#lang scribble/manual @(require scribble/example racket/sandbox (for-label typed/racket/base (submod "../tbn.rkt" typed) "../networks.rkt" "../utils.rkt" "../functions.rkt" "../dynamics.rkt")) @(define tbn-evaluator (parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string] [sandbox-error-output 'string] [sandbox-memory-limit 50]) (make-evaluator 'typed/racket #:requires '((submod "tbn.rkt" typed))))) @(define-syntax-rule (ex . args) (examples #:eval tbn-evaluator . args)) @(define-syntax-rule (deftypeform . args) (defform #:kind "type" . args)) @(define-syntax-rule (deftype . args) (defidform #:kind "type" . args)) @title[#:tag "tbn"]{dds/tbn: Threshold and Sign Boolean Networks (TBN and SBN)} @defmodule[(submod dds/tbn typed)] This module defines threshold Boolean networks (TBN), as well as sign Boolean networks (SBN). The update functions in such networks are respectively @seclink["tbf" #:doc '(lib "dds/scribblings/dds.scrbl")]{threshold Boolean functions} and sign Boolean functions. @defproc[(apply-tbf-to-state [a-tbf TBF] [st (State (U Zero One))]) (U Zero One)]{ Applies a TBF to a state. The values of the variables of the state are ordered by @racket[hash-map] and fed to the TBF in order. The number of the inputs of the TBF must match the number of variables in the state. @ex[ (require "functions.rkt") (apply-tbf-to-state (tbf #(1 1) 1) (hash 'x1 0 'x2 1)) ]} @defstruct*[tbf/state ([weights (VariableMapping Real)] [threshold Real])]{ A state TBF is a @racket[TBF] with named inputs. A state TBF can be applied to states in an unambiguous ways. } @deftype[TBF/State]{ The type of the instances of @racket[tbf/state]. } @deftogether[(@defproc[(tbf/state-w [tbfs TBF/State]) (VariableMapping Real)] @defproc[(tbf/state-θ [tbfs TBF/State]) Real])]{ Shorter synonyms for field accessors of @racket[tbf/state]. @ex[ (let ([tbfs (tbf/state (hash 'a 1 'b 1) 1)]) (values (tbf/state-w tbfs) (tbf/state-θ tbfs))) ]} @defproc[(make-tbf/state [pairs (Listof (Pairof Variable Real))] [threshold Real]) TBF/State]{ Makes a @racket[TBF/State] from a list of pairs of names of variables and weights, as well as a threshold. @ex[ (make-tbf/state '((x1 . 1) (x2 . 1)) 1) ]}