#lang typed/racket (require (for-syntax syntax/parse racket/list)) (provide Symbol VariableMapping eval-with eval1-with extract-symbols any->string stringify-variable-mapping string->any ;; Syntax auto-hash-ref/explicit auto-hash-ref/:) (module+ test (require typed/rackunit)) ;;; =================== ;;; HashTable injection ;;; =================== (define-type Variable Symbol) (define-type (VariableMapping A) (Immutable-HashTable Variable A)) (: eval-with (-> (VariableMapping Any) Any AnyValues)) (define (eval-with ht expr) (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)]) (for ([(x val) (in-hash ht)]) (namespace-set-variable-value! x val)) (eval expr))) (: eval1-with (-> (VariableMapping Any) Any Any)) (define (eval1-with ht expr) (call-with-values (λ () (eval-with ht expr)) (λ args (car args)))) (module+ test (test-case "eval-with" (check-equal? (eval1-with (hash 'a 1 'b 2) '(+ a b 1)) 4) (define ht : (VariableMapping Integer) (hash 'a 1 'b 2)) (define expr : Any '(+ a b 1)) (check-equal? (eval1-with ht expr) 4))) (define-syntax (auto-hash-ref/explicit stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (ht:id xs:id ...) body:expr) #`(let #,(for/list ([x (syntax->list #'(xs ...))]) #`[#,x (hash-ref ht '#,x)]) body)])) (module+ test (test-case "auto-hash-ref/explicit" (define mytable #hash((a . 3) (b . 4))) (check-equal? (auto-hash-ref/explicit (mytable b a) (* a b)) 12) (define ht #hash((a . #t) (b . #f))) (check-equal? (auto-hash-ref/explicit (ht a b) (and (not a) b)) #f))) (define-syntax (auto-hash-ref/: stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ ht:id body) (let* ([names/: (collect-colons (syntax->datum #'body))]) #`(let #,(for/list ([x names/:]) ;; put x in the same context as body #`[#,(datum->syntax #'body x) (hash-ref ht '#,(strip-colon x))]) body))])) ;;; The helper functions for auto-hash-ref/:. (begin-for-syntax ;; Collect all the symbols starting with a colon in datum. (define (collect-colons datum) (remove-duplicates (flatten (for/list ([token datum]) (cond [(symbol? token) (let ([name (symbol->string token)]) (if (eq? #\: (string-ref name 0)) token '()))] [(list? token) (collect-colons token)] [else '()]))))) ;; Strip the leading colon off x. (define (strip-colon x) (let ([x-str (symbol->string x)]) (if (eq? #\: (string-ref x-str 0)) (string->symbol (substring x-str 1)) x)))) (module+ test (test-case "auto-hash-ref/:" (define ht1 #hash((x . #t) (y . #t) (t . #f))) (define z #t) (check-equal? (auto-hash-ref/: ht1 (and :x (not :y) z (or (and :t) :x))) #f) (define ht2 #hash((a . 1) (b . 2))) (check-equal? (auto-hash-ref/: ht2 (+ :a (* 2 :b))) 5))) ;;; ============================== ;;; Analysis of quoted expressions ;;; ============================== ;;; Produces a list of symbols appearing in the quoted expression ;;; passed in the first argument. (: extract-symbols (-> Any (Listof Symbol))) (define (extract-symbols form) (: extract-rec (-> Any (Listof Any))) (define (extract-rec form) (match form [(? symbol?) (list form)] [(? list?) (flatten (for/list : (Listof Any) ([x form]) (extract-symbols x)))] [else '()])) (cast (extract-rec form) (Listof Symbol))) (module+ test (test-case "extract-symbols" (check-equal? (extract-symbols '(1 (2 3) x (y z 3))) '(x y z)))) ;;; ========================= ;;; Org-mode interoperability ;;; ========================= (: any->string (-> Any String)) (define (any->string x) (with-output-to-string (λ () (display x)))) (module+ test (test-case "any->string" (check-equal? (any->string 'a) "a") (check-equal? (any->string '(a 1 (x y))) "(a 1 (x y))") (check-equal? (any->string "hello") "hello"))) (: stringify-variable-mapping (-> (VariableMapping Any) (VariableMapping String))) (define (stringify-variable-mapping ht) (for/hash : (VariableMapping String) ([(key val) (in-hash ht)]) (values key (any->string val)))) (module+ test (test-case "stringify-variable-mapping" (define mp (stringify-variable-mapping #hash((a . (and a b)) (b . (not b))))) (check-equal? (hash-ref mp 'a) "(and a b)") (check-equal? (hash-ref mp 'b) "(not b)"))) (: string->any (-> String Any)) (define (string->any str) (with-input-from-string str (λ () (read)))) (module+ test (test-case "string->any" (check-equal? (string->any "(or b (not a))") '(or b (not a))) (check-equal? (string->any "14") 14))) ;;; Given a sexp, converts all "#f" to #f and "#t" to #t. ;;; ;;; When I read Org-mode tables, I pump them through a call to the ;;; prin1 because the elisp sexp seems incompatible with Racket. On ;;; the other hand, Racket Booleans seem to upset elisp a little, so ;;; prin1 wraps them in additional double quotes. This function ;;; removes those quotes. (: handle-org-booleans (-> Any Any)) (define/match (handle-org-booleans datum) [("#t") #t] [("#f") #f] [((? list?)) (map handle-org-booleans datum)] [ (_) datum])