also providing modification as stream filters) — Page is also forgotten for now, will need a big improvement in Object navigation 2020-02-09 22:42:57 +01:00
325250383a Add support for fonts and implement MacRomanEncoding 2020-02-08 08:15:32 +01:00
c48ab22808 Forgot some useless parentheses when playing with operator precedences 2020-02-04 17:05:15 +01:00
a2b66ac6d6 Generalize the getFont function because some /Resources have a direct dictionary as value for their /Font property 2020-02-04 17:04:42 +01:00
cefb08ee50 Going a step further in «optimization» (slowing it even more…) by replacing choice by a search in a Map 2019-11-30 21:46:22 +01:00
afbbcbffc5 Finish implementing the new stack-based call parser 2019-11-30 12:39:40 +01:00
8373bd1ea0 Removing +x permission on getText source that shouldn't ever have been set 2019-11-29 19:07:54 +01:00
bac08446dd WIP: starting to fix this criminally inefficient parser for PDF's postfix-operator instructions 2019-11-29 17:42:57 +01:00
f9f799c59b Take the dirty code of «getText» and turn it into a relatively clean module exposing pages, that can be retrieved all at once or by page number (numbered human-style, starting from 1) 2019-11-29 11:51:35 +01:00
08a9717b3a Get rid of wrapper PageContents structure returned by PageContent in the PDF.Text module (and return directly [ByteString] instead) 2019-11-29 11:48:28 +01:00
42a02808c1 Merge branch 'main' into extract-text 2019-11-27 18:05:47 +01:00
c9f050e64b Remove deprecated debug script and forgotten comments to bypass the selective export of Text module 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
3a3e1533b4 Clean ByteString types to identify when a ByteString contains the representation of an integer in a given base and fix the last remaining PDF string (un)escaping issue 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
a96e36ec5a Fix error silently discarding code ranges, make sure ByteString intervals are created with the correct byte length and decode utf16BE encoded values in single-value ranges 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
d07c286f8e Clean exported ByteString custom functions 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
7a15113285 Try and re-implement string decoding — compiles but now fails to decode any string 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
36d7f9b819 Still debugging, broke pretty much everything and finally implementing a proper coderange parsing for CMap because apparently that's necessary 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
b8ca7281aa Fix parsing errors forgetting to make sure there's a space after special operator arguments like names and stringObjects 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
32efdcdd6b Try and fix stuff by generalizing a signature to ease debugging and add parenthesis which I think should have been here all along 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
3b59fd0c61 Separate CMap and Text in two distinct modules 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
0374b72920 Finish implementing reading, still bugs to investigate 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
1dd22c3889 Going to try with Text, naturally handling UTF-16 but will still have to parse «int codes» manually from strings 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
98d029c4d4 In complete debug, more or less implemented CMap parsing but apparently it uses UTF16 ?! 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
c349d9b4c2 Don't trust serializer, they have nothing todo with a reasonable binary encoding 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
e7484ef536 Completely lost, the same old Char8 / Word8 again, implemented all the text reading, still needing a couple details to parse CMaps 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
f9e5683bf4 WIP: Use previous changes to start implementing font caching and text parsing (still very broken, doesn't compile) 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
b8eb9e6856 Generalize the Parser type into a MonadParser class to use with MonadTrans and remove redundant code already defined in Applicative or Attoparsec 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
66d315b7fe Reflect the distinction between eval and run from State monad into the Parser module 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
51db57ec67 Ugly commit, breaks everything, still trying to figure a grammar for text 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
6f3c159ea7 Adding a module to implement text reading and a demo program to go with it 2019-10-14 10:17:15 +02:00
24 changed files with 1502 additions and 137 deletions

View file

@ -17,19 +17,36 @@ cabal-version: >=1.10
library library
exposed-modules: PDF exposed-modules: PDF
, PDF.CMap
, PDF.Content
, PDF.Object , PDF.Object
, PDF.Object.Navigation
, PDF.Output , PDF.Output
, PDF.Parser
, PDF.Pages
, PDF.Update , PDF.Update
other-modules: Data.ByteString.Char8.Util other-modules: Data.ByteString.Char8.Util
, PDF.Content.Operator
, PDF.Content.Operator.Color
, PDF.Content.Operator.Common
, PDF.Content.Operator.GraphicState
, PDF.Content.Operator.Path
, PDF.Content.Operator.Text
, PDF.Content.Text
, PDF.Encoding
, PDF.Encoding.MacRoman
, PDF.Body , PDF.Body
, PDF.Parser , PDF.Font
-- other-extensions: -- other-extensions:
build-depends: attoparsec build-depends: attoparsec
, base >=4.9 && <4.13 , base >=4.9 && <4.13
, bytestring , bytestring
, containers , containers
, mtl , mtl
, text
, utf8-string
, zlib
hs-source-dirs: src hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall ghc-options: -Wall
default-language: Haskell2010 default-language: Haskell2010
@ -51,3 +68,15 @@ executable getObj
, zlib , zlib
ghc-options: -Wall ghc-options: -Wall
default-language: Haskell2010 default-language: Haskell2010
executable getText
main-is: examples/getText.hs
build-depends: base
, bytestring
, containers
, Hufflepdf
, mtl
, text
, zlib
ghc-options: -Wall
default-language: Haskell2010

examples/getText.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (readFile)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (toList)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text (putStrLn)
import PDF (Document(..), parseDocument)
import PDF.Object (Content)
import PDF.Pages (Page(..), get, getAll)
import PDF.Update (unify)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.IO (BufferMode(..), hSetBuffering, stdout)
onDoc :: FilePath -> (Content -> Either String a) -> IO a
onDoc inputFile f = do
content <- fmap (unify . updates) . parseDocument <$> BS.readFile inputFile
case content >>= f of
Left someError -> die someError
Right value -> return value
displayPage :: Page -> IO ()
displayPage = mapM_ Text.putStrLn . contents
wholeDoc :: FilePath -> IO ()
wholeDoc inputFile = do
pages <- onDoc inputFile getAll
mapM_ (displayPage . snd) $ Map.toList pages
singlePage :: FilePath -> Int -> IO ()
singlePage inputFile pageNumber =
onDoc inputFile (`get` pageNumber) >>= displayPage
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
args <- getArgs
case args of
[inputFile] -> wholeDoc inputFile
[inputFile, pageNumber] -> singlePage inputFile (read pageNumber)
_ -> die "Syntax: getText INPUT_FILE [PAGE_NUMBER]"

View file

@ -1,16 +1,91 @@
module Data.ByteString.Char8.Util ( module Data.ByteString.Char8.Util (
previous B16Int(..)
, B256Int(..)
, b8ToInt
, b16ToBytes
, b16ToInt
, b256ToInt
, intToB256
, previous
, subBS , subBS
, toBytes
, unescape
, utf16BEToutf8
) where ) where
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.ByteString (ByteString, snoc)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (drop, index, take) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (empty, foldl, length, pack, singleton, splitAt)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 (
cons, drop, index, splitAt, take, uncons, unpack
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf16BE)
import Prelude hiding (length) import Prelude hiding (length)
import Text.Printf (printf)
newtype B8Int = B8Int ByteString deriving Show
newtype B16Int = B16Int ByteString deriving Show
newtype B256Int = B256Int ByteString deriving Show
previous :: Char -> Int -> ByteString -> Int previous :: Char -> Int -> ByteString -> Int
previous char position byteString previous char position byteString
| BS.index byteString position == char = position | Char8.index byteString position == char = position
| otherwise = previous char (position - 1) byteString | otherwise = previous char (position - 1) byteString
subBS :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> ByteString subBS :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
subBS offset length = BS.take length . BS.drop offset subBS offset length = Char8.take length . Char8.drop offset
intToB256 :: Int -> B256Int
intToB256 n
| n < 0x100 = B256Int . BS.singleton $ toEnum n
| otherwise =
let B256Int begining = intToB256 (n `div` 0x100) in
B256Int $ begining `snoc` (toEnum (n `mod` 0x100))
b256ToInt :: B256Int -> Int
b256ToInt (B256Int n) = BS.foldl (\k w -> 0x100*k + fromEnum w) 0 n
toBytes :: Int -> Int -> ByteString
toBytes 0 _ = BS.empty
toBytes size n =
(toBytes (size - 1) (n `div` 0x100)) `snoc` (toEnum (n `mod` 0x100))
b16ToBytes :: B16Int -> ByteString
b16ToBytes (B16Int n) = BS.pack . fmap b16ToInt $ pairDigits n
pairDigits s =
case BS.length s of
0 -> []
1 -> [B16Int s]
_ ->
let (twoHexDigits, rest) = BS.splitAt 2 s in
(B16Int $ twoHexDigits):(pairDigits rest)
fromBase :: (Num a, Read a) => Char -> ByteString -> a
fromBase b = read . printf "0%c%s" b . Char8.unpack
b16ToInt :: (Num a, Read a) => B16Int -> a
b16ToInt (B16Int n) = fromBase 'x' n
b8ToInt :: (Num a, Read a) => B8Int -> a
b8ToInt (B8Int n) = fromBase 'o' n
unescape :: ByteString -> ByteString
unescape escapedBS =
case Char8.uncons escapedBS of
Nothing -> BS.empty
Just ('\\', s) -> unescapeChar s
Just (c, s) -> Char8.cons c (unescape s)
unescapeChar s =
case Char8.uncons s of
Nothing -> BS.empty
Just (c, s')
| c `elem` "()" -> Char8.cons c (unescape s')
| c `elem` "nrtbf" -> Char8.cons (read (printf "'\\%c'" c)) (unescape s')
| c `elem` ['0'..'7'] -> fromOctal (Char8.splitAt 3 s)
| otherwise -> Char8.cons c (unescape s')
fromOctal (code, s) = Char8.cons (toEnum $ b8ToInt (B8Int code)) (unescape s)
utf16BEToutf8 :: ByteString -> Text
utf16BEToutf8 = decodeUtf16BE

