#lang racket ;;; dds/networks ;;; This module provides some quick definitions for and analysing ;;; network models. A network is a set of variables which are updated ;;; according to their corresponding update functions. The variables ;;; to be updated at each step are given by the mode. ;;; ;;; This model can generalise Boolean networks, TBANs, multivalued ;;; networks, etc. (require "utils.rkt" graph) (provide ;; Functions (contract-out [update (-> network? state? (listof variable?) state?)] [make-state (-> (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)) state?)] [make-network-from-functions (-> (listof (cons/c symbol? update-function/c)) network?)] [update-function-form->update-function (-> update-function-form? update-function/c)] [network-form->network (-> network-form? network?)] [make-network-from-forms (-> (listof (cons/c symbol? update-function-form?)) network?)] [list-interactions (-> network-form? variable? (listof variable?))] [build-interaction-graph (-> network-form? graph?)] [build-all-states (-> (listof (cons/c variable? generic-set?)) (listof state?))] [build-all-states-same-domain (-> (listof variable?) generic-set? (listof state?))] [make-same-domains (-> (listof variable?) generic-set? (hash/c variable? generic-set?))] [make-boolean-domains (-> (listof variable?) (hash/c variable? (list/c #f #t)))] [get-interaction-sign (-> network-form? (hash/c variable? generic-set?) variable? variable? (or/c '+ '- '0))] [build-signed-interaction-graph (-> network-form? (hash/c variable? generic-set?) graph?)]) ;; Predicates (contract-out [variable? (-> any/c boolean?)] [state? (-> any/c boolean?)] [update-function-form? (-> any/c boolean?)] [network-form? (-> any/c boolean?)]) ;; Contracts (contract-out [state/c contract?] [network/c contract?] [update-function/c contract?]) ;; Syntax st nn) ;;; ================= ;;; Basic definitions ;;; ================= (define variable? symbol?) ;;; A state of a network is a mapping from the variables of the ;;; network to their values. (define state? variable-mapping?) (define state/c (flat-named-contract 'state state?)) ;;; An update function is a function computing a value from the given ;;; state. (define update-function/c (-> state? any/c)) ;;; A network is a mapping from its variables to its update functions. (define network? variable-mapping?) (define network/c (flat-named-contract 'network network?)) ;;; Given a state s updates all the variables from xs. This ;;; corresponds to a parallel mode. (define (update n ; the network s ; the state to operate on xs) ; the variables to update (let ([new-s (hash-copy s)]) (for ([x xs]) (let ([f (hash-ref n x)]) (hash-set! new-s x (f s)))) new-s)) ;;; A version of make-hash restricted to creating network states (see ;;; contract). (define (make-state mappings) (make-immutable-hash mappings)) ;;; A shortcut for make-state. (define-syntax-rule (st mappings) (make-state mappings)) ;;; A version of make-hash restricted to creating networks. (define (make-network-from-functions funcs) (make-immutable-hash funcs)) ;;; ================================= ;;; Syntactic description of networks ;;; ================================= ;;; An update function form is any form which can appear as a body of ;;; a function and which can be evaluated with eval. For example, ;;; '(and x y (not z)) or '(+ 1 a (- b 10)). (define update-function-form? any/c) ;;; A Boolean network form is a mapping from its variables to the ;;; forms of their update functions. (define network-form? variable-mapping?) ;;; Build an update function from an update function form. (define (update-function-form->update-function form) (λ (s) (eval-with s form))) ;;; Build a network from a network form. (define (network-form->network bnf) (make-immutable-hash (hash-map bnf (λ (x form) (cons x (update-function-form->update-function form)))))) ;;; Build a network from a list of pairs of forms of update functions. (define (make-network-from-forms forms) (network-form->network (make-immutable-hash forms))) ;;; A shortcut for make-network-from-forms. (define-syntax-rule (nn forms) (make-network-from-forms forms)) ;;; ============================ ;;; Inferring interaction graphs ;;; ============================ ;;; I allow any syntactic forms in definitions of Boolean functions. ;;; I can still find out which Boolean variables appear in those ;;; syntactic form, but I have no reliable syntactic means of finding ;;; out what kind of action do they have (inhibition or activation) ;;; since I cannot do