2020-03-01 19:54:53 +01:00

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#lang typed/racket
;;; dds/rs
;;; Definitions for working with reaction systems.
;; Structures
;; Type names
Species ReactionSystem
;; Functions
enabled? list-enabled union-products apply-rs)
;;; =================
;;; Basic definitions
;;; =================
;;; A species is a symbol.
(define-type Species Symbol)
;;; A reaction is a triple of sets, giving the reactants, the
;;; inhibitors, and the products, respectively.
(struct reaction ([reactants : (Setof Symbol)]
[inhibitors : (Setof Symbol)]
[products : (Setof Symbol)])
;;; A reaction is enabled on a set if all of its reactants are in the
;;; set and none of its inhibitors are.
(: enabled? (-> reaction (Setof Symbol) Boolean))
(define/match (enabled? r s)
[((reaction r i p) s)
(and (subset? r s) (set-empty? (set-intersect i s)))])
;;; A reaction system is a dictionary mapping reaction names to
;;; reactions.
(define-type ReactionSystem (HashTable Symbol reaction))
;;; Returns the list of reaction names enabled on a given set.
(: list-enabled (-> ReactionSystem (Setof Species) (Listof Symbol)))
(define (list-enabled rs s)
(for/list ([(name reaction) (in-hash rs)]
#:when (enabled? reaction s))
;;; Returns the union of the product sets of the given reactions in a
;;; reaction system.
;;; This function can be seen as producing the result of the
;;; application of the given reactions to a set. Clearly, it does not
;;; check whether the reactions are actually enabled.
(: union-products (-> ReactionSystem (Listof Symbol) (Setof Species)))
(define (union-products rs as)
(apply set-union
((inst set Species)) ; set-union requires at least one argument
(for/list : (Listof (Setof Species))
([a as]) (reaction-products (hash-ref rs a)))))
;;; Applies a reaction system to a set.
(: apply-rs (-> ReactionSystem (Setof Species) (Setof Species)))
(define (apply-rs rs s)
(let ([as (list-enabled rs s)])
(union-products rs as)))