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import PDF.Object (
) )
import qualified PDF.Output as Output (render, line) import qualified PDF.Output as Output (render, line)
import PDF.Output (Output(..)) import PDF.Output (Output(..))
import PDF.Parser (Parser, runParser, string, takeAll) import PDF.Parser (Parser, evalParser, string, takeAll)
import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.Printf (printf)
data Document = Document { data Document = Document {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ findNextSection offset input =
readStructures :: Int -> ByteString -> Either String [InputStructure] readStructures :: Int -> ByteString -> Either String [InputStructure]
readStructures startXref input = readStructures startXref input =
runParser structure () (BS.drop startXref input) >>= stopOrFollow evalParser structure () (BS.drop startXref input) >>= stopOrFollow
where where
stopOrFollow s@(Structure {trailer}) = stopOrFollow s@(Structure {trailer}) =
case Map.lookup (Name "Prev") trailer of case Map.lookup (Name "Prev") trailer of
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ readStructures startXref input =
parseDocument :: ByteString -> Either String Document parseDocument :: ByteString -> Either String Document
parseDocument input = do parseDocument input = do
(pdfVersion, eolStyle) <- runParser ((,) <$> version <*> EOL.parser) () input (pdfVersion, eolStyle) <- evalParser ((,) <$> version <*> EOL.parser) () input
startXref <- readStartXref eolStyle input startXref <- readStartXref eolStyle input
structuresRead <- readStructures startXref input structuresRead <- readStructures startXref input
let updates = populate input <$> structuresRead let updates = populate input <$> structuresRead

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module PDF.Body (
import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.State (get, gets, modify) import Control.Monad.State (get, gets, modify)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (option)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (cons, drop, unpack) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (cons, drop, unpack)
import Data.Map ((!)) import Data.Map ((!))
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ import PDF.Object (
, blank, dictionary, directObject, integer, line , blank, dictionary, directObject, integer, line
) )
import PDF.Output (ObjectId(..), Offset(..)) import PDF.Output (ObjectId(..), Offset(..))
import PDF.Parser (Parser, (<?>), block, char, on, option, runParser, takeAll) import PDF.Parser (Parser, (<?>), block, char, evalParser, on, takeAll)
data UserState = UserState { data UserState = UserState {
input :: ByteString input :: ByteString
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ occurrence =
populate :: ByteString -> InputStructure -> Content populate :: ByteString -> InputStructure -> Content
populate input structure = populate input structure =
let bodyInput = BS.drop (startOffset structure) input in let bodyInput = BS.drop (startOffset structure) input in
case runParser recurseOnOccurrences initialState bodyInput of case evalParser recurseOnOccurrences initialState bodyInput of
Left _ -> Content {occurrences = [], objects = Map.empty, docStructure} Left _ -> Content {occurrences = [], objects = Map.empty, docStructure}
Right finalState -> Right finalState ->
let Flow {occurrencesStack, tmpObjects} = flow finalState in let Flow {occurrencesStack, tmpObjects} = flow finalState in

src/PDF/CMap.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module PDF.CMap (
, CMappers
, CRange(..)
, cMap
, emptyCMap
, matches
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Control.Monad.State (modify)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (count)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (drop, length, null, take)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Char8.Util (
B16Int(..), b16ToBytes, b16ToInt, toBytes, utf16BEToutf8
import Data.Map (Map, union)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (
adjust, empty, fromList, insertWith, lookup, toList
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (charset, parser)
import PDF.Font (Font)
import PDF.Object (
DirectObject(..), Name, StringObject(..)
, blank, directObject, integer, line, stringObject
import PDF.Parser (MonadParser, Parser, runParser, takeAll)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
type CMappers = Map Name CMap
type Mapping = Map ByteString Text
data CRange = CRange {
fromSequence :: ByteString
, toSequence :: ByteString
, mapping :: Mapping
} deriving Show
type RangeSize = Int
type CMap = Map RangeSize [CRange]
toFont :: CMap -> Font
toFont aCMap input
| BS.null input = Right ""
| otherwise = do
(output, remainingInput) <- trySizes input $ Map.toList aCMap
mappend output <$> toFont aCMap remainingInput
trySizes s [] = Left $ "No matching code found in font for " ++ unpack s
trySizes s ((size, cRanges):others) =
let prefix = BS.take size s in
case tryRanges prefix cRanges of
Nothing -> trySizes s others
Just outputSequence -> Right (outputSequence, BS.drop size s)
tryRanges :: ByteString -> [CRange] -> Maybe Text
tryRanges _ [] = Nothing
tryRanges prefix ((CRange {mapping}):cRanges) =
case Map.lookup prefix mapping of
Nothing -> tryRanges prefix cRanges
outputSequence -> outputSequence
emptyCMap :: CMap
emptyCMap = Map.empty
matches :: ByteString -> CRange -> Bool
matches code (CRange {fromSequence, toSequence}) =
fromSequence <= code && code <= toSequence
cMap :: MonadFail m => ByteString -> m Font
cMap = either fail (return . toFont . snd) . runParser
(many (codeRanges <|> cMapRange <|> cMapChar <|> ignoredLine))
ignoredLine =
takeAll (not . (`elem` EOL.charset)) *> EOL.parser *> return ()
codeRanges :: Parser CMap ()
codeRanges = do
size <- integer <* line "begincodespacerange"
mapM_ createMapping =<< count size codeRange
line "endcodespacerange"
codeRange =
(,) <$> stringObject <* blank <*> stringObject <* EOL.parser
createMapping :: (StringObject, StringObject) -> Parser CMap ()
createMapping (Hexadecimal from, Hexadecimal to) = modify $
Map.insertWith (++) size [CRange {fromSequence, toSequence, mapping}]
fromSequence = b16ToBytes from
size = BS.length fromSequence
toSequence = b16ToBytes to
mapping = Map.empty
createMapping _ = return ()
cMapRange :: Parser CMap ()
cMapRange = do
size <- integer <* line "beginbfrange"
mapM_ saveMapping =<< count size rangeMapping
line "endbfrange"
rangeMapping = (,,)
<$> (stringObject <* blank)
<*> (stringObject <* blank)
<*> directObject <* EOL.parser
>>= mapFromTo
saveMapping :: [(ByteString, Text)] -> Parser CMap ()
saveMapping [] = return ()
saveMapping assoc@((code, _):_) = modify $ Map.adjust insertCRange mappingSize
newMapping = Map.fromList assoc
mappingSize = BS.length code
appendMapping cRange =
cRange {mapping = mapping cRange `union` newMapping}
insertCRange = fmap (\cRange ->
if code `matches` cRange then appendMapping cRange else cRange
cMapChar :: Parser CMap ()
cMapChar = do
size <- integer <* line "beginbfchar"
saveMapping =<< count size charMapping <* line "endbfchar"
charMapping =
(,) <$> stringObject <* blank <*> stringObject <* EOL.parser
>>= pairMapping
between :: B16Int -> B16Int -> [ByteString]
between from@(B16Int s) to =
let size = BS.length s `div` 2 in
toBytes size <$> [b16ToInt from .. b16ToInt to]
startFrom :: B16Int -> [ByteString]
startFrom from@(B16Int s) =
let size = BS.length s `div` 2 in
toBytes size <$> [b16ToInt from .. ]
mapFromTo :: MonadParser m => (StringObject, StringObject, DirectObject) -> m [(ByteString, Text)]
mapFromTo (Hexadecimal from, Hexadecimal to, StringObject (Hexadecimal dstFrom)) =
return $ zip (between from to) (utf16BEToutf8 <$> startFrom dstFrom)
mapFromTo (Hexadecimal from, Hexadecimal to, Array dstPoints) =
zip (between from to) <$> (mapM dstByteString dstPoints)
dstByteString (StringObject (Hexadecimal dst)) =
return . utf16BEToutf8 $ b16ToBytes dst
dstByteString _ = fail "Invalid for a replacement string"
mapFromTo _ = fail "invalid range mapping found"
pairMapping :: MonadParser m => (StringObject, StringObject) -> m (ByteString, Text)
pairMapping (Hexadecimal from, Hexadecimal to) =
return (b16ToBytes from, utf16BEToutf8 $ b16ToBytes to)
pairMapping _ = fail "invalid pair mapping found"

