#lang racket ;;; dds/functions ;;; This modules provides some definitions for working with functions: ;;; tabulating, (re)constructing from tables, generating random ;;; functions, etc. Some definitions of particular kinds of functions ;;; are also provided (threshold Boolean functions, etc.). (require "utils.rkt") (module typed typed/racket (require "utils.rkt" syntax/parse/define typed/racket/stream (only-in typed/racket/unsafe unsafe-provide) (for-syntax syntax/parse)) (require/typed racket/stream [stream-map (All (a b) (-> (-> a b) (Sequenceof a) (Sequenceof b)))]) (provide pseudovariadic-lambda pvλ pseudovariadic-define pvdefine tabulate* tabulate*/strict tabulate*/pv tabulate tabulate/strict tabulate/pv tabulate*/pv/boolean tabulate/pv/boolean tabulate*/pv/01 tabulate/pv/01 tabulate*/list tabulate/list tabulate*/list/boolean tabulate/list/boolean tabulate*/list/01 tabulate/list/01 table->function/list table->function table->function/pv enumerate-boolean-tables enumerate-boolean-functions enumerate-boolean-functions/pv enumerate-boolean-functions/list random-boolean-table random-boolean-function random-boolean-function/list (struct-out tbf) tbf-w tbf-θ boolean->01/vector apply-tbf apply-tbf/boolean list->tbf lists->tbfs read-org-tbfs tbf-tabulate* tbf-tabulate tbf-tabulate*/boolean sbf? sbf list->sbf read-org-sbfs) (module+ test (require typed/rackunit)) (begin-for-syntax (require racket (for-syntax syntax/parse)) (define (make-pseudovariadic-core args bodies tag-stx) (define nargs-stx (datum->syntax args (length (syntax->list args)))) #`(λ xs (match xs [(list #,@args) #,@bodies] [_ (error #,tag-stx "invalid arity, expected ~a argument(s)" #,nargs-stx)]))) (define (make-pseudovariadic-lambda stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (args:id ...) bodies:expr ...) (make-pseudovariadic-core #'(args ...) #'(bodies ...) (datum->syntax stx ''pseudovariadic-lambda))])) (define (make-pseudovariadic-define stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (name:id args:id ...) bodies:expr ...) #`(define name #,(make-pseudovariadic-core #'(args ...) #'(bodies ...) (datum->syntax #'name `(quote ,(syntax->datum #'name)))))]))) (define-syntax (pseudovariadic-lambda stx) (make-pseudovariadic-lambda stx)) (define-syntax (pvλ stx) (make-pseudovariadic-lambda stx)) (module+ test (test-case "pseudovariadic-lambda") (check-false ((pseudovariadic-lambda (x y) (and x y)) #t #f)) (check-false ((pvλ (x y) (and x y)) #t #f)) (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () ((pseudovariadic-lambda (x y) (and x y)) #t #f #f))) (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () ((pvλ (x y) (and x y)) #t #f #f)))) (define-syntax (pseudovariadic-define stx) (make-pseudovariadic-define stx)) (define-syntax (pvdefine stx) (make-pseudovariadic-define stx)) (module+ test (test-case "pseudovariadic-define") (: f (-> Boolean * Boolean)) (pseudovariadic-define (f x y) (and x y)) (check-false (f #t #f)) (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (f #t #f #f))) (: g (-> Boolean * Boolean)) (pvdefine (g x y) (and x y)) (check-false (g #t #f)) (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (g #t #f #f)))) (define-syntax-parse-rule (make-tabulate* name:id row-op:id apply-op:id) (define (name funcs doms) (for/list ([xs (in-list (apply cartesian-product doms))]) (row-op xs (for/list ([f funcs]) : (Listof b) (apply-op f xs)))))) (: tabulate* (All (b a ... ) (-> (Listof (-> a ... b)) (List (Listof a) ... a) (Listof (Listof (U Any b)))))) (make-tabulate* tabulate* append apply) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*" (check-equal? (tabulate* (list (λ (x y) (and x y)) (λ (x y) (or x y))) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f #f #f) (#f #t #f #t) (#t #f #f #t) (#t #t #t #t))) (check-equal? (tabulate* empty '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f) (#f #t) (#t #f) (#t #t))))) (: tabulate*/strict (All (b a ...) (-> (Listof (-> a ... b)) (List (Listof a) ... a) (Listof (List (List a ...) (Listof b)))))) (make-tabulate* tabulate*/strict list apply) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/strict" (check-equal? (tabulate*/strict (list (λ (x y) (and x y)) (λ (x y) (or x y))) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '(((#f #f) (#f #f)) ((#f #t) (#f #t)) ((#t #f) (#f #t)) ((#t #t) (#t #t)))))) (: tabulate*/pv (All (a b) (-> (Listof (-> a * b)) (Listof (Listof a)) (Listof (Listof (U a b)))))) (make-tabulate* tabulate*/pv append apply) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/pv" (check-equal? (tabulate*/pv (list (pvλ (x y) (and x y)) (pvλ (x y) (or x y))) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f #f #f) (#f #t #f #t) (#t #f #f #t) (#t #t #t #t))))) (define-syntax-parse-rule (simple-apply func:expr arg:expr) (func arg)) (: tabulate*/list (All (a b) (-> (Listof (-> (Listof a) b)) (Listof (Listof a)) (Listof (Listof (U a b)))))) (make-tabulate* tabulate*/list append simple-apply) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/list" (check-equal? (tabulate*/list (list (λ ([xs : (Listof Boolean)]) (and (car xs) (cadr xs))) (λ ([xs : (Listof Boolean)]) (or (car xs) (cadr xs)))) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f #f #f) (#f #t #f #t) (#t #f #f #t) (#t #t #t #t))))) (: tabulate (All (b a ...) (-> (-> a ... b) (List (Listof a) ... a) (Listof (Listof (U Any b)))))) (define (tabulate func doms) (tabulate* (list func) doms)) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate" (check-equal? (tabulate (λ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (: tabulate/strict (All (b a ...) (-> (-> a ... b) (List (Listof a) ... a) (Listof (List (List a ...) (Listof b)))))) (define (tabulate/strict func doms) (tabulate*/strict (list func) doms)) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/strict" (check-equal? (tabulate/strict (λ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '(((#f #f) (#f)) ((#f #t) (#f)) ((#t #f) (#f)) ((#t #t) (#t)))))) (: tabulate/pv (All (a b) (-> (-> a * b) (Listof (Listof a)) (Listof (Listof (U a b)))))) (define (tabulate/pv func doms) (tabulate*/pv (list func) doms)) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/pv" (check-equal? (tabulate/pv (pvλ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (: tabulate/list (All (a b) (-> (-> (Listof a) b) (Listof (Listof a)) (Listof (Listof (U a b)))))) (define (tabulate/list func doms) (tabulate*/list (list func) doms)) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/list" (check-equal? (tabulate/list (λ ([xs : (Listof Boolean)]) (and (car xs) (cadr xs))) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (: tabulate/pv/boolean (-> Positive-Integer (-> Boolean * Boolean) (Listof (Listof Boolean)))) (define (tabulate/pv/boolean arity func) (tabulate/pv func (make-list arity '(#f #t)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/pv/boolean" (check-equal? (tabulate/pv/boolean 2 (pvλ (x y) (and x y))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (: tabulate*/pv/boolean (-> Positive-Integer (Listof (-> Boolean * Boolean)) (Listof (Listof Boolean)))) (define (tabulate*/pv/boolean arity funcs) (tabulate*/pv funcs (make-list arity '(#f #t)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/pv/boolean" (check-equal? (tabulate*/pv/boolean 2 (list (pvλ (x y) (and x y)) (pvλ (x y) (or x y)))) '((#f #f #f #f) (#f #t #f #t) (#t #f #f #t) (#t #t #t #t))))) (: tabulate/pv/01 (-> Positive-Integer (-> (U Zero One) * (U Zero One)) (Listof (Listof (U Zero One))))) (define (tabulate/pv/01 arity func) (tabulate/pv func (make-list arity '(0 1)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/pv/01" (check-equal? (tabulate/pv/01 2 (pvλ (x y) (assert-type (modulo (+ x y) 2) (U Zero One)))) '((0 0 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 