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This file contains the list of publications which is used in the
[[file:en/publications.org][English]] and [[file:fr/publications.org][French]] versions of the bibliography page.
* 2024
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, David
Orellana-Martín, Antonio Ramírez-de-Arellano, José-Antonio
Rodríguez-Gallego: /P systems with reactive membranes./
J. Membr. Comput. 6(2): 82-93 (2024)
1. Artiom Alhazov, Sergiu Ivanov, David Orellana-Martín: /Queens of
the Hill./ J. Membr. Comput. 6(3): 193-201 (2024)
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /On the spectrum
between reaction systems and string rewriting./ Nat. Comput. 23(2):
159-175 (2024)
1. Sergiu Ivanov, Damien Regnault: /A linear bound for the size of the
finite terminal/ /assembly of a directed non-cooperative tile
assembly system./ CoRR abs/2405.18630 (2024)
* 2023
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov et Sergey Verlan:
/Numerical networks of cells./ Theor. Comput. Sci. 958: 113873
1. Artiom Alhazov, Vincent Ferrari-Dominguez, Rudolf Freund, Nicolas
Glade, Sergiu Ivanov: A P systems variant for reasoning about
sequential controllability of Boolean
networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 970: 114056 (2023)
1. Artiom Alhazov, Vincent Ferrari-Dominguez, Rudolf Freund, Nicolas
Glade, Sergiu Ivanov: /A P Systems Variant for Reasoning about
Sequential Controllability of Boolean Networks./ CoRR
abs/2303.00110 (2023)
* 2022
1. Elio Nushi, Victor-Bogdan Popescu, José Ángel Sánchez Martín,
Sergiu Ivanov, Eugen Czeizler, Ion Petre: Book chapter /Network
modeling methods for precision medicine/ in Systems Biology
Modelling and Analysis. Elisabetta De Maria, editor. John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd, 2022. Chap. 10, pp. 363–423.
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund et Sergiu Ivanov: /P versus B:
P Systems as a Formal/ /Framework for Controllability of Boolean
Networks./ Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Non-Classical
Models of Automata and Applications, Debrecen, Hungary, August
26-27, 2022.
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov et Sergey Verlan:
/Regulated Insertion-Deletion Systems./ Journal of Automata,
Languages and Combinatorics 27.1–3 (2022), p. 15-45.
2. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan:
/Tissue P Systems with Vesicles of Multisets./
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 33(3&4): 179-202 (2022)
3. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Marion Oswald:
/Variants of derivation modes for which purely catalytic P systems
are computationally complete./ Theor. Comput. Sci. 920: 95-112
4. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan:
/Prescribed Teams of Rules Working on Several Objects./ MCU 2022:
* 2021
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan:
/Variants of derivation modes for which catalytic P systems with
one catalyst are computationally complete./
J. Membr. Comput. 3(4): 233-245 (2021)
2. Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan: /Single semi-contextual
insertion-deletion systems./ Nat. Comput. 20(4): 703-712 (2021)
3. Rémi Segretain, Laurent Trilling, Nicolas Glade, Sergiu Ivanov:
/Who Plays Complex Music? On the Correlations Between Structural
and Behavioral Complexity Measures in Sign Boolean Networks./
Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on
BioInformatics and BioEngineering BIBE 2021: 1-6.
4. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Marion Oswald:
/Relations between Control Mechanisms for Sequential Grammars./
Fundam. Informaticae 181(2-3): 239-271 (2021)
5. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /P systems with
limited number of objects./ J. Membr. Comput. 3(1): 1-9 (2021)
6. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /When catalytic
P systems with one catalyst can be computationally complete./
J. Membr. Comput. 3(3): 170-181 (2021)
7. Jérémie Pardo, Sergiu Ivanov, Franck Delaplace: /Sequential
reprogramming of biological network fate./
Theor. Comput. Sci. 872: 97-116 (2021)
8. Rémi Segretain, Sergiu Ivanov, Laurent Trilling, Nicolas Glade:
/A Methodology for Evaluating the Extensibility of Boolean
Networks’ Structure and Function./ In: Benito R.M., Cherifi C.,
Cherifi H., Moro E., Rocha L.M., Sales-Pardo M. (eds) Complex
Networks & Their Applications IX. COMPLEX NETWORKS 1. Studies in
Computational Intelligence, vol 944. Springer, Cham. (2021)
9. Elio Nushi, Victor-Bogdan Popescu, José Ángel Sánchez Martín,
Sergiu Ivanov, Eugen Czeizler, Ion Petre: /Network modeling
methods for precision medicine./ CoRR abs/2104.09206 (2021)
* 2020
1. Franck Delaplace, Sergiu Ivanov: /Bisimilar Booleanization of
multivalued networks./ Biosyst. 197: 104205 (2020)
2. Sergiu Ivanov, Ion Petre: /Controllability of reaction systems./
J. Membr. Comput. 2(4): 290-302 (2020)
3. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Linqiang Pan,
Bosheng Song: /Time-freeness and clock-freeness and related
concepts in P systems./ Theor. Comput. Sci. 805: 127–143 (2020)
4. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /P systems with
randomized right-hand sides of rules./ Theor. Comput. Sci. 805:
144–160 (2020)
5. Franck Delaplace, Sergiu Ivanov: /Bisimilar Conversion of
Multi-valued Networks to Boolean Networks./ CoRR abs/2001.07371
6. Sergiu Ivanov, Ion Petre: /Controllability of reaction systems./
CoRR abs/2007.09461 (2020)
7. Urvan Christen, Sergiu Ivanov, Rémi Segretain, Laurent Trilling,
Nicolas Glade: /On Computing Structural and Behavioral
Complexities of Threshold Boolean Networks/. Acta Biotheoretica
68 119–138 (2020)
8. Rémi Segretain, Sergiu Ivanov, Laurent Trilling, Nicolas Glade:
/Implementation of a Computing Pipeline for Evaluating the
Extensibility of Boolean Networks’ Structure and Function./
bioRxiv 2020.10.02.323949 (2020)
* 2019
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /Variants of P
systems with activation and blocking of rules./
Nat. Comput. 18(3): 593–608 (2019)
2. Jérémie Pardo, Sergiu Ivanov, Franck Delaplace: /Sequential
Reprogramming of Biological Network Fate./ CMSB 2019: 20–41
3. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /Register machines
over groups./ NCMA 2019: 31–46
* 2018
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Marion Oswald,
Sergey Verlan: /Extended spiking neural P systems with white hole
rules and their red-green variants./ Nat. Comput. 17(2): 297–310
2. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Marion Oswald,
Sergey Verlan: /Chocolate P Automata./ Enjoying Natural Computing
2018: 1–20
3. Sergiu Ivanov, Vladimir Rogojin, Sepinoud Azimi, Ion Petre:
/WEBRSIM: A Web-Based Reaction Systems Simulator./ Enjoying
Natural Computing 2018: 170–181
4. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /Sequential
Grammars with Activation and Blocking of Rules./ MCU 2018: 51–68
5. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan:
/Tissue P Systems with Point Mutation Rules./ Int. Conf. on
Membrane Computing 2018: 33–56
6. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /P Systems with
Activation and Blocking of Rules./ UCNC 2018: 1–15
* 2017
1. Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan: /Universality and Computational
Completeness of Controlled Leftist Insertion-Deletion Systems./
Fundam. Informaticae 155(1-2): 163–185 (2017)
2. Aaron Meurer, Christopher P. Smith, Mateusz Paprocki, Ondrej
Certík, Sergey B. Kirpichev, Matthew Rocklin, Amit Kumar, Sergiu
Ivanov, Jason Keith Moore, Sartaj Singh, Thilina Rathnayake, Sean
Vig, Brian E. Granger, Richard P. Muller, Francesco Bonazzi,
Harsh Gupta, Shivam Vats, Fredrik Johansson, Fabian Pedregosa,
Matthew J. Curry, Andy R. Terrel, Stepán Roucka, Ashutosh Saboo,