Boolean minimisation (e.g., I cannot rely on not ;;; appearing before a variable, since (not (not a)) is equivalent ;;; to a). On the other hand, going through all Boolean states is ;;; quite resource-consuming and thus not always useful. ;;; ;;; In this section I provide inference of both unsigned and signed ;;; interaction graphs, but since the inference of signed interaction ;;; graphs is based on analysing the dynamics of the networks, it may ;;; be quite resource-consuming. ;;; Lists the variables of the network form appearing in the update ;;; function form for x. (define (list-interactions nf x) (set-intersect (extract-symbols (hash-ref nf x)) (hash-keys nf))) ;;; Builds the graph in which the vertices are the variables of a ;;; given network, and which contains an arrow from a to b whenever a ;;; appears in (list-interactions a). (define (build-interaction-graph n) (transpose (unweighted-graph/adj (hash-map n (λ (var _) (cons var (list-interactions n var))))))) ;;; Given a list of pairs mapping variables to generic sets of their ;;; possible values, constructs the list of all possible states. (define (build-all-states vars-domains) (let ([vars (map car vars-domains)] [domains (map cdr vars-domains)]) (for/list ([s (apply cartesian-product domains)]) (make-state (for/list ([var vars] [val s]) (cons var val)))))) ;;; Given a list of variables and a domain common to all of them, ;;; builds the list of all possible states. (define (build-all-states-same-domain vars domain) (build-all-states (for/list ([v vars]) (cons v domain)))) ;;; Makes a hash set mapping all variables to a single domain. (define (make-same-domains vars domain) (make-immutable-hash (for/list ([var vars]) (cons var domain)))) ;;; Makes a hash set mapping all variables to the Boolean domain. (define (make-boolean-domains vars) (make-same-domains vars '(#f #t))) ;;; Given two interacting variables of a network form and the domains ;;; of the variables, returns '+ if the interaction is monotonously ;;; increasing, '- if it is monotonously decreasing, and '0 otherwise. ;;; ;;; This function does not check whether the two variables indeed ;;; interact. Its behaviour is undefined if the variables do not ;;; interact. ;;; ;;; /!\ This function iterates through almost all of the states of the ;;; network, so its performance decreases very quickly with network ;;; size. (define (get-interaction-sign network-form doms x y) (let* ([dom-x (hash-ref doms x)] [dom-y (hash-ref doms y)] [network (network-form->network network-form)] ;; Replace the domain of x by a dummy singleton. [doms-no-x (hash-set doms x '(#f))] ;; Build all the states, but as if x were not there: since I ;; replace its domain by a singleton, all states will contain ;; the same value for x. [states-no-x (build-all-states (hash->list doms-no-x))] ;; Go through all states, then through all ordered pairs of ;; values of x, generate pairs of states (s1, s2) such that x ;; has a smaller value in s1, and check that updating y in s1 ;; yields a smaller value than updating y in s2. I rely on ;; the fact that the domains are ordered. [x-y-interactions (for*/list ([s states-no-x] [x1 dom-x] ; ordered pairs of values of x [x2 (cdr (member x1 dom-x))]) (let* ([s1 (hash-set s x x1)] ; s1(x) < s2(x) [s2 (hash-set s x x2)] [y1 ((hash-ref network y) s1)] [y2 ((hash-ref network y) s2)]) ;; y1 <= y2? (<= (index-of dom-y y1) (index-of dom-y y2))))]) (cond ;; If, in all interactions, y1 <= y2, then we have an ;; increasing/promoting interaction between x and y. [(andmap (λ (x) (eq? x #t)) x-y-interactions) '+] ;; If, in all interactions, y1 > y2, then we have an ;; decreasing/inhibiting interaction between x and y. [(andmap (λ (x) (eq? x #f)) x-y-interactions) '-] ;; Otherwise the interaction is neither increasing nor ;; decreasing. [else '0]))) ;;; Constructs a signed interaction graph of a given network form, ;;; given the ordered domains of its variables. The order on the ;;; domains determines the signs which will appear on the interaction ;;; graph. ;;; ;;; /!\ This function iterates through almost all states of the ;;; network for every arrow in the unsigned interaction graph, so its ;;; performance decreases very quickly with the size of the network. (define (build-signed-interaction-graph network-form doms) (let ([ig (build-interaction-graph network-form)]) (weighted-graph/directed (for/list ([e (in-edges ig)]) (match-let ([(list x y) e]) (list (match (get-interaction-sign network-form doms x y) ['+ 1] ['- -1] ['0 0]) x y))))))