src/PDF/Content.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module PDF.Content (
, ContentUnit(..)
, GraphicContextUnit(..)
, TextContext
, content
, parse
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..), evalStateT, modify)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import PDF.Content.Operator (Instruction, operator)
import PDF.Object (blank, directObject)
import PDF.Output (Output(..), line)
import PDF.Parser (MonadParser, endOfInput, evalParser, peek, string)
data GraphicContextUnit =
GraphicInstruction Instruction
| ContentUnit ContentUnit
deriving Show
type TextContext = [Instruction]
data ContentUnit =
GraphicContext [GraphicContextUnit]
| TextContext TextContext
deriving Show
newtype Content = Content [ContentUnit] deriving Show
content :: MonadParser m => m Content
content = Content <$> many contentUnit <* blank <* endOfInput
contentUnit :: MonadParser m => m ContentUnit
contentUnit = next >>= handle
handle 'q' = GraphicContext <$> graphicContext
handle 'B' = TextContext <$> textContext
handle _ = fail "content unit"
graphicContext :: MonadParser m => m [GraphicContextUnit]
graphicContext = string "q" *> evalStateT graphicContextUnits []
graphicContextUnits = next >>= handle
handle 'Q' = string "Q" *> (reverse <$> get)
handle c
| c `elem` ['q', 'B'] =
(ContentUnit <$> contentUnit >>= push) *> graphicContextUnits
| otherwise =
(GraphicInstruction <$> instruction >>= push) *> graphicContextUnits
instruction :: MonadParser m => m Instruction
instruction = evalStateT stackParser []
stackParser = ((directObject <* blank >>= push) *> stackParser) <|> operator
next :: MonadParser m => m Char
next = blank *> peek
push :: MonadState [a] m => a -> m ()
push a = modify (a:)
parse :: ByteString -> Either String Content
parse = evalParser content ()
textContext :: MonadParser m => m TextContext
textContext = string "BT" *> evalStateT instructions []
instructions = next >>= handle
handle 'E' = string "ET" *> (reverse <$> get)
handle _ = (instruction >>= push) *> instructions
instance Output Content where
output (Content contentUnits) = output contentUnits
instance Output ContentUnit where
output (GraphicContext gc) = line "q" `mappend` output gc `mappend` line "Q"
output (TextContext tc) = line "BT" `mappend` output tc `mappend` line "ET"
instance Output GraphicContextUnit where
output (GraphicInstruction gi) = output gi
output (ContentUnit cu) = output cu

View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module PDF.Content.Operator (
, Operator(..)
, operator
) where
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack, unpack)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Map (Map, (!?))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import qualified PDF.Content.Operator.Color as Color (Operator, signature)
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
import qualified PDF.Content.Operator.GraphicState as GraphicState (Operator, signature)
import qualified PDF.Content.Operator.Path as Path (Operator, signature)
import qualified PDF.Content.Operator.Text as Text (Operator, signature)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject, regular)
import PDF.Output (Output(..), join, line)
import PDF.Parser (MonadParser, takeAll1)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Text.Printf (printf)
data Operator =
GraphicState GraphicState.Operator
| Path Path.Operator
| Color Color.Operator
| Text Text.Operator
instance Show Operator where
show (GraphicState gcOp) = code gcOp
show (Path pOp) = code pOp
show (Color cOp) = code cOp
show (Text tOp) = code tOp
type Instruction = (Operator, [DirectObject])
instance Output Instruction where
output (op, args) = join " " ((output <$> args) ++ [line (show op)])
operatorsTable :: Map ByteString (Signature Operator)
operatorsTable = Map.fromList (
(prepare GraphicState <$> GraphicState.signature)
++ (prepare Path <$> Path.signature)
++ (prepare Color <$> Color.signature)
++ (prepare Text <$> Text.signature)
prepare constructor (op, sig) = (pack $ code op, (constructor op, sig))
code :: Show a => a -> String
code = expand . show
expand "" = ""
expand (c:'_':s) = toLower c : expand s
expand ('s':'t':'a':'r':s) = '*' : expand s
expand ('Q':'u':'o':'t':'e':s) = '\'' : expand s
expand ('D':'Q':'u':'o':'t':'e':s) = '"' : expand s
expand (c:s) = c : expand s
type StackParser m = (MonadState [DirectObject] m, MonadParser m)
operator :: StackParser m => m Instruction
operator = do
chunk <- takeAll1 regular
args <- reverse <$> get
case operatorsTable !? chunk of
Just (op, sig)
| sig args -> return (op, args)
| otherwise ->
get >>= fail . printf "Operator %s with stack %s" (show op) . show
_ -> fail ("Unknown chunk " ++ unpack chunk)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.Color (
, signature
) where
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject(..))
data Operator =
CS | C_s | SC | SCN | S_c | S_cn | G | G_ | RG | R_g | K | K_
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
signature :: [Signature Operator]
signature = [
(CS, \l -> case l of [NameObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (C_s, \l -> case l of [NameObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (SC, \_ -> True)
, (SCN, \_ -> True)
, (S_c, \_ -> True)
, (S_cn, \_ -> True)
, (G, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (G_, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (RG, \l -> case l of [_, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_g, \l -> case l of [_, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (K, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (K_, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.Common (
) where
import PDF.Object (DirectObject)
type Signature a = (a, [DirectObject] -> Bool)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.GraphicState (
, signature
) where
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject(..))
data Operator =
C_m | W_ | J | J_ | M | D_ | R_i | I_ | G_s -- general graphic state
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
signature :: [Signature Operator]
signature = [
(C_m, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (W_, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (J, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (J_, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (M, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (D_, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_i, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (I_, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (G_s, \l -> case l of [NameObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.Path (
, signature
) where
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
data Operator =
M_ | L_ | C_ | V_ | Y_ | H_ | R_e -- path construction
| S | S_ | F_ | F | Fstar | B | Bstar | B_ | B_star | N_ -- path painting
| W | Wstar -- clipping path
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
signature :: [Signature Operator]
signature = [
(M_, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (L_, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (C_, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (V_, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Y_, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (H_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_e, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (S, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (S_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (F_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (F, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Fstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Bstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B_star, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (N_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (W, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Wstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.Text (
, signature
) where
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject(..))
data Operator =
Td | TD | Tm | Tstar -- text positioning
| TJ | Tj | Quote | DQuote -- text showing
| Tc | Tw | Tz | TL | Tf | Tr | Ts -- text state
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
signature :: [Signature Operator]
signature = [
(Td, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TD, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tm, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TJ, \l -> case l of [Array _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tj, \l -> case l of [StringObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Quote, \l -> case l of [StringObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (DQuote, \l -> case l of [StringObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tc, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tw, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tz, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TL, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tf, \l -> case l of [NameObject _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tr, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Ts, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)

src/PDF/Content/Text.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module PDF.Content.Text (
, renderText
) where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader(..), asks, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..), evalStateT)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Map ((!))
import Data.Text (Text)
import PDF.Content (Content(..), ContentUnit(..), GraphicContextUnit(..))
import PDF.Content.Operator (Instruction, Operator(..))
import PDF.Content.Operator.Text (Operator(..))
import PDF.Font (Font, FontSet, emptyFont)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject(..), StringObject(..), toByteString)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
type TextContent m = (MonadReader FontSet m, MonadFail m)
type FontContext m = (MonadState Font m, TextContent m)
decodeString :: FontContext m => StringObject -> m Text
decodeString input = do
font <- get
either fail return . font $ toByteString input
renderText :: MonadFail m => FontSet -> Content -> m [Text]
renderText fontSet (Content contentUnits) =
runReaderT (concat <$> mapM renderContentUnit contentUnits) fontSet
renderContentUnit :: TextContent m => ContentUnit -> m [Text]
renderContentUnit (GraphicContext graphicContextUnits) =
concat <$> mapM renderGraphicContextUnit graphicContextUnits
renderContentUnit (TextContext instructions) =
evalStateT (concat <$> mapM renderInstruction instructions) emptyFont
renderGraphicContextUnit :: TextContent m => GraphicContextUnit -> m [Text]
renderGraphicContextUnit (GraphicInstruction _) = return []
renderGraphicContextUnit (ContentUnit contentUnit) =
renderContentUnit contentUnit
renderInstruction :: FontContext m => Instruction -> m [Text]
renderInstruction (Text Tf, [NameObject fontName, _]) =
asks (! fontName) >>= put >> return []
renderInstruction (Text Tstar, []) = return ["\n"]
renderInstruction (Text TJ, [Array arrayObject]) =
replicate 1 <$> foldM appendText "" arrayObject
appendText t (StringObject outputString) =
mappend t <$> decodeString outputString
appendText t _ = return t
renderInstruction (Text Tj, [StringObject outputString]) =
replicate 1 <$> decodeString outputString
renderInstruction (Text Quote, [StringObject outputString]) =
(\t -> ["\n", t]) <$> decodeString outputString
renderInstruction (Text DQuote, [StringObject outputString]) =
(\t -> ["\n", t]) <$> decodeString outputString
renderInstruction _ = return []
format :: String -> [Instruction]
format s =
case break (== '\n') s of
("", "") -> []
("", left) -> (Text Tstar, []) : format (drop 1 left)
(line, left) -> (Text Tj, [StringObject . Literal $ pack line]) : format left

