19 lines
896 B
19 lines
896 B
#lang scribble/manual
@title[#:tag "graph-typed"]{dds/graph-typed: Incomplete Typed Interface to graph}
@bold{DISCLAIMER:} This is @bold{not} a complete typed interface to Stephen
Chang's @hyperlink["https://docs.racket-lang.org/graph/index.html"]{graph
library}. Read on for more details.
Stephen Chang's
@hyperlink["https://docs.racket-lang.org/graph/index.html"]{graph library} is
used in dds to represent different kinds of graphs (state graphs, interaction
graphs, graphs of interaction processes, etc.). This module adds types to the
functions which are used in dds. These types do not necessarily capture the
signatures of the functions entirely, and are mainly meant for internal use.
I may eventually consider contributing something similar to Stephen Chang's
library, but it would have to be a more polished product than this module is at
the moment.