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#lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/example racket/sandbox
(for-label typed/racket/base "../functions.rkt" dds/utils))
@title[#:tag "functions"]{dds/functions: Formal Functions}
This modules provides some definitions for working with functions: tabulating,
(re)constructing from tables, generating random functions, etc.
Some definitions of particular kinds of functions are also provided (threshold
Boolean functions, etc.).
@(define functions-evaluator
(parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string]
[sandbox-error-output 'string]
[sandbox-memory-limit 50])
(make-evaluator 'typed/racket #:requires '((submod "functions.rkt" typed)))))
@section{Tabulating functions}
@defproc[(tabulate* [funcs (Listof (-> a ... b))]
[doms (List (Listof a) ... a)])
(Listof (Listof (U Any b)))]{
Like @racket[tabulate], but @racket[funcs] is a list of functions taking the
same arguments over the same domains.
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator
(tabulate* (list (λ (x y) (and x y))
(λ (x y) (or x y)))
'((#f #t) (#f #t)))
@defproc[(tabulate*/strict [funcs (Listof (-> a ... b))]
[doms (List (Listof a) ... a)])
(Listof (List (List a ...) (Listof b)))]{
Like @racket[tabulate*], but the types of the arguments of the functions
explicitly appear in the return type.
As of 2022-03-06, I am not able to write the type of a list first containing
elements of types @racket[a ...], followed by a list of elements of type
@racket[b]. This is why this function returns a list of lists, each containing
first a list of inputs, and then the list of outputs of @racket[funcs].
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator
(tabulate*/strict (list (λ (x y) (and x y))
(λ (x y) (or x y)))
'((#f #t) (#f #t)))
The result of @racket[tabulate*] can be obtained by applying
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator
(require (only-in "utils.rkt" append-lists))
(append-lists (tabulate*/strict (list (λ (x y) (and x y))
(λ (x y) (or x y)))
'((#f #t) (#f #t))))
@section{Constructing functions}
@section{Random functions}
@section{Threshold Boolean functions}