View file

@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ module PDF.EOL (
) where ) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import PDF.Parser (Parser, string) import PDF.Parser (MonadParser, string)
data Style = CR | LF | CRLF deriving Show data Style = CR | LF | CRLF deriving Show
charset :: String charset :: String
charset = "\r\n" charset = "\r\n"
parser :: Parser s Style parser :: MonadParser m => m Style
parser = parser =
(string "\r\n" >> return CRLF) (string "\r\n" >> return CRLF)
<|> (string "\r" >> return CR) <|> (string "\r" >> return CR)

src/PDF/Encoding.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module PDF.Encoding (
) where
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import PDF.Encoding.MacRoman (macRomanEncoding)
import PDF.Font (Font)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
encoding :: MonadFail m => String -> m Font
encoding "MacRomanEncoding" = return macRomanEncoding
encoding s = fail $ "Unknown encoding " ++ s

View file

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
module PDF.Encoding.MacRoman (
) where
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.Text (pack)
import PDF.Font (Font)
macRomanEncoding :: Font
macRomanEncoding = Right . pack . fmap decode . unpack
decode :: Char -> Char
decode '\x81' = '\x00C5' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
decode '\x82' = '\x00C7' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
decode '\x83' = '\x00C9' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
decode '\x84' = '\x00D1' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
decode '\x87' = '\x00E1' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
decode '\x88' = '\x00E0' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
decode '\x89' = '\x00E2' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
decode '\x8B' = '\x00E3' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
decode '\x8C' = '\x00E5' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
decode '\x8D' = '\x00E7' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
decode '\x8E' = '\x00E9' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
decode '\x8F' = '\x00E8' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
decode '\x92' = '\x00ED' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
decode '\x93' = '\x00EC' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
decode '\x96' = '\x00F1' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
decode '\x97' = '\x00F3' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
decode '\x98' = '\x00F2' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
decode '\x99' = '\x00F4' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
decode '\x9B' = '\x00F5' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
decode '\x9C' = '\x00FA' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
decode '\x9D' = '\x00F9' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
decode '\xA0' = '\x2020' -- DAGGER
decode '\xA1' = '\x00B0' -- DEGREE SIGN
decode '\xA2' = '\x00A2' -- CENT SIGN
decode '\xA3' = '\x00A3' -- POUND SIGN
decode '\xA4' = '\x00A7' -- SECTION SIGN
decode '\xA5' = '\x2022' -- BULLET
decode '\xA6' = '\x00B6' -- PILCROW SIGN
decode '\xA7' = '\x00DF' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
decode '\xA8' = '\x00AE' -- REGISTERED SIGN
decode '\xA9' = '\x00A9' -- COPYRIGHT SIGN
decode '\xAA' = '\x2122' -- TRADE MARK SIGN
decode '\xAB' = '\x00B4' -- ACUTE ACCENT
decode '\xAC' = '\x00A8' -- DIAERESIS
decode '\xAD' = '\x2260' -- NOT EQUAL TO
decode '\xAE' = '\x00C6' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
decode '\xB0' = '\x221E' -- INFINITY
decode '\xB1' = '\x00B1' -- PLUS-MINUS SIGN
decode '\xB2' = '\x2264' -- LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO
decode '\xB3' = '\x2265' -- GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO
decode '\xB4' = '\x00A5' -- YEN SIGN
decode '\xB5' = '\x00B5' -- MICRO SIGN
decode '\xB6' = '\x2202' -- PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL
decode '\xB7' = '\x2211' -- N-ARY SUMMATION
decode '\xB8' = '\x220F' -- N-ARY PRODUCT
decode '\xB9' = '\x03C0' -- GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
decode '\xBA' = '\x222B' -- INTEGRAL
decode '\xBD' = '\x03A9' -- GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
decode '\xBE' = '\x00E6' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
decode '\xBF' = '\x00F8' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
decode '\xC0' = '\x00BF' -- INVERTED QUESTION MARK
decode '\xC1' = '\x00A1' -- INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
decode '\xC2' = '\x00AC' -- NOT SIGN
decode '\xC3' = '\x221A' -- SQUARE ROOT
decode '\xC4' = '\x0192' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
decode '\xC5' = '\x2248' -- ALMOST EQUAL TO
decode '\xC6' = '\x2206' -- INCREMENT
decode '\xC9' = '\x2026' -- HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
decode '\xCA' = '\x00A0' -- NO-BREAK SPACE
decode '\xCE' = '\x0152' -- LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
decode '\xCF' = '\x0153' -- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
decode '\xD0' = '\x2013' -- EN DASH
decode '\xD1' = '\x2014' -- EM DASH
decode '\xD2' = '\x201C' -- LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
decode '\xD3' = '\x201D' -- RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
decode '\xD4' = '\x2018' -- LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
decode '\xD5' = '\x2019' -- RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
decode '\xD6' = '\x00F7' -- DIVISION SIGN
decode '\xD7' = '\x25CA' -- LOZENGE
decode '\xDA' = '\x2044' -- FRACTION SLASH
decode '\xDB' = '\x20AC' -- EURO SIGN
decode '\xDE' = '\xFB01' -- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI
decode '\xDF' = '\xFB02' -- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL
decode '\xE0' = '\x2021' -- DOUBLE DAGGER
decode '\xE1' = '\x00B7' -- MIDDLE DOT
decode '\xE2' = '\x201A' -- SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
decode '\xE3' = '\x201E' -- DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
decode '\xE4' = '\x2030' -- PER MILLE SIGN
decode '\xE7' = '\x00C1' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
decode '\xE9' = '\x00C8' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
decode '\xF0' = '\xF8FF' -- Apple logo
decode '\xF1' = '\x00D2' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
decode '\xF4' = '\x00D9' -- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
decode '\xF5' = '\x0131' -- LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
decode '\xF7' = '\x02DC' -- SMALL TILDE
decode '\xF8' = '\x00AF' -- MACRON
decode '\xF9' = '\x02D8' -- BREVE
decode '\xFA' = '\x02D9' -- DOT ABOVE
decode '\xFB' = '\x02DA' -- RING ABOVE
decode '\xFC' = '\x00B8' -- CEDILLA
decode '\xFD' = '\x02DD' -- DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT
decode '\xFE' = '\x02DB' -- OGONEK
decode '\xFF' = '\x02C7' -- CARON
decode c = c -- The rest is ASCII

src/PDF/Font.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module PDF.Font (
, FontSet
, emptyFont
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import PDF.Object (Name)
type Font = ByteString -> Either String Text
type FontSet = Map Name Font
emptyFont :: Font
emptyFont _ = Left "No fond loaded"

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module PDF.Object ( module PDF.Object (
Content(..) Content(..)
, Dictionary
, DirectObject(..) , DirectObject(..)
, Flow(..) , Flow(..)
, IndexedObjects , IndexedObjects
@ -12,9 +13,11 @@ module PDF.Object (
, Number(..) , Number(..)
, Object(..) , Object(..)
, Occurrence(..) , Occurrence(..)
, StringObject(..)
, Structure(..) , Structure(..)
, XRefEntry(..) , XRefEntry(..)
, XRefSection , XRefSection
, array
, blank , blank
, dictionary , dictionary
, directObject , directObject
@ -22,34 +25,36 @@ module PDF.Object (
, integer , integer
, line , line
, magicNumber , magicNumber
, name
, number
, regular
, stringObject
, structure , structure
, toByteString
) where ) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (choice, count, option, sepBy)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS ( import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
concat, cons, pack, singleton, unpack import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (concat)
) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 (cons, pack, singleton, unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Char8.Util (B16Int(..), b16ToBytes, unescape)
import Data.Map (Map, (!), mapWithKey) import Data.Map (Map, (!), mapWithKey)
import qualified Data.Map as Map ( import qualified Data.Map as Map (
delete, empty, fromList, lookup, minViewWithKey, toList, union delete, empty, fromList, lookup, minViewWithKey, toList, union
) )
import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (charset, parser) import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (charset, parser)
import qualified PDF.Output as Output (concat, line, string) import qualified PDF.Output as Output (line, string)
import PDF.Output ( import PDF.Output (
OBuilder, ObjectId(..), Offset(..), Output(..), Resource(..) OBuilder, ObjectId(..), Offset(..), Output(..), Resource(..)
, byteString, getObjectId, getOffset, getOffsets, join, newLine , byteString, getObjectId, getOffset, getOffsets, join, newLine
, saveOffset , saveOffset
) )
import PDF.Parser ( import PDF.Parser (MonadParser(..), Parser, (<?>), octDigit, oneOf)
Parser, (<?>)
, char, choice, count, decNumber, hexNumber, many, octDigit, oneOf, option
, sepBy, string, takeAll, takeAll1
import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.Printf (printf)
line :: String -> Parser u () line :: MonadParser m => String -> m ()
line l = (string (BS.pack l) *> blank *> return ()) <?> printf "line «%s»" l line l = (string (Char8.pack l) *> blank *> return ()) <?> printf "line «%s»" l
magicNumber :: ByteString magicNumber :: ByteString
magicNumber = "%PDF-" magicNumber = "%PDF-"
@ -60,8 +65,8 @@ eofMarker = "%%EOF"
whiteSpaceCharset :: String whiteSpaceCharset :: String
whiteSpaceCharset = "\0\t\12 " whiteSpaceCharset = "\0\t\12 "
blank :: Parser u () blank :: MonadParser m => m ()
blank = takeAll (`elem` (EOL.charset ++ whiteSpaceCharset)) *> return () blank = takeAll (`elem` (EOL.charset ++ whiteSpaceCharset)) *> pure ()
delimiterCharset :: String delimiterCharset :: String
delimiterCharset = "()<>[]{}/%" delimiterCharset = "()<>[]{}/%"
@ -69,8 +74,8 @@ delimiterCharset = "()<>[]{}/%"
regular :: Char -> Bool regular :: Char -> Bool
regular = not . (`elem` (EOL.charset ++ whiteSpaceCharset ++ delimiterCharset)) regular = not . (`elem` (EOL.charset ++ whiteSpaceCharset ++ delimiterCharset))
integer :: (Read a, Num a) => Parser u a integer :: (Read a, Num a, MonadParser m) => m a
integer = read . BS.unpack <$> decNumber <* blank <?> "decimal integer" integer = read . Char8.unpack <$> decNumber <* blank <?> "decimal integer"
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
@ -81,7 +86,7 @@ type IndexedObjects = Map ObjectId Object
-- --
-- Boolean -- Boolean
-- --
boolean :: Parser u Bool boolean :: MonadParser m => m Bool
boolean = boolean =
(string "true" *> return True) <|> (string "false" *> return False) <?> "boolean" (string "true" *> return True) <|> (string "false" *> return False) <?> "boolean"
@ -96,38 +101,42 @@ instance Output Number where
(n, 0) -> printf "%d" (n :: Int) (n, 0) -> printf "%d" (n :: Int)
_ -> printf "%f" f _ -> printf "%f" f
number :: Parser u Number number :: MonadParser m => m Number
number = Number . read . BS.unpack <$> number = Number . read . Char8.unpack <$>
(mappend <$> sign <*> (integerPart <|> BS.cons '0' <$> floatPart)) (mappend <$> sign <*> (integerPart <|> Char8.cons '0' <$> floatPart))
<?> "number" <?> "number"
where where
sign = string "-" <|> option "" (char '+' >> return "") sign = string "-" <|> option "" (char '+' >> return "")
integerPart = mappend <$> decNumber <*> option "" floatPart integerPart = mappend <$> decNumber <*> option "" floatPart
floatPart = BS.cons <$> char '.' <*> (option "0" $ decNumber) floatPart = Char8.cons <$> char '.' <*> (option "0" $ decNumber)
-- --
-- StringObject -- StringObject
-- --
data StringObject = Literal String | Hexadecimal String deriving Show data StringObject = Literal ByteString | Hexadecimal B16Int deriving Show
instance Output StringObject where instance Output StringObject where
output (Literal s) = Output.string (printf "(%s)" s) output (Literal s) = Output.string (printf "(%s)" (Char8.unpack s))
output (Hexadecimal s) = Output.string (printf "<%s>" s) output (Hexadecimal (B16Int n)) = Output.string (printf "<%s>" (Char8.unpack n))
stringObject :: Parser u StringObject stringObject :: MonadParser m => m StringObject
stringObject = stringObject =
Literal . BS.unpack <$> (char '(' *> (BS.concat <$> literalString) <* char ')') Literal <$> (char '(' *> (BS.concat <$> literalString) <* char ')')
<|> Hexadecimal . BS.unpack <$> (char '<' *> hexNumber <* char '>') <|> Hexadecimal <$> (char '<' *> hexNumber <* char '>')
<?> "string object (literal or hexadecimal)" <?> "string object (literal or hexadecimal)"
where where
literalString = many literalStringBlock literalString = many literalStringBlock
literalStringBlock = takeAll1 normalChar <|> matchingParenthesis <|> escapedChar literalStringBlock = takeAll1 normalChar <|> matchingParenthesis <|> escapedChar
normalChar = not . (`elem` ("\\()" :: String)) normalChar = not . (`elem` ("\\()" :: String))
matchingParenthesis = matchingParenthesis =
mappend <$> (BS.cons <$> char '(' <*> literalStringBlock) <*> string ")" mappend <$> (Char8.cons <$> char '(' <*> literalStringBlock) <*> string ")"
escapedChar = escapedChar =
BS.cons <$> char '\\' <*> (BS.singleton <$> oneOf "nrtbf()\\" <|> octalCode) Char8.cons <$> char '\\' <*> (Char8.singleton <$> oneOf "nrtbf()\\\n" <|> octalCode)
octalCode = choice $ (\n -> BS.pack <$> count n octDigit) <$> [1..3] octalCode = choice $ (\n -> Char8.pack <$> count n octDigit) <$> [1..3]
toByteString :: StringObject -> ByteString
toByteString (Hexadecimal h) = b16ToBytes h
toByteString (Literal s) = unescape s
-- --
-- Name -- Name
@ -137,13 +146,13 @@ newtype Name = Name String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Output Name where instance Output Name where
output (Name n) = Output.string ('/':n) output (Name n) = Output.string ('/':n)
name :: Parser u Name name :: MonadParser m => m Name
name = Name . BS.unpack <$> (char '/' *> takeAll regular) <?> "name" name = Name . Char8.unpack <$> (char '/' *> takeAll regular) <?> "name"
-- --
-- Array -- Array
-- --
array :: Parser u [DirectObject] array :: MonadParser m => m [DirectObject]
array = array =
char '[' *> blank *> directObject `sepBy` blank <* blank <* char ']' <?> "array" char '[' *> blank *> directObject `sepBy` blank <* blank <* char ']' <?> "array"
@ -153,14 +162,14 @@ array =
type Dictionary = Map Name DirectObject type Dictionary = Map Name DirectObject
instance Output Dictionary where instance Output Dictionary where
output dict = output aDictionary =
"<<" `mappend` keyValues `mappend` ">>" "<<" `mappend` keyValues `mappend` ">>"
where where
keyValues = join " " $ outputKeyVal <$> Map.toList dict keyValues = join " " $ outputKeyVal <$> Map.toList aDictionary
outputKeyVal :: (Name, DirectObject) -> OBuilder outputKeyVal :: (Name, DirectObject) -> OBuilder
outputKeyVal (key, val) = Output.concat [output key, " ", output val] outputKeyVal (key, val) = mconcat [output key, " ", output val]
dictionary :: Parser u Dictionary dictionary :: MonadParser m => m Dictionary
dictionary = dictionary =
string "<<" *> blank *> keyValPairs <* string ">>" <?> "dictionary" string "<<" *> blank *> keyValPairs <* string ">>" <?> "dictionary"
where where
@ -170,7 +179,7 @@ dictionary =
-- --
-- Null -- Null
-- --
nullObject :: Parser u () nullObject :: MonadParser m => m ()
nullObject = string "null" *> return () <?> "null object" nullObject = string "null" *> return () <?> "null object"
-- --
@ -181,7 +190,7 @@ data IndirectObjCoordinates = IndirectObjCoordinates {
, versionNumber :: Int , versionNumber :: Int
} deriving Show } deriving Show
reference :: Parser u IndirectObjCoordinates reference :: MonadParser m => m IndirectObjCoordinates
reference = IndirectObjCoordinates reference = IndirectObjCoordinates
<$> (fmap ObjectId integer) <*> integer <* char 'R' <?> "reference to an object" <$> (fmap ObjectId integer) <*> integer <* char 'R' <?> "reference to an object"
@ -204,23 +213,25 @@ instance Output DirectObject where
output (NumberObject n) = output n output (NumberObject n) = output n
output (StringObject s) = output s output (StringObject s) = output s
output (NameObject n) = output n output (NameObject n) = output n
output (Array a) = Output.concat ["[", join " " a, "]"] output (Array a) = mconcat ["[", join " " a, "]"]
output (Dictionary d) = output d output (Dictionary d) = output d
output (Null) = "null" output (Null) = "null"
output (Reference (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId, versionNumber})) = output (Reference (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId, versionNumber})) =
Output.string (printf "%d %d R" (getObjectId objectId) versionNumber) Output.string (printf "%d %d R" (getObjectId objectId) versionNumber)
directObject :: Parser u DirectObject directObject :: MonadParser m => m DirectObject
directObject = directObject = (peek >>= dispatch) <?> "direct object"
Boolean <$> boolean where
<|> Reference <$> reference {- defined before Number because Number is a prefix of it -} dispatch 't' = Boolean <$> boolean
<|> NumberObject <$> number dispatch 'f' = Boolean <$> boolean
<|> StringObject <$> stringObject dispatch '(' = StringObject <$> stringObject
<|> NameObject <$> name dispatch '<' = StringObject <$> stringObject <|> Dictionary <$> dictionary
<|> Array <$> array dispatch '/' = NameObject <$> name
<|> Dictionary <$> dictionary dispatch '[' = Array <$> array
<|> const Null <$> nullObject dispatch 'n' = nullObject *> return Null
<?> "direct object" dispatch _ =
Reference <$> reference {- defined before Number because Number is a prefix of it -}
<|> NumberObject <$> number
-- --
-- Object -- Object
@ -235,7 +246,7 @@ data Object =
instance Output Object where instance Output Object where
output (Direct d) = output d output (Direct d) = output d
output (Stream {header, streamContent}) = Output.concat [ output (Stream {header, streamContent}) = mconcat [
output header, newLine output header, newLine
, Output.line "stream" , Output.line "stream"
, byteString streamContent , byteString streamContent
@ -250,7 +261,7 @@ data Occurrence = Comment String | Indirect IndirectObjCoordinates deriving Show
outputOccurrence :: IndexedObjects -> Occurrence -> OBuilder outputOccurrence :: IndexedObjects -> Occurrence -> OBuilder
outputOccurrence _ (Comment c) = Output.line c outputOccurrence _ (Comment c) = Output.line c
outputOccurrence objects (Indirect (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId, versionNumber})) = outputOccurrence objects (Indirect (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId, versionNumber})) =
saveOffset (Object objectId) >> Output.concat [ saveOffset (Object objectId) >> mconcat [
Output.line (printf "%d %d obj" (getObjectId objectId) versionNumber) Output.line (printf "%d %d obj" (getObjectId objectId) versionNumber)
, output (objects ! objectId), newLine , output (objects ! objectId), newLine
, Output.line "endobj" , Output.line "endobj"
@ -383,7 +394,7 @@ outputBody (occurrences, objects) =
instance Output Content where instance Output Content where
output (Content {occurrences, objects, docStructure}) = output (Content {occurrences, objects, docStructure}) =
fmap (updateXrefs xRef) <$> getOffsets (outputBody (occurrences, objects)) fmap (updateXrefs xRef) <$> getOffsets (outputBody (occurrences, objects))
>>= \(body, (xref, startXRef)) -> Output.concat [ >>= \(body, (xref, startXRef)) -> mconcat [
body body
, Output.line "xref" , Output.line "xref"
, output xref , output xref

