#+TITLE: Old news * Context I maintain a news feed on my work page. I keep the number of shown news item to a low number, but it is interesting to keep a backlog. This is the goal of this file. * Old news | [2021-12-13] | A short summary of our paper [[https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/IBISC/hal-03324134][Relations between Control Mechanisms for Sequential Grammars]] appears in the [[https://www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/IBISCInfo_11_online.pdf][newsletter of IBISC]] (French). | | [2021-12-02] | The night hackathon [[https://www.nuitdelinfo.com/][Nuit de l'Info]] happens at IBGBI in Évry. | | [2021-11-16] | Our paper [[https://rdcu.be/cBp8b][Variants of derivation modes for which catalytic P systems with one catalyst are computationally complete]] has just been published online in the [[https://www.springer.com/journal/41965][Journal of Membrane Computing]]. | | [2021-10-27] | Our work [[https://hal-univ-evry.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03408740][Who Plays Complex Music?]] won the Best Student Paper Award at [[http://www.bibe2021.kg.ac.rs/][BIBE 2021]] in Serbia. | | [2021-11-10] | We present the research in the domain of personalized medicine at IBISC at [[https://www.santexpo.com/][SANTEXPO]] in Paris, at Porte de Versailles. | | [2021-10-25] | Rémi Segretain presents our work /Who Plays Complex Music?/ at [[http://www.bibe2021.kg.ac.rs/][BIBE 2021]] in Serbia. | | [2021-10-15] | The site of the Workshop on Atavistic Theory of Cancer ([[https://www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/atac2022/][ATAC2022]]) is online. | * Local Variables :noexport: # Local Variables: # eval: (auto-fill-mode) # ispell-local-dictionary: "en" # org-link-file-path-type: relative # End: