#lang racket ;;; Tests for dds/networks. (require rackunit graph "networks.rkt") ;;; This test case sets up the following Boolean network: ;;; x1 = x1 AND NOT x2 ;;; x2 = NOT x2 (test-case "Basic definitions" (let* ([f1 (λ (s) (let ([x1 (hash-ref s 'x1)] [x2 (hash-ref s 'x2)]) (and x1 (not x2))))] [f2 (λ (s) (let ([x2 (hash-ref s 'x2)]) (not x2)))] [bn (make-network-from-functions `((x1 . ,f1) (x2 . ,f2)))]) (test-case "One-step syncronous update" (let* ([s (make-state '((x1 . #t) (x2 . #f)))] [new-s (update bn s '(x2 x1))]) (check-equal? (hash-ref new-s 'x1) #t) (check-equal? (hash-ref new-s 'x2) #t) (check-equal? (length (hash-keys new-s)) 2))) (test-case "One-step asynchronous update" (let* ([s (make-state '((x1 . #f) (x2 . #f)))] [new-s (update bn s '(x2 x1))]) (check-equal? (hash-ref new-s 'x1) #f) (check-equal? (hash-ref new-s 'x2) #t) (check-equal? (length (hash-keys new-s)) 2))))) (test-case "Syntactic description of Boolean networks" (let ([s (make-state '((x . #t) (y . #f)))] [f (update-function-form->update-function '(and x y))]) (check-equal? (f s) #f)) (let ([bn1 (network-form->network (make-hash '((a . (and a b)) (b . (not b)))))] [bn2 (make-network-from-forms '((a . (and a b)) (b . (not b))))] [bn3 (nn '((a . (and a b)) (b . (not b))))] [s (st '((a . #t) (b . #t)))]) (check-equal? ((hash-ref bn1 'a) s) #t) (check-equal? ((hash-ref bn2 'a) s) #t) (check-equal? ((hash-ref bn3 'a) s) #t))) (test-case "Inferring interaction graphs" (let* ([n #hash((a . (+ a b c)) (b . (- b c)))] [ig (build-interaction-graph n)]) (check-true (set=? (list-interactions n 'a) '(a b))) (check-true (set=? (list-interactions n 'b) '(b))) (check-true (has-vertex? ig 'a)) (check-true (has-vertex? ig 'b)) (check-false (has-vertex? ig 'c)) (check-true (has-edge? ig 'a 'a)) (check-true (has-edge? ig 'b 'a)) (check-true (has-edge? ig 'b 'b)) (check-false (has-edge? ig 'c 'b)) (check-false (has-edge? ig 'c 'a))) (check-equal? (map hash->list (build-all-states '((a . (#t #f)) (b . (1 2 3))))) '(((a . #t) (b . 1)) ((a . #t) (b . 2)) ((a . #t) (b . 3)) ((a . #f) (b . 1)) ((a . #f) (b . 2)) ((a . #f) (b . 3)))))