@techreport{AGIMPP2014, title = {Complexity of Model Checking for Reaction Systems}, author = {Azimi, Sepinoud and Gratie, Cristian and Ivanov, Sergiu and Manzoni, Luca and Petre, Ion and Porreca, Antonio E.}, number = {1122}, series = {TUCS Technical Reports}, publisher = {TUCS}, year = {2014}, } @techreport{AGIP2014, title = {Dependency Graphs and Mass Conservation in Reaction Systems}, author = {Azimi, Sepinoud and Gratie, Cristian and Ivanov, Sergiu and Petre, Ion}, number = {1123}, series = {TUCS Technical Reports}, publisher = {TUCS}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Reaction system; model checking; mass conservation; conserved set; conservation dependency graph; simulator}, ISBN = {978-952-12-3123-0}, } @article{IvanovMarcus2015, Title = {On the Lower Bounds for Leftist Insertion-Deletion Languages}, Author = {Sergiu Ivanov and Sergey Verlan}, Journal = {Annals of the University of Bucharest (Informatics)}, Volume = {LXII(2)}, Pages = {77--88}, Year = {2015} }