{- sorting.hs

This file contains the examples on monads to be shown in the fourth
class of the course "Haskell for Life", by Sergiu Ivanov


This file is meant to be read sequentially.

This file is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Alone

import Control.Parallel (par, pseq)
import Control.DeepSeq (force, NFData, deepseq)
import System.Random (getStdGen, randoms)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Clock

-- | This is an implementation of Quicksort.
-- We always choose the head of the list as the pivot, then we put the
-- elements smaller than the pivot in 'lesser', and those greater than
-- the pivot in 'greater'.  We then sort the two lists and put them
-- together with the pivot in between.
-- The 'Ord' typeclass requires comparison operators (like >=) to be
-- defined for the type.
qsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qsort [] = []
qsort (pivot:rest) = lesser ++ pivot:greater
  where lesser  = qsort [x | x <- rest, x <  pivot]
        greater = qsort [y | y <- rest, y >= pivot]

-- | This is a parallel implementation of Quicksort.
-- We would like to have 'lesser' and 'greater' evaluated in parallel.
-- To assure that, we may feel tempted to say
--   lesser `par` (lesser ++ pivot:greater)
-- In this case the runtime will get the information that we would
-- like 'lesser' evaluated in parallel, ... and then the main thread
-- will start evaluating the arguments to '(++)', sometimes starting
-- with the very same 'lesser'!  This means parallel evaluation of
-- 'lesser' will only be initiated if we get lucky and the runtime
-- starts evaluating the second argument of '(++)' before the first
-- one.  In order to give 'lesser' some time to get evaluated, we
-- shall therefore also require that 'greater' be evaluated before
-- list concatenation is done, like this:
--   lesser `par` ( greater `pseq` (lesser ++ pivot:greater) )
-- Moreover, since both `par` and `pseq` are right-associative, we can
-- drop some of the parentheses:
--   lesser `par` greater `pseq` (lesser ++ pivot:greater)
-- Now, even though everything seems nice and shiny, there's still a
-- big problem: 'par' and 'pseq' only assure some very "shallow"
-- evaluation of their left argument.  In the case of our sorting
-- routine this essentially means that only the first elements of
-- 'lesser' and 'greater' are actually evaluated, in parallel, while
-- the rest of the lists are evaluated when the sorted result is
-- _actually_ needed (e.g. when we want to print it); and that
-- evaluation is done sequentially.  Therefore, despite our clever
-- usage of 'par' and 'pseq', the greater part of the sorting is done
-- quite sequentially.
-- To solve this problem, we should force deep (complete) evaluation
-- of 'lesser' and 'greater' using the aptly named 'force' function:
--   force lesser `par` force greater `pseq` (lesser ++ pivot:greater)
-- In this case we will really get our sorting executed in parallel.
-- We need to use the function 'force' on lists of type 'a', and thus
-- on values of type 'a' as well.  The existence of the function
-- 'force' is expressed by the typeclass 'NFData'.
parQsort :: (Ord a, NFData a) => [a] -> [a]
parQsort [] = []
parQsort (pivot:rest) = force lesser
                        `par` force greater
                        `pseq` (lesser ++ pivot:greater)
  where lesser  = parQsort [x | x <- rest, x <  pivot]
        greater = parQsort [y | y <- rest, y >= pivot]

-- | Now, just for fun, let's consider the number of times we use
-- 'par': we apply it in every node of the recursion tree in
-- 'parQsort', and there more nodes in this recursion tree than there
-- elements in the array to sort!  That's actually a problem, since
-- 'par' is not exactly free, even though it's not really costly
-- either.
-- To avoid allocating separate jobs for very small lists, we will
-- only use `par` for sorting lists longer than a certain threshold.
-- The symbol '@' allows us to refer to the deconstructed list.  Thus,
-- when we pattern match on an argument using 'list@(x:xs)' instead of
-- just '(x:xs)', we can use 'list' to refer to the original (not
-- deconstructed) value of the parameter (i.e. to 'list = (x:xs)').
parnQsort :: (Ord a, NFData a) => Int -> [a] -> [a]
parnQsort _ [] = []
parnQsort d list@(pivot:rest) | length list >= d = lesser
                                                   `par` greater
                                                   `pseq` (lesser ++ pivot:greater)
                              | otherwise = lesser ++ pivot:greater
  where lesser  = parnQsort d [x | x <- rest, x <  pivot]
        greater = parnQsort d [y | y <- rest, y >= pivot]

-- | Produces a sequence of random integers of the given length.
-- Pseudo-random numbers are usually generating from some information
-- from the outer world, that is why we have to work within the IO
-- monad.
randomInts :: Int -> IO [Int]
randomInts n = do
  gen <- getStdGen        -- Get the global random number generator.
  let ints = randoms gen  -- Get an infinite list of random 'Int's.
  return $ take n ints    -- Return the first 'n' random values.

-- | Runs an IO action and then outputs the running time.
-- Let's look at the type signature: according to its return type,
-- this function is in the IO monad, and it returns a 'TimeSpec', a
-- type defined in 'Data.Clock' that contains two fields: one for
-- seconds and another one for nanoseconds.  The only argument of this
-- function is an _unevaluated_ value (a thunk) which the function
-- will evaluate and measure the time it took.  The evaluation will be
-- forced via the 'deepseq' function, and the existence of this
-- function for the type 'a' is guaranteed by requiring that it should
-- belong to the 'NFData' typeclass.
clockedRun :: NFData a => a -> IO TimeSpec
clockedRun x = do
  -- We get the time from the monotonic clock: its value can never be
  -- changed, so we do not risk getting biased results.
  start <- getTime Monotonic
  end <- x `deepseq` getTime Monotonic
  return (diffTimeSpec start end)

-- | Let's test all three functions.
main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs -- Get the command line arguments.

  -- If there are some arguments, treat the first one as the length of
  -- the list; otherwise, use the default length: 100000 with many zeros.
  let n | null args = 100000
        | otherwise = read (head args)

  -- Generate the random list.
  putStrLn $ "Generating " ++ show n ++ " random integers."
  list <- randomInts n

  -- Run the sequential Quicksort and measure the time.
  seqTime <- clockedRun (qsort list)
  putStrLn $ "Sequential Quicksort worked in " ++ show (nsec seqTime) ++ " ns."

  -- Run the first version of parallel Quicksort and measure the time.
  parTime <- clockedRun (parQsort list)
  putStrLn $ "Parallel Quicksort (abusive variant) worked in " ++ show (nsec parTime) ++ " ns."

  -- Run the cleverer version of parallel Quicksort and measure the
  -- time.  Don't use 'par' for lists having less than 1000 elements.
  parnTime <- clockedRun (parnQsort 1000 list)
  putStrLn $ "Parallel Quicksort (cleverer variant) worked in " ++ show (nsec parnTime) ++ " ns."