View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module PDF.Object.Navigation (
, dictionaryById
, getDictionary
, getField
, follow
, objectById
, openStream
, origin
) where
import Codec.Compression.Zlib (decompress)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader(..))
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict)
import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import PDF.Object (
Content(..), Dictionary, DirectObject(..), IndirectObjCoordinates(..)
, Name(..), Object(..), Structure(..)
import PDF.Output (ObjectId)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Text.Printf (printf)
type PDFContent m = (MonadReader Content m, MonadFail m)
castDictionary :: MonadFail m => Object -> m Dictionary
castDictionary (Direct (Dictionary aDict)) = return aDict
castDictionary obj = expected "dictionary : " obj
castObjectId :: MonadFail m => DirectObject -> m ObjectId
castObjectId (Reference (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId})) = return objectId
castObjectId directObject = expected "reference" directObject
dictionaryById :: PDFContent m => ObjectId -> m Dictionary
dictionaryById objectId = objectById objectId >>= castDictionary
expected :: (MonadFail m, Show a) => String -> a -> m b
expected name = fail . printf "Not a %s: %s" name . show
getField :: MonadFail m => String -> Dictionary -> m DirectObject
getField key aDictionary =
maybe (fail errorMessage) return (Map.lookup (Name key) aDictionary)
errorMessage =
printf "Key %s not found in dictionary %s" key (show aDictionary)
follow :: PDFContent m => DirectObject -> m Object
follow directObject = castObjectId directObject >>= objectById
objectById :: PDFContent m => ObjectId -> m Object
objectById objectId = do
content <- ask
return (objects content ! objectId)
getDictionary :: PDFContent m => DirectObject -> m Dictionary
getDictionary (Dictionary aDictionary) = return aDictionary
getDictionary (Reference (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId})) =
objectById objectId >>= castDictionary
getDictionary aDirectObject =
expected "resource (dictionary or reference)" aDirectObject
(//) :: PDFContent m => Dictionary -> [String] -> m DirectObject
(//) aDict [] = return $ Dictionary aDict
(//) aDict [key] = getField key aDict
(//) aDict (key:keys) = getField key aDict >>= getDictionary >>= (// keys)
origin :: PDFContent m => m Dictionary
origin = trailer . docStructure <$> ask
openStream :: MonadFail m => Object -> m ByteString
openStream (Stream {header, streamContent}) = return $
case Map.lookup (Name "Filter") header of
Just (NameObject (Name "FlateDecode")) ->
Lazy.toStrict . decompress . Lazy.fromStrict $ streamContent
_ -> streamContent
openStream obj = expected "stream" obj

View file

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module PDF.Output (
, Resource(..) , Resource(..)
, byteString , byteString
, char , char
, concat
, getOffsets , getOffsets
, join , join
, line , line
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map (singleton)
import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Control.Monad.RWS (RWS, runRWS, ask, get, listen, modify, tell) import Control.Monad.RWS (RWS, runRWS, ask, get, listen, modify, tell)
import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (Style(..)) import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (Style(..))
import Prelude hiding (concat)
newtype ObjectId = ObjectId {getObjectId :: Int} deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show) newtype ObjectId = ObjectId {getObjectId :: Int} deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Offset = Offset {getOffset :: Int} deriving (Show) newtype Offset = Offset {getOffset :: Int} deriving (Show)
@ -66,9 +64,6 @@ getOffsets (OContext builder) =
append :: OBuilder -> OBuilder -> OBuilder append :: OBuilder -> OBuilder -> OBuilder
append (OContext a) (OContext b) = OContext (mappend <$> a <*> b) append (OContext a) (OContext b) = OContext (mappend <$> a <*> b)
concat :: [OBuilder] -> OBuilder
concat = foldl mappend mempty
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
instance Semigroup OBuilder where instance Semigroup OBuilder where
(<>) = append (<>) = append
@ -94,7 +89,7 @@ instance Output Bool where
output True = string "true" output True = string "true"
instance Output a => Output [a] where instance Output a => Output [a] where
output = concat . fmap output output = mconcat . fmap output
join :: Output a => String -> [a] -> OBuilder join :: Output a => String -> [a] -> OBuilder
join _ [] = mempty join _ [] = mempty
@ -116,7 +111,7 @@ char :: Char -> OBuilder
char c = lift char8 c <* offset (+1) char c = lift char8 c <* offset (+1)
string :: String -> OBuilder string :: String -> OBuilder
string s = lift string8 s <* offset (+ toEnum (length s)) string s = lift string8 s <* offset (+ length s)
line :: String -> OBuilder line :: String -> OBuilder
line l = string l `mappend` newLine line l = string l `mappend` newLine

