#lang typed/racket ;;; Tests for dds/bn. (require typed/rackunit "bn.rkt") ;;; This test case sets up the following Boolean network: ;;; x1 = x1 AND NOT x2 ;;; x2 = NOT x2 (test-begin (test-case "Simple two-variable Boolean network" (let* ([f1 (λ ([s : State]) (let ([x1 (hash-ref s 'x1)] [x2 (hash-ref s 'x2)]) (and x1 (not x2))))] [f2 (λ ([s : State]) (let ([x2 (hash-ref s 'x2)]) (not x2)))] [bn (make-bn `((x1 . ,f1) (x2 . ,f2)))]) (test-case "One-step syncronous update" (let* ([s (new-state '((x1 . #t) (x2 . #f)))] [new-s (update bn s '(x2 x1))]) (check-equal? (hash-ref new-s 'x1) #t) (check-equal? (hash-ref new-s 'x2) #t) (check-equal? (length (hash-keys new-s)) 2))) (test-case "One-step asynchronous update" (let* ([s (new-state '((x1 . #f) (x2 . #f)))] [new-s (update bn s '(x2 x1))]) (check-equal? (hash-ref new-s 'x1) #f) (check-equal? (hash-ref new-s 'x2) #t) (check-equal? (length (hash-keys new-s)) 2))))))