Isuru Fernando, Sumith Kulal, Robert Cimrman, Anthony M. Scopatz:
/SymPy: symbolic computing in Python./ PeerJ Comput. Sci. 3: e103
3. Artiom Alhazov, Henning Fernau, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov,
Rani Siromoney, K. G. Subramanian: /Contextual array grammars
with matrix control,/ /regular control languages, and tissue P
systems control./ Theor. Comput. Sci. 682: 5–21 (2017)
4. Quoc-Trung Vuong, Roselyne Chauvin, Sergiu Ivanov, Nicolas Glade,
Laurent Trilling: /A Logical Constraint-based Approach to Infer
and Explore Diversity and/ /Composition in Thresholded Boolean
Automaton Networks./ COMPLEX NETWORKS 2017: 567–579
5. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: Hierarchical P
/Systems with Randomized Right-Hand Sides of Rules./
Int. Conf. on Membrane Computing 2017: 15–39
6. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan:
/(Tissue) P Systems with Vesicles of Multisets./ AFL 2017: 11–25
* 2016
1. Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Ludwig Staiger: /Going Beyond
Turing with P Automata:/ /Regular Observer ω-Languages and
Partial Adult Halting./ Int. J. Unconv. Comput. 12(1): 51-69
2. Artiom Alhazov, Sergiu Ivanov, Elisabeth Pelz, Sergey Verlan:
/Small Universal Deterministic Petri Nets with Inhibitor Arcs./
J. Autom. Lang. Comb. 21(1-2): 7-26 (2016)
3. Sepinoud Azimi, Cristian Gratie, Sergiu Ivanov, Luca Manzoni, Ion
Petre, Antonio E. Porreca: /Complexity of model checking for
reaction systems./ Theor. Comput. Sci. 623: 103-113 (2016)
4. Artiom Alhazov, Bogdan Aman, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov:
/Simulating R Systems by P Systems./ Int. Conf. on Membrane
Computing 2016: 51-66
5. Artiom Alhazov, Omar Belingheri, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov,
Antonio E. Porreca, Claudio Zandron: /Purely Catalytic P Systems
over Integers and Their Generative Power./ Int. Conf. on Membrane
Computing 2016: 67-82
6. Aaron Meurer, Christopher P. Smith, Mateusz Paprocki, Ondrej
Certík, Matthew Rocklin, Amit Kumar, Sergiu Ivanov, Jason Keith
Moore, Sartaj Singh, Thilina Rathnayake, Sean Vig, Brian
E. Granger, Richard P. Muller, Francesco Bonazzi, Harsh Gupta,
Shivam Vats, Fredrik Johansson, Fabian Pedregosa, Matthew
J. Curry, Ashutosh Saboo, Isuru Fernando, Sumith Kulal, Robert
Cimrman, Anthony M. Scopatz: /SymPy: Symbolic computing in
Python./ PeerJ Prepr. 4: e2083 (2016)
7. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /Polymorphic
P Systems: A Survey/. Bulletin of the International Membrane
Computing Society (IMCS). Number 2, December 2016: 79–101.
* 2015
1. Sergiu Ivanov: /On the Power and Universality of
Biologically-inspired Models of Computation./ (Étude de la
puissance d'expression et de l'universalité des modèles de calcul
inspirés par la biologie). University of Paris-Est, France, 2015
2. Sergiu Ivanov: /Annotation on PhD Thesis./
Comput. Sci. J. Moldova 23(3): 386-388 (2015)
3. Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan: /Random Context and
Semi-conditional Insertion-deletion Systems./
Fundam. Informaticae 138(1-2): 127-144 (2015)
4. Sepinoud Azimi, Cristian Gratie, Sergiu Ivanov, Ion Petre:
/Dependency graphs and mass conservation in reaction systems./
Theor. Comput. Sci. 598: 23-39 (2015)
5. Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan: /Universality of Graph-controlled
Leftist Insertion-deletion Systems with Two States./ MCU 2015:
6. Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan: /On the Lower Bounds for Leftist
Insertion-Deletion Languages/. Annals of the University of
Bucharest (Informatics) LXII(2): 77–88 (2015)
7. Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan: /P Systems with
Generalized Multisets Over Totally Ordered Abelian Groups./
Int. Conf. on Membrane Computing 2015: 117-136
8. Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Ludwig Staiger: /Going Beyond
Turing with P Automata:/ /Partial Adult Halting and Regular
Observer ω-Languages./ UCNC 2015: 169-180
9. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Marion Oswald:
/Observations on P Systems with States/. Multidisciplinary
Creativity, Marian Gheorghe, Ion Petre, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez,
Grzegorz Rozenberg, and Arto Salomaa, eds. p. 17-28, Editura
Spandugino, 2015.