src/PDF/Pages.hs Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module PDF.Pages (
, get
, getAll
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), (<|>))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), foldM)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Control.Monad.RWS (RWST(..), evalRWST, modify)
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS as RWS (get)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, fromList, insert, lookup, toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import PDF.CMap (cMap)
import qualified PDF.Content as Content (parse)
import PDF.Content.Text (renderText)
import PDF.Encoding (encoding)
import PDF.Font (Font, FontSet)
import PDF.Object (
Content(..), Dictionary, DirectObject(..), IndirectObjCoordinates(..)
, Name(..)
import PDF.Object.Navigation (
(//), dictionaryById, getDictionary, getField, follow, openStream, origin
import PDF.Output (ObjectId(..))
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Text.Printf (printf)
type CachedFonts = Map ObjectId Font
newtype Error a = Error {
runError :: Either String a
} deriving (Alternative, Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadPlus)
type T = RWST Content () CachedFonts Error
data Page = Page {
contents :: [Text]
, source :: ObjectId
instance MonadFail Error where
fail = Error . Left
getFontDictionary :: Dictionary -> T Dictionary
getFontDictionary pageDict =
((pageDict // ["Resources", "Font"]) >>= getDictionary)
<|> return Map.empty
cache :: (ObjectId -> T Font) -> ObjectId -> T Font
cache loader objectId =
(maybe load return . Map.lookup objectId) =<< RWS.get
load = do
value <- loader objectId
modify $ Map.insert objectId value
return value
loadFont :: ObjectId -> T Font
loadFont objectId = dictionaryById objectId >>= tryMappings
tryMappings dictionary =
loadCMap dictionary
<|> (getField "Encoding" dictionary >>= loadEncoding)
<|> (fail $ unknownFormat (show objectId) (show dictionary))
unknownFormat = printf "Unknown font format for object #%s : %s"
loadCMap :: Dictionary -> T Font
loadCMap dictionary =
getField "ToUnicode" dictionary >>= follow >>= openStream >>= cMap
loadEncoding :: DirectObject -> T Font
loadEncoding (NameObject (Name name)) = encoding name
loadEncoding directObject =
fail $ printf "Encoding must be a name, not that : %s" $ show directObject
loadFonts :: Dictionary -> T FontSet
loadFonts = foldM addFont Map.empty . Map.toList
addFont :: FontSet -> (Name, DirectObject) -> T FontSet
addFont output (name, Reference (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId})) =
flip (Map.insert name) output <$> cache loadFont objectId
addFont output _ = return output
several :: DirectObject -> [DirectObject]
several (Array l) = l
several directObject = [directObject]
pagesList :: T [ObjectId]
pagesList = do
pages <- (origin :: T Dictionary) >>= (// ["Root", "Pages"]) >>= getDictionary
case Map.lookup (Name "Kids") pages of
Just (Array kids) -> return $ getReferences kids
_ -> return []
getReferences :: [DirectObject] -> [ObjectId]
getReferences objects = do
object <- objects
case object of
Reference (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId}) -> [objectId]
_ -> []
extractText :: Dictionary -> T [Text]
extractText pageDict = do
fonts <- loadFonts =<< getFontDictionary pageDict
objects <- several <$> getField "Contents" pageDict
concat <$> mapM (loadContent fonts) objects
loadContent :: FontSet -> DirectObject -> T [Text]
loadContent fonts directObject =
follow directObject
>>= openStream
>>= (either fail return . Content.parse)
>>= renderText fonts
loadPage :: ObjectId -> T Page
loadPage source = do
contents <- extractText =<< dictionaryById source
return $ Page {contents, source}
getAll :: Content -> Either String (Map Int Page)
getAll content = runError $ fst <$> evalRWST getPages content Map.empty
numbered = Map.fromList . zip [1..]
getPages = numbered <$> (mapM loadPage =<< pagesList)
get :: Content -> Int -> Either String Page
get content pageNumber
| pageNumber < 1 = Left "Pages start at 1"
| otherwise = runError $ fst <$> evalRWST getPage content Map.empty
firstPage [] = fail "Page is out of bounds"
firstPage (p:_) = loadPage p
getPage = drop (pageNumber - 1) <$> pagesList >>= firstPage

View file

@ -1,56 +1,75 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module PDF.Parser ( module PDF.Parser (
Parser MonadParser(..)
, Parser
, (<?>) , (<?>)
, block
, char
, choice
, count
, decNumber
, hexNumber
, many
, octDigit , octDigit
, on , on
, oneOf
, option
, runParser , runParser
, sepBy , evalParser
, string
, takeAll
, takeAll1
) where ) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), empty) import Control.Applicative (Alternative, (<|>))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Control.Monad.State (StateT(..), evalStateT) import Control.Monad.State (StateT(..), evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans(..))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Atto ( import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Atto (
Parser, char, parseOnly, satisfy, string, take, takeWhile, takeWhile1 Parser, char, endOfInput, parseOnly, peekChar', satisfy, string, take
, takeWhile, takeWhile1
) )
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8.Util (B16Int(..))
import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList, member, unions) import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList, member, unions)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
type MonadDeps m = (MonadFail m, MonadPlus m)
class MonadDeps m => MonadParser m where
block :: Int -> m ByteString
char :: Char -> m Char
decNumber :: m ByteString
endOfInput :: m ()
hexNumber :: m B16Int
oneOf :: String -> m Char
peek :: m Char
string :: ByteString -> m ByteString
takeAll :: (Char -> Bool) -> m ByteString
takeAll1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> m ByteString
instance MonadParser Atto.Parser where
block = Atto.take
char = Atto.char
endOfInput = Atto.endOfInput
decNumber = Atto.takeWhile1 (`Set.member` digits)
hexNumber = B16Int <$> Atto.takeWhile1 (`Set.member` hexDigits)
oneOf charSet = Atto.satisfy (`elem` charSet)
peek = Atto.peekChar'
string s = Atto.string s <?> show s
takeAll = Atto.takeWhile
takeAll1 = Atto.takeWhile1
instance (MonadParser m, MonadTrans t, MonadDeps (t m)) => MonadParser (t m) where
block = lift . block
char = lift . char
endOfInput = lift $ endOfInput
decNumber = lift $ decNumber
hexNumber = lift $ hexNumber
oneOf = lift . oneOf
peek = lift $ peek
string = lift . string
takeAll = lift . takeAll
takeAll1 = lift . takeAll1
type Parser s = StateT s Atto.Parser type Parser s = StateT s Atto.Parser
(<?>) :: Parser s a -> String -> Parser s a (<?>) :: (Alternative m, MonadFail m) => m a -> String -> m a
(<?>) parser debugMessage = parser <|> fail debugMessage (<?>) parser debugMessage = parser <|> fail debugMessage
block :: Int -> Parser s ByteString
block = lift . Atto.take
char :: Char -> Parser s Char
char = lift . Atto.char
choice :: [Parser s a] -> Parser s a
choice = foldr (<|>) empty
count :: Int -> Parser s a -> Parser s [a]
count 0 _ = return []
count n p = (:) <$> p <*> count (n-1) p
decNumber :: Parser s ByteString
decNumber = lift $ Atto.takeWhile1 (`Set.member` digits)
digits :: Set Char digits :: Set Char
digits = Set.fromList ['0'..'9'] digits = Set.fromList ['0'..'9']
@ -59,13 +78,7 @@ hexDigits = Set.unions [digits, Set.fromList af, Set.fromList $ toLower <$> af]
where where
af = ['A'..'F'] af = ['A'..'F']
hexNumber :: Parser s ByteString octDigit :: MonadParser m => m Char
hexNumber = lift $ Atto.takeWhile1 (`Set.member` hexDigits)
many :: Parser s a -> Parser s [a]
many parser = (:) <$> parser <*> many parser <|> return []
octDigit :: Parser s Char
octDigit = oneOf ['0'..'7'] octDigit = oneOf ['0'..'7']
on :: Parser s a -> ByteString -> Parser s (Either String a) on :: Parser s a -> ByteString -> Parser s (Either String a)
@ -74,25 +87,8 @@ on (StateT parserF) input = StateT $ \state ->
Left errorMsg -> return (Left errorMsg, state) Left errorMsg -> return (Left errorMsg, state)
Right (result, newState) -> return (Right result, newState) Right (result, newState) -> return (Right result, newState)
oneOf :: String -> Parser s Char runParser :: Parser s a -> s -> ByteString -> Either String (a, s)
oneOf charSet = lift $ Atto.satisfy (`elem` charSet) runParser parser initState = Atto.parseOnly (runStateT parser initState)
option :: a -> Parser s a -> Parser s a evalParser :: Parser s a -> s -> ByteString -> Either String a
option defaultValue p = p <|> pure defaultValue evalParser parser initState = Atto.parseOnly (evalStateT parser initState)
runParser :: Parser s a -> s -> ByteString -> Either String a
runParser parser initState =
Atto.parseOnly (evalStateT parser initState)
sepBy :: Parser s a -> Parser s b -> Parser s [a]
sepBy parser separator =
option [] $ (:) <$> parser <*> many (separator *> parser)
string :: ByteString -> Parser s ByteString
string = lift . Atto.string
takeAll :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser s ByteString
takeAll = lift . Atto.takeWhile
takeAll1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser s ByteString
takeAll1 = lift . Atto.takeWhile1

src/PDF/Text.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module PDF.Text {-(
)-} where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, asks)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, evalStateT, get, modify, put)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (choice, sepBy)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Map ((!), (!?), Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import PDF.Font (Font, FontSet, emptyFont)
import PDF.Object (
DirectObject(..), StringObject(..)
, array, blank, name, regular, stringObject, toByteString
import PDF.Parser (MonadParser(..), (<?>), Parser, evalParser)
data StateOperator =
C_m | W_ | J | J_ | M | D_ | R_i | I_ | G_s -- general graphic state
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
data PathOperator =
M_ | L_ | C_ | V_ | Y_ | H_ | R_e -- path construction
| S | S_ | F_ | F | Fstar | B | Bstar | B_ | B_star | N_ -- path painting
| W | Wstar -- clipping path
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
data ColorOperator =
CS | C_s | SC | SCN | S_c | S_cn | G | G_ | RG | R_g | K | K_
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
data TextOperator =
Td | TD | Tm | Tstar -- text positioning
| TJ | Tj | Quote | DQuote -- text showing
| Tc | Tw | Tz | TL | Tf | Tr | Ts -- text state
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
data Argument = Raw ByteString | Typed DirectObject deriving Show
type Call a = (a, [Argument])
type Operator a = (Bounded a, Enum a, Show a)
code :: Operator a => a -> ByteString
code = pack . expand . show
expand "" = ""
expand (c:'_':s) = toLower c : expand s
expand ('s':'t':'a':'r':s) = '*' : expand s
expand ('Q':'u':'o':'t':'e':s) = '\'' : expand s
expand ('D':'Q':'u':'o':'t':'e':s) = '"' : expand s
expand (c:s) = c : expand s
instance Show StateOperator where
show Cm = "cm"
show W_ = "w"
show J = "J"
show J_ = "j"
show M = "M"
show D = "d"
show Ri = "ri"
show I = "i"
show Gs = "gs"
instance Show PathOperator where
show M_ = "m"
show L_ = "l"
show C_ = "c"
show V_ = "v"
show Y_ = "y"
show H_
("m", (M_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("l", (L_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("c", (L_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("v", (L_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("y", (L_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("h", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("re", (L_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("S", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("s", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("f", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("F", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("F*", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("B", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("B*", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("b", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("b*", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("n", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("W", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
, ("W*", (L_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False))
instance Show ColorOperator where
instance Show TextOperator where
show Td = "Td"
show TD = "TD"
show Tm = "Tm"
show Tstar = "T*"
show TJ = "TJ"
show Tj = "Tj"
show Quote = "'"
show DQuote = "\""
show Tc = "Tc"
show Tw = "Tw"
show Tz = "Tz"
show TL = "TL"
show Tf = "Tf"
show Tr = "Tr"
show Ts = "Ts"
stateOperator :: OperatorTable StateOperator
stateOperator = Map.fromList $ (\(op, checker) -> (code op, (op, checker))) <$> [
(C_m, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (W_, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (J, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (J_, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (M, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (D_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_i, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (I_, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (G_s, \l -> case l of [Typed (NameObject _)] -> True ; _ -> False)
pathOperator :: OperatorTable PathOperator
pathOperator = Map.fromList $ (\(op, checker) -> (code op, (op, checker))) <$> [
(M_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (L_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (C_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (V_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Y_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (H_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_e, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (S, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (S_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (F_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (F, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Fstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Bstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B_star, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (N_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (W, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Wstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
colorOperator :: OperatorTable ColorOperator
colorOperator = Map.fromList $ (\(op, checker) -> (code op, (op, checker))) <$> [
(CS, \l -> case l of [Typed (NameObject _)] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (C_s, \l -> case l of [Typed (NameObject _)] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (SC, \_ -> True)
, (SCN, \_ -> True)
, (S_c, \_ -> True)
, (S_cn, \_ -> True)
, (G, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (G_, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (RG, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_g, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (K, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (K_, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
stateOperator (Cm, [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _]) = True
stateOperator (W, [Raw _]) = True
stateOperator (J, [Raw _]) = True
stateOperator (J_, [Raw _]) = True
stateOperator (M, [Raw _]) = True
stateOperator (D, [Raw _, Raw _]) = True
stateOperator (Ri, [Raw _]) = True
stateOperator (I, [Raw _]) = True
stateOperator (Gs, [Typed (NameObject _)]) = True
stateOperator _ = False
textOperator :: OperatorTable TextOperator
textOperator = Map.fromList $ (\(op, checker) -> (code op, (op, checker))) <$> [
(Td, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TD, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tm, \l -> case l of [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TJ, \l -> case l of [Typed (Array _)] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tj, \l -> case l of [Typed (StringObject _)] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Quote, \l -> case l of [Typed (StringObject _)] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (DQuote, \l -> case l of [Typed (StringObject _)] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tc, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tw, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tz, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TL, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tf, \l -> case l of [Typed (NameObject _), Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tr, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Ts, \l -> case l of [Raw _] -> True ; _ -> False)
textOperator (Td, [Raw _, Raw _]) = True
textOperator (TD, [Raw _, Raw _]) = True
textOperator (Tm, [Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _, Raw _]) = True
textOperator (Tstar, []) = True
textOperator (TJ, [Typed (Array _)]) = True
textOperator (Tj, [Typed (StringObject _)]) = True
textOperator (Quote, [Typed (StringObject _)]) = True
textOperator (DQuote, [Typed (StringObject _)]) = True
textOperator (Tc, [Raw _]) = True
textOperator (Tw, [Raw _]) = True
textOperator (Tz, [Raw _]) = True
textOperator (TL, [Raw _]) = True
textOperator (Tf, [Typed (NameObject _), Raw _]) = True
textOperator (Tr, [Raw _]) = True
textOperator (Ts, [Raw _]) = True
textOperator _ = False
type ArgumentStackParser m = (MonadState [Argument] m, MonadParser m)
--type Operator a = (Bounded a, Enum a, Show a)
type OperatorTable a = Map ByteString (TypeChecker a)
type TypeChecker a = (a, [Argument] -> Bool)
parseShowable :: (Show a, MonadParser m) => a -> m a
parseShowable textOp = string (pack $ show textOp) *> return textOp
callChunk :: MonadParser m => OperatorTable a -> m (Either (TypeChecker a) Argument)
callChunk table =
(Right <$> choice [stringArg, nameArg, arrayArg])
<|> operatorOrRawArg
<?> "call chunk"
operatorOrRawArg = do
chunk <- takeAll1 regular <* blank
case table !? chunk of
Nothing -> return . Right $ Raw chunk
Just typeChecker -> return $ Left typeChecker
stackParser :: (ArgumentStackParser m, Operator a) => OperatorTable a -> m (Call a)
stackParser table = either popCall push =<< (callChunk table)
push arg = modify (arg:) >> stackParser table
popCall (operator, predicate) = do
arguments <- reverse <$> get
let call = (operator, arguments)
if predicate arguments then return call else fail (unpack $ code operator)
a :: (Operator a, MonadParser m) => OperatorTable a -> m (Call a)
a table = evalStateT (stackParser table) []
argument :: MonadParser m => m Argument
argument = Raw <$> takeAll1 regular <* blank
arrayArg :: MonadParser m => m Argument
arrayArg = Typed . Array <$> array <* blank
nameArg :: MonadParser m => m Argument
nameArg = Typed . NameObject <$> name <* blank
stringArg :: MonadParser m => m Argument
stringArg = Typed . StringObject <$> stringObject <* blank
type ParserWithFont = ReaderT FontSet (Parser Font)
pageContents :: FontSet -> ByteString -> Either String [Text]
pageContents fontSet input =
evalParser (runReaderT (page) fontSet) emptyFont input
several :: MonadParser m => m [a] -> m [a]
several p = concat <$> (p `sepBy` blank)
page :: ParserWithFont [Text]
page = several (graphicState <|> text) <* blank <* endOfInput <?> "Text page contents"
graphicState :: ParserWithFont [Text]
graphicState =
string "q" *> blank *> insideQ <* blank <* string "Q" <?> "Graphic state"
insideQ = several (command <|> graphicState <|> text)
ignore x = a x *> return []
command =
ignore stateOperator <|> ignore pathOperator <|> ignore colorOperator
text :: ParserWithFont [Text]
text =
string "BT" *> blank *> commands <* blank <* string "ET" <?> "Text operators"
commands = several (a textOperator >>= runOperator)
runOperator :: Call TextOperator -> ParserWithFont [Text]
runOperator (Tf, [Typed (NameObject fontName), _]) =
asks (! fontName) >>= put >> return []
runOperator (Tstar, []) = return ["\n"]
runOperator (TJ, [Typed (Array arrayObject)]) =
replicate 1 <$> foldM appendText "" arrayObject
appendText bs (StringObject outputString) =
mappend bs <$> decodeString outputString
appendText bs _ = return bs
runOperator (Tj, [Typed (StringObject outputString)]) =
replicate 1 <$> decodeString outputString
runOperator (Quote, [Typed (StringObject outputString)]) =
(\bs -> ["\n", bs]) <$> decodeString outputString
runOperator (DQuote, [Typed (StringObject outputString)]) =
(\bs -> ["\n", bs]) <$> decodeString outputString
runOperator _ = return []
decodeString :: (MonadFail m, MonadState Font m) => StringObject -> m Text
decodeString input = do
font <- get
either fail return . font $ toByteString input