WIP: Clean code parsing «pages» (now Content), separated from text rendering (will be reimplemented as an upper layer, also providing modification as stream filters) — Page is also forgotten for now, will need a big improvement in Object navigation

This commit is contained in:
Tissevert 2020-02-09 22:42:57 +01:00
parent 325250383a
commit 20466c4f13
9 changed files with 254 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -18,14 +18,19 @@ cabal-version: >=1.10
exposed-modules: PDF
, PDF.CMap
, PDF.Content
, PDF.Object
, PDF.Output
, PDF.Pages
, PDF.Parser
, PDF.Text
, PDF.Update
other-modules: Data.ByteString.Char8.Util
, PDF.Content.Operator
, PDF.Content.Operator.Color
, PDF.Content.Operator.Common
, PDF.Content.Operator.GraphicState
, PDF.Content.Operator.Path
, PDF.Content.Operator.Text
, PDF.Encoding
, PDF.Encoding.MacRoman
, PDF.Body

src/PDF/Content.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module PDF.Content (
, ContentUnit(..)
, GraphicContextUnit(..)
, TextContext
, content
, parse
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.State (evalStateT, modify)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (sepBy)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import PDF.Object (blank, directObject)
import PDF.Parser (MonadParser, (<?>), evalParser, string)
import PDF.Content.Operator (Instruction, operator)
data GraphicContextUnit =
GraphicInstruction Instruction
| ContentUnit ContentUnit
deriving Show
type TextContext = [Instruction]
data ContentUnit =
GraphicContext [GraphicContextUnit]
| TextContext TextContext
deriving Show
newtype Content = Content [ContentUnit] deriving Show
content :: MonadParser m => m Content
content = Content <$> contentUnit `sepBy` blank <?> "content"
contentUnit :: MonadParser m => m ContentUnit
contentUnit =
(GraphicContext <$> graphicContext)
<|> (TextContext <$> textContext)
graphicContext =
string "q" *> blank *> graphicContextUnit `sepBy` blank <* blank <* string "Q"
graphicContextUnit :: MonadParser m => m GraphicContextUnit
graphicContextUnit =
(GraphicInstruction <$> instruction)
<|> (ContentUnit <$> contentUnit)
instruction :: MonadParser m => m Instruction
instruction = evalStateT stackParser []
stackParser = ((directObject <* blank) >>= push) <|> operator
push arg = modify (arg:) *> stackParser
parse :: ByteString -> Either String Content
parse = evalParser content ()
textContext :: MonadParser m => m TextContext
textContext =
string "BT" *> blank *> instruction `sepBy` blank <* blank <* string "ET"

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module PDF.Content.Operator (
, Operator
, operator
) where
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack, unpack)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Map (Map, (!?))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import qualified PDF.Content.Operator.Color as Color (Operator, signature)
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
import qualified PDF.Content.Operator.GraphicState as GraphicState (Operator, signature)
import qualified PDF.Content.Operator.Path as Path (Operator, signature)
import qualified PDF.Content.Operator.Text as Text (Operator, signature)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject, blank, regular)
import PDF.Parser (MonadParser, takeAll1)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Text.Printf (printf)
data Operator =
GraphicState GraphicState.Operator
| Path Path.Operator
| Color Color.Operator
| Text Text.Operator
deriving Show
type Instruction = (Operator, [DirectObject])
operatorsTable :: Map ByteString (Signature Operator)
operatorsTable = Map.fromList (
(prepare GraphicState <$> GraphicState.signature)
++ (prepare Path <$> Path.signature)
++ (prepare Color <$> Color.signature)
++ (prepare Text <$> Text.signature)
prepare constructor (op, sig) = (code op, (constructor op, sig))
code :: Show a => a -> ByteString
code = pack . expand . show
expand "" = ""
expand (c:'_':s) = toLower c : expand s
expand ('s':'t':'a':'r':s) = '*' : expand s
expand ('Q':'u':'o':'t':'e':s) = '\'' : expand s
expand ('D':'Q':'u':'o':'t':'e':s) = '"' : expand s
expand (c:s) = c : expand s
type StackParser m = (MonadState [DirectObject] m, MonadParser m)
operator :: StackParser m => m Instruction
operator = do
chunk <- takeAll1 regular <* blank
args <- reverse <$> get
case operatorsTable !? chunk of
Just (op, sig)
| sig args -> return (op, args)
| otherwise ->
get >>= fail . printf "Operator %s with stack %s" (show op) . show
_ -> fail ("Unknown chunk " ++ unpack chunk)

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.Color (
, signature
) where
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject(..))
data Operator =
CS | C_s | SC | SCN | S_c | S_cn | G | G_ | RG | R_g | K | K_
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
signature :: [Signature Operator]
signature = [
(CS, \l -> case l of [NameObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (C_s, \l -> case l of [NameObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (SC, \_ -> True)
, (SCN, \_ -> True)
, (S_c, \_ -> True)
, (S_cn, \_ -> True)
, (G, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (G_, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (RG, \l -> case l of [_, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_g, \l -> case l of [_, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (K, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (K_, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.Common (
) where
import PDF.Object (DirectObject)
type Signature a = (a, [DirectObject] -> Bool)

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.GraphicState (
, signature
) where
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject(..))
data Operator =
C_m | W_ | J | J_ | M | D_ | R_i | I_ | G_s -- general graphic state
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
signature :: [Signature Operator]
signature = [
(C_m, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (W_, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (J, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (J_, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (M, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (D_, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_i, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (I_, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (G_s, \l -> case l of [NameObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.Path (
, signature
) where
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
data Operator =
M_ | L_ | C_ | V_ | Y_ | H_ | R_e -- path construction
| S | S_ | F_ | F | Fstar | B | Bstar | B_ | B_star | N_ -- path painting
| W | Wstar -- clipping path
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
signature :: [Signature Operator]
signature = [
(M_, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (L_, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (C_, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (V_, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Y_, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (H_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (R_e, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (S, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (S_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (F_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (F, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Fstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Bstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (B_star, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (N_, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (W, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Wstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module PDF.Content.Operator.Text (
, signature
) where
import PDF.Content.Operator.Common (Signature)
import PDF.Object (DirectObject(..))
data Operator =
Td | TD | Tm | Tstar -- text positioning
| TJ | Tj | Quote | DQuote -- text showing
| Tc | Tw | Tz | TL | Tf | Tr | Ts -- text state
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
signature :: [Signature Operator]
signature = [
(Td, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TD, \l -> case l of [_, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tm, \l -> case l of [_, _, _, _, _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tstar, \l -> case l of [] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TJ, \l -> case l of [Array _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tj, \l -> case l of [StringObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Quote, \l -> case l of [StringObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (DQuote, \l -> case l of [StringObject _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tc, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tw, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tz, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (TL, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tf, \l -> case l of [NameObject _, _] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Tr, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)
, (Ts, \l -> case l of [_] -> True ; _ -> False)

src/PDF/Content/Text.hs Normal file
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