1) (1 1 0))))) (: tabulate*/pv/01 (-> Positive-Integer (Listof (-> (U Zero One) * (U Zero One))) (Listof (Listof (U Zero One))))) (define (tabulate*/pv/01 arity funcs) (tabulate*/pv funcs (make-list arity '(0 1)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/pv/01" (check-equal? (tabulate*/pv/01 2 `(,(pvλ (x y) (assert-type (min x y) (U Zero One))) ,(pvλ (x y) (assert-type (max x y) (U Zero One))))) '((0 0 0 0) (0 1 0 1) (1 0 0 1) (1 1 1 1))))) (: tabulate/list/boolean (-> Positive-Integer (-> (Listof Boolean) Boolean) (Listof (Listof Boolean)))) (define (tabulate/list/boolean arity func) (tabulate/list func (make-list arity '(#f #t)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/list/boolean" (check-equal? (tabulate/list/boolean 2 (λ (xs) (and (car xs) (cadr xs)))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (: tabulate*/list/boolean (-> Positive-Integer (Listof (-> (Listof Boolean) Boolean)) (Listof (Listof Boolean)))) (define (tabulate*/list/boolean arity funcs) (tabulate*/list funcs (make-list arity '(#f #t)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/list/boolean" (check-equal? (tabulate*/list/boolean 2 (list (λ (xs) (and (car xs) (cadr xs))) (λ (xs) (or (car xs) (cadr xs))))) '((#f #f #f #f) (#f #t #f #t) (#t #f #f #t) (#t #t #t #t))))) (: tabulate/list/01 (-> Positive-Integer (-> (Listof (U Zero One)) (U Zero One)) (Listof (Listof (U Zero One))))) (define (tabulate/list/01 arity func) (tabulate/list func (make-list arity '(0 1)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/list/01" (check-equal? (tabulate/list/01 2 (λ (xs) (assert-type (modulo (+ (car xs) (cadr xs)) 2) (U Zero One)))) '((0 0 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 1) (1 1 0))))) (: tabulate*/list/01 (-> Positive-Integer (Listof (-> (Listof (U Zero One)) (U Zero One))) (Listof (Listof (U Zero One))))) (define (tabulate*/list/01 arity funcs) (tabulate*/list funcs (make-list arity '(0 1)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/list/01" (check-equal? (tabulate*/list/01 2 `(,(λ (xs) (assert-type (min (car xs) (cadr xs)) (U Zero One))) ,(λ (xs) (assert-type (max (car xs) (cadr xs)) (U Zero One))))) '((0 0 0 0) (0 1 0 1) (1 0 0 1) (1 1 1 1))))) (: table->function/list (All (a) (-> (Listof (Listof a)) (-> (Listof a) a)))) (define (table->function/list table) (define ht-tab (for/hash ([line (in-list table)]) : (HashTable (Listof a) a) (define-values (x fx) (split-at-right line 1)) (values x (car fx)))) (λ (x) (hash-ref ht-tab x))) (module+ test (test-case "table->function/list" (define negation/list (table->function/list '((#t #f) (#f #t)))) (check-true (negation/list '(#f))) (check-false (negation/list '(#t))))) (: table->function (All (a) (-> (Listof (Listof a)) (-> a * a)))) (define (table->function table) (define func (table->function/list table)) (λ args (func args))) (module+ test (test-case "table->function" (define negation (table->function '((#t #f) (#f #t)))) (check-true (negation #f)) (check-false (negation #t)))) (: table->function/pv (All (a) (-> (Listof (Listof a)) (-> a * a)))) (define (table->function/pv table) (define func (table->function/list table)) (define arity (- (length (car table)) 1)) (λ xs (if (= arity (length xs)) (func xs) (error 'pseudovariadic-lambda "invalid arity, expected ~a argument(s)" arity)))) (module+ test (test-case "table->function/pv" (define negation (table->function/pv '((#t #f) (#f #t)))) (check-true (negation #f)) (check-false (negation #t)) (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (negation #f #t))))) (: enumerate-boolean-tables (-> Positive-Integer (Sequenceof (Listof (Listof Boolean))))) (define (enumerate-boolean-tables n) (define inputs (boolean-power n)) (define outputs (boolean-power/stream (assert-type (expt 2 n) Integer))) (: append-outputs (-> (Listof (Listof Boolean)) (Listof Boolean) (Listof (Listof Boolean)))) (define (append-outputs ins outs) (for/list ([row ins] [o outs]) (append row (list o)))) (: yield (-> (Sequenceof (Listof Boolean)) (Sequenceof (Listof (Listof Boolean))))) (define (yield rest-outputs) (if (stream-empty? rest-outputs) (stream) (stream-cons (append-outputs inputs (stream-first rest-outputs)) (yield (stream-rest rest-outputs))))) (yield outputs)) (module+ test (test-case "enumerate-boolean-tables" (check-equal? (stream->list (enumerate-boolean-tables 2)) '(((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #f)) ((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t)) ((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #f)) ((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #t)) ((#f #f #f) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #f)) ((#f #f #f) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t)) ((#f #f #f) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #f)) ((#f #f #f) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #t)) ((#f #f #t) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #f)) ((#f #f #t) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t)) ((#f #f #t) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #f)) ((#f #f #t) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #t)) ((#f #f #t) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #f)) ((#f #f #t) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t)) ((#f #f #t) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #f)) ((#f #f #t) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #t)))))) (: enumerate-boolean-functions (-> Positive-Integer (Sequenceof (-> Boolean * Boolean)))) (define (enumerate-boolean-functions n) (stream-map (inst table->function Boolean) (enumerate-boolean-tables n))) (module+ test (test-case "enumerate-boolean-functions" (define bool-f1 (stream-first (enumerate-boolean-functions 1))) (check-false (bool-f1 #f)) (check-false (bool-f1 #t)))) (: enumerate-boolean-functions/pv (-> Positive-Integer (Sequenceof (-> Boolean * Boolean)))) (define (enumerate-boolean-functions/pv n) (stream-map (inst table->function/pv Boolean) (enumerate-boolean-tables n))) (module+ test (test-case "enumerate-boolean-functions/pv" (define bool-f1/pv (stream-first (enumerate-boolean-functions/pv 1))) (check-false (bool-f1/pv #f)) (check-false (bool-f1/pv #t)) (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (bool-f1/pv #f #f))))) (: enumerate-boolean-functions/list (-> Positive-Integer (Sequenceof (-> (Listof Boolean) Boolean)))) (define (enumerate-boolean-functions/list n) (stream-map (inst table->function/list Boolean) (enumerate-boolean-tables n))) (module+ test (test-case "enumerate-boolean-functions/list" (define bool-f1/list (stream-first (enumerate-boolean-functions/list 1))) (check-false (bool-f1/list '(#f))) (check-false (bool-f1/list '(#t))))) (: random-boolean-table (-> Positive-Integer (Listof (Listof Boolean)))) (define (random-boolean-table n) (define ins (boolean-power n)) (define outs (stream-take (in-random 2) (assert-type (expt 2 n) Nonnegative-Integer))) (for/list ([i ins] [o outs]) (append i (list (if (= o 1) #t #f))))) (module+ test (test-case "random-boolean-table" (random-seed 1) (check-equal? (random-boolean-table 2) '((#f #f #t) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (: random-boolean-function (-> Positive-Integer (-> Boolean * Boolean))) (define (random-boolean-function n) (table->function (random-boolean-table n))) (module+ test (test-case "random-boolean-function" (random-seed 1) (define random-bool-f (random-boolean-function 2)) (check-true (random-bool-f #f #f)) (check-true (random-bool-f #f #t)) (check-false (random-bool-f #t #f)) (check-true (random-bool-f #t #t)))) (: random-boolean-function/list (-> Positive-Integer (-> (Listof Boolean) Boolean))) (define (random-boolean-function/list n) (table->function/list (random-boolean-table n))) (module+ test (test-case "random-boolean-function/list" (random-seed 1) (define random-bool-f/list (random-boolean-function/list 2)) (check-true (random-bool-f/list '(#f #f))) (check-true (random-bool-f/list '(#f #t))) (check-false (random-bool-f/list '(#t #f))) (check-true (random-bool-f/list '(#t #t))))) (struct tbf ([weights : (Vectorof Real)] [threshold : Real]) #:transparent) (define tbf-w tbf-weights) (define tbf-θ tbf-threshold) (: boolean->01/vector (-> (Vectorof Boolean) (Vectorof (U Zero One)))) (define (boolean->01/vector bool-v) (vector-map (λ (x) (any->01 x)) bool-v)) (module+ test (test-case "boolean->01/vector" (check-equal? (boolean->01/vector #(#t #f #f)) #(1 0 0)))) (: apply-tbf (-> tbf (Vectorof (U Zero One)) (U Zero One))) (define (apply-tbf tbf inputs) (any->01 (> ;; The scalar product between the inputs and the weights. (for/sum ([x (in-vector inputs)] [w (in-vector (tbf-w tbf))]) : Real (* x w)) (tbf-θ tbf)))) (module+ test (test-case "apply-tbf" (define f1 (tbf #(2 -2) 1)) (check-equal? (tabulate/pv/01 2 (pvλ (x y) (apply-tbf f1 (vector x y)))) '((0 0 0) (0 1 0) (1 0 1) (1 1 0))))) (: apply-tbf/boolean (-> tbf (Vectorof Boolean) Boolean)) (define (apply-tbf/boolean tbf inputs) (01->boolean (apply-tbf tbf (boolean->01/vector inputs)))) (module+ test (test-case "apply-tbf/boolean" (define f1 (tbf #(2 -2) 1)) (check-equal? (tabulate/pv/boolean 2 (pvλ (x y) (apply-tbf/boolean f1 (vector x y)))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #t) (#t #t #f))))) (: list->tbf (-> (Listof Real) tbf)) (define (list->tbf lst) (define-values (w θ) (split-at-right lst 1)) (tbf (list->vector w) (car θ))) (module+ test (test-case "list->tbf" (check-equal? (list->tbf '(1 2 3)) (tbf #(1 2) 3)))) (: lists->tbfs (-> (Listof (Listof Real)) (Listof tbf))) (define (lists->tbfs lsts) (map list->tbf lsts)) (module+ test (test-case "read-tbfs" (check-equal? (lists->tbfs '((1 2 3) (2 3 4))) (list (tbf '#(1 2) 3) (tbf '#(2 3) 4))))) (: read-org-tbfs (->* (String) (#:headers Boolean) (Listof tbf))) (define (read-org-tbfs str #:headers [headers #f]) (define sexp (assert-type (read-org-sexp str) (Listof Any))) (define sexp-clean (cond [headers (cdr sexp)] [else sexp])) (lists->tbfs (assert-type sexp-clean (Listof (Listof Real))))) (module+ test (test-case "read-org-tbfs" (check-equal? (read-org-tbfs "((1 2 1) (1 0 1))") (list (tbf '#(1 2) 1) (tbf '#(1 0) 1))))) (: tbf-tabulate* (-> (Listof tbf) (Listof (Listof (U Zero One))))) (define (tbf-tabulate* tbfs) (define funcs (for/list ([tbf tbfs]) : (Listof (-> (Listof (U Zero One)) (U Zero One))) (λ ([in : (Listof (U Zero One))]) (apply-tbf tbf (list->vector in))))) (define nvars (vector-length (tbf-w (car tbfs)))) (tabulate*/list funcs (make-list nvars '(0 1)))) (module+ test (test-case "tbf-tabulate*" (check-equal? (tbf-tabulate* (list (tbf #(2 2) 1) (tbf #(1 1) 1))) '((0 0 0 0) (0 1 1 0) (1 0 1 0) (1 1 1 1))))) (: tbf-tabulate (-> tbf (Listof (Listof (U Zero One))))) (define (tbf-tabulate t) (tbf-tabulate* (list t))) (module+ test (test-case "tbf-tabulate" (check-equal? (tbf-tabulate (tbf #(1 2) 1)) '((0 0 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 0) (1 1 1))))) (: tbf-tabulate*/boolean (-> (Listof tbf) (Listof (Listof Boolean)))) (define (tbf-tabulate*/boolean tbfs) (define funcs (for/list ([tbf tbfs]) : (Listof (-> (Listof Boolean) Boolean)) (λ ([in : (Listof Boolean)]) (apply-tbf/boolean tbf (list->vector in))))) (define nvars (vector-length (tbf-w (car tbfs)))) (tabulate*/list funcs (make-list nvars '(#f #t)))) (module+ test (test-case "tbf-tabulate*/boolean" (check-equal? (tbf-tabulate*/boolean (list (tbf #(1 2) 1))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #t) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (: sbf? (-> tbf Boolean)) (define (sbf? t) (= 0 (tbf-θ t))) (module+ test (test-case "sbf?" (check-false (sbf? (tbf #(1 2) 3))) (check-true (sbf? (tbf #(1 2) 0))))) (: sbf (-> (Vectorof Real) tbf)) (define (sbf w) (tbf w 0)) (module+ test (test-case "sbf" (check-equal? (sbf #(1 -1)) (tbf '#(1 -1) 0)))) (: list->sbf (-> (Listof Real) tbf)) (define (list->sbf lst) (sbf (list->vector lst))) (module+ test (test-case "list->sbf" (check-equal? (list->sbf '(1 -1)) (tbf '#(1 -1) 0)))) (: read-org-sbfs (->* (String) (#:headers Boolean) (Listof tbf))) (define (read-org-sbfs str #:headers [headers #f]) (define sexp (assert-type (read-org-sexp str) (Listof Any))) (define sexp-clean (cond [headers (cdr sexp)] [else sexp])) (map list->sbf (assert-type sexp-clean (Listof (Listof Real))))) (module+ test (test-case "read-org-sbfs" (check-equal? (read-org-sbfs "((1 1) (1 -1))") (list (tbf '#(1 1) 0) (tbf '#(1 -1) 0))))) (module untyped racket (module+ test (require rackunit)) (provide (contract-out [tabulate* (-> (listof procedure?) (listof (listof any/c)) (listof (listof any/c)))] [tabulate (-> procedure? (listof (listof any/c)) (listof (listof any/c)))] [tabulate/boolean (-> procedure? (listof (listof boolean?)))] [tabulate*/boolean (-> (non-empty-listof procedure?) (listof (listof boolean?)))] [tabulate/01 (-> procedure? (listof (listof (or/c 0 1))))] [tabulate*/01 (-> (non-empty-listof procedure?) (listof (listof (or/c 0 1))))])) (define (tabulate* funcs doms) (for/list ([xs (in-list (apply cartesian-product doms))]) (append xs (for/list ([f funcs]) (apply f xs))))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*" (check-equal? (tabulate* (list (λ (x y) (and x y)) (λ (x y) (or x y))) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f #f #f) (#f #t #f #t) (#t #f #f #t) (#t #t #t #t))) (check-equal? (tabulate* empty '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f) (#f #t) (#t #f) (#t #t))))) (define (tabulate func doms) (tabulate* (list func) doms)) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate" (check-equal? (tabulate (λ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (define (tabulate/boolean func) (tabulate func (make-list (procedure-arity func) '(#f #t)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/boolean" (check-equal? (tabulate/boolean (lambda (x y) (and x y))) '((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))) (define (tabulate*/boolean funcs) (define doms (make-list (procedure-arity (car funcs)) '(#f #t))) (tabulate* funcs doms)) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/boolean" (check-equal? (tabulate*/boolean `(,(λ (x y) (and x y)) ,(λ (x y) (or x y)))) '((#f #f #f #f) (#f #t #f #t) (#t #f #f #t) (#t #t #t #t))))) (define (tabulate/01 func) (tabulate func (make-list (procedure-arity func) '(0 1)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate/01" (check-equal? (tabulate/01 (λ (x y) (modulo (+ x y) 2))) '((0 0 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 1) (1 1 0))))) (define (tabulate*/01 funcs) (tabulate* funcs (make-list (procedure-arity (car funcs)) '(0 1)))) (module+ test (test-case "tabulate*/01" (check-equal? (tabulate*/01 `(,(λ (x y) (min x y)) ,(λ (x y) (max x y)))) '((0 0 0 0) (0 1 0 1) (1 0 0 1) (1 1 1 1))))) ) ) (require 'typed) (provide pseudovariadic-lambda pvλ pseudovariadic-define pvdefine tabulate* tabulate*/strict tabulate*/pv tabulate tabulate/strict tabulate/pv tabulate*/pv/boolean tabulate/pv/boolean tabulate*/pv/01 tabulate/pv/01 tabulate*/list tabulate/list tabulate*/list/boolean tabulate/list/boolean tabulate*/list/01 tabulate/list/01 table->function/list table->function table->function/pv enumerate-boolean-tables enumerate-boolean-functions enumerate-boolean-functions/pv enumerate-boolean-functions/list random-boolean-table random-boolean-function random-boolean-function/list (struct-out tbf) tbf-w tbf-θ boolean->01/vector apply-tbf apply-tbf/boolean list->tbf lists->tbfs read-org-tbfs tbf-tabulate* tbf-tabulate tbf-tabulate*/boolean sbf? sbf list->sbf read-org-sbfs)