diff --git a/cv.tex b/cv.tex index e4a04c5..649c003 100644 --- a/cv.tex +++ b/cv.tex @@ -531,7 +531,6 @@ without being on the Program Committee: \textbf{Conference on Membrane \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{>{\leavevmode\color{Prune}}lX} Title: & \textbf{Computational methods for the inference of therapeutic targets and sequences of treatment} \\ - & \textit{Méthodes d’inférence de cibles thérapeutiques et de séquences de traitement} \\ Director: & Franck \textsc{Delaplace} 50\%, Université Paris-Saclay \\ Co-supervisor: & \textbf{Sergiu \textsc{Ivanov} 50\%} \\ Duration: & 2019--2022 \\ @@ -561,7 +560,6 @@ the digital services of Thales Group. \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{>{\leavevmode\color{Prune}}lX} Title: & \textbf{Modelling Mechanisms of Secondary Resistance} \\ - & \textit{Modélisation des Mécanismes de Résistance Secondaire} \\ Director: & Franck \textsc{Delaplace} 50\%, Université Paris-Saclay \\ Co-supervisor: & \textbf{Sergiu \textsc{Ivanov} 50\%} \\ Duration: & 2023-- \\