* 2014
1. Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov: /Length P Systems./
Fundam. Informaticae 134(1-2): 17-37 (2014)
2. Sergiu Ivanov, Yurii Rogozhin, Sergey Verlan: /Small Universal
Networks of Evolutionary Processors./
J. Autom. Lang. Comb. 19(1-4): 133-144 (2014)
3. Sergiu Ivanov, Elisabeth Pelz, Sergey Verlan: /Small Universal
Non-deterministic Petri Nets with Inhibitor Arcs./ DCFS 2014:
4. Sergiu Ivanov: /Polymorphic P Systems with Non-cooperative Rules
and No Ingredients./ Int. Conf. on Membrane Computing 2014:
* 2013
1. Sergiu Ivanov: /A formal framework for clock-free networks of
cells./ Int. J. Comput. Math. 90(4): 776-788 (2013)
2. Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan: /About One-Sided One-Symbol
Insertion-Deletion P Systems./ Int. Conf. on Membrane Computing
2013: 225-237
3. Henning Fernau, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Markus L. Schmid,
K. G. Subramanian: /Array Insertion and Deletion P Systems./ UCNC
2013: 67-78
4. Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov, Marion Oswald, K. G. Subramanian:
/One-dimensional Array Grammars and P Systems with Array
Insertion and Deletion Rules./ MCU 2013: 62-75
5. Sergiu Ivanov, Elisabeth Pelz, Sergey Verlan: /Small Universal
Petri Nets with Inhibitor Arcs./ CoRR abs/1312.4414 (2013)
* 2012
1. Sergiu Ivanov: /Static and Dynamic Membrane Structures./
Comput. Sci. J. Moldova 20(3): 374-402 (2012)
* 2011
1. Sergiu Ivanov, Artiom Alhazov, Vladimir Rogojin, Miguel
A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo: /Forward and Backward Chaining with P
Systems./ Int. J. Nat. Comput. Res. 2(2): 56-66 (2011)
2. Sergiu Ivanov: /Basic Concurrency Resolution in Clock-Free P
Systems./ Int. Conf. on Membrane Computing 2011: 226-242
3. Sergiu Ivanov, Sergey Verlan: /Random Context and
Semi-Conditional Insertion-Deletion Systems./ CoRR abs/1112.5947
* 2010
1. Artiom Alhazov, Elena Boian, Liudmila Burtseva, Constantin
Ciubotaru, Svetlana Cojocaru, Alexandru Colesnicov, Valentina
Demidova, Sergiu Ivanov, Veaceslav Macari, Galina Magariu,
Ludmila Malahova, Vladimir Rogojin, Yurii Rogozhin, Tatiana
Tofan, Sergey Verlan, Tatiana Verlan: /Investigations on Natural
Computing in the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science./
Comput. Sci. J. Moldova 18(2): 101-138 (2010)
1. Artiom Alhazov, Constantin Ciubotaru, Sergiu Ivanov, Yurii
Rogozhin: /Membrane Systems Languages Are Polynomial-Time
Parsable./ Comput. Sci. J. Moldova 18(2): 139-148 (2010)
1. Artiom Alhazov, Constantin Ciubotaru, Sergiu Ivanov, Yurii
Rogozhin: /The Family of Languages Generated by Non-cooperative
Membrane Systems./ Int. Conf. on Membrane Computing 2010: 65-80
1. Artiom Alhazov, Sergiu Ivanov, Yurii Rogozhin: /Polymorphic P
Systems./ Int. Conf. on Membrane Computing 2010: 81-94
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