* GINsim package for Nix This repository packages [[http://ginsim.org/][GINsim]] for [[https://nixos.org/][Nix]]. ** Raison d'ĂȘtre GINsim is extremely simple to install and run: just download the JAR file from their [[http://ginsim.org/downloads][Download page]] and run it using =java -jar=. I wanted to get Nix to do it for me. I also didn't want to add a package to my local checkout of Nixpkgs. The main goal of this repository is to simply show how to do all of this. It is first of all a Nix exercise, which allowed me to better understand Nix (I've been using it for >4 years as of 2020, but I still consider myself a beginner). It may be useful for people using GINsim as well. The Nix files in this repository contain more comments than code in the hope to be useful to other people and to older me. ** Usage To get GINsim, run the command =nix-build ginsim.nix=. This will create the symlink =result= in the current directory pointing to the output directory of this derivation. You can run =result/bin/GINsim=. Alternatively, you can run =nix-shell= (or =nix-shell shell.nix=) to get a Nix shell in which you can run GINsim directly using the command =GINsim=. ** References I relied extensively on [[https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/index.html][Nix pills]] and on the [[https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/][Nixpkgs manual]] when writing this code. A very helpful Nix and NixOS community can be found on the [[https://discourse.nixos.org/][NixOS Discourse]].