#lang racket ;;; dds/utils ;;; Various utilities. (require graph (for-syntax syntax/parse racket/list)) (provide ;; Functions (contract-out [eval-with (-> variable-mapping? any/c any)] [extract-symbols (-> any/c list?)] [any->string (-> any/c string?)] [stringify-variable-mapping (-> variable-mapping? string-variable-mapping?)] [string->any (-> string? any/c)] [read-org-sexp (-> string? (listof any/c))] [unstringify-pairs (-> (listof (general-pair/c string? any/c)) (listof (general-pair/c symbol? any/c)))] [read-org-variable-mapping (-> string? variable-mapping?)] [read-symbol-list (-> string? (listof symbol?))] [drop-first-last (-> string? string?)] [list-sets->list-strings (-> (listof (set/c any/c)) (listof string?))] [pretty-print-set-sets (-> (set/c (set/c symbol?) #:kind 'dont-care) string?)] [update-vertices/unweighted (-> graph? (-> any/c any/c) graph?)] [update-graph (->* (graph?) (#:v-func (-> any/c any/c) #:e-func (-> any/c any/c)) graph?)] [pretty-print-set (-> generic-set? string?)] [collect-by-key (-> (listof any/c) (listof any/c) (values (listof any/c) (listof (listof any/c))))] [collect-by-key/sets (-> (listof any/c) (listof any/c) (values (listof any/c) (listof (set/c any/c))))] [ht-values/list->set (-> (hash/c any/c (listof any/c)) (hash/c any/c (set/c any/c)))] [hash->list/ordered (-> hash? (listof (cons/c any/c any/c)))] [multi-split-at (-> (listof (listof any/c)) number? (values (listof (listof any/c)) (listof (listof any/c))))] [lists-transpose (-> (listof (listof any/c)) (listof (listof any/c)))] [procedure-fixed-arity? (-> procedure? boolean?)] [in-random (case-> (-> (stream/c (and/c real? inexact? (>/c 0) ( (integer-in 1 4294967087) (stream/c exact-nonnegative-integer?)) (-> exact-integer? (integer-in 1 4294967087) (stream/c exact-nonnegative-integer?)))] [cartesian-product/stream (->* () #:rest (listof stream?) stream?)]) ;; Contracts (contract-out [variable-mapping? contract?] [string-variable-mapping? contract?] [general-pair/c (-> contract? contract? contract?)]) ;; Syntax auto-hash-ref/explicit auto-hash-ref/: sgfy unorg dotit) ;;; =================== ;;; HashTable Injection ;;; =================== ;;; This section of the file contains some utilities to streamline the ;;; usage of hash tables mapping symbols to values. The goal is ;;; essentially to avoid having to write explicit hash-ref calls. ;;; A variable mapping is a hash table mapping symbols to values. (define (variable-mapping? dict) (hash/c symbol? any/c)) ;;; Given a (HashTable Symbol a) and a sequence of symbols, binds ;;; these symbols to the values they are associated to in the hash ;;; table, then puts the body in the context of these bindings. ;;; ;;; > (let ([ht #hash((a . 1) (b . 2))]) ;;; (auto-hash-ref/explicit (ht a b) (+ a (* 2 b)))) ;;; 5 ;;; ;;; Note that only one expression can be supplied in the body. (define-syntax (auto-hash-ref/explicit stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (ht:id xs:id ...) body:expr) #`(let #,(for/list ([x (syntax->list #'(xs ...))]) #`[#,x (hash-ref ht '#,x)]) body)])) ;;; Given an expression and a (HashTable Symbol a), looks up the ;;; symbols with a leading semicolon and binds them to the value they ;;; are associated to in the hash table. ;;; ;;; > (let ([ht #hash((a . 1) (b . 2))]) ;;; (auto-hash-ref/: ht (+ :a (* 2 :b)))) ;;; 5 ;;; ;;; Note that the symbol :a is matched to the key 'a in the hash ;;; table. ;;; ;;; Note that only one expression can be supplied in the body. (define-syntax (auto-hash-ref/: stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ ht:id body) (let* ([names/: (collect-colons (syntax->datum #'body))]) #`(let #,(for/list ([x names/:]) ;; put x in the same context as body #`[#,(datum->syntax #'body x) (hash-ref ht '#,(strip-colon x))]) body))])) ;;; The helper functions for auto-hash-ref/:. (begin-for-syntax ;; Collect all the symbols starting with a colon in datum. (define (collect-colons datum) (remove-duplicates (flatten (for/list ([token datum]) (cond [(symbol? token) (let ([name (symbol->string token)]) (if (eq? #\: (string-ref name 0)) token '()))] [(list? token) (collect-colons token)] [else '()]))))) ;; Strip the leading colon off x. (define (strip-colon x) (let ([x-str (symbol->string x)]) (if (eq? #\: (string-ref x-str 0)) (string->symbol (substring x-str 1)) x)))) ;;; Temporarily injects the mappings from the given hash table as ;;; bindings in a namespace including racket/base and then evaluates ;;; the expression. ;;; ;;; > (let ([ht #hash((a . 1) (b . 1))]) ;;; (eval-with ht '(+ b a 1))) ;;; 3 ;;; ;;; The local bindings from the current lexical scope are not ;;; conserved. Therefore, the following outputs an error about a ;;; missing identifier: ;;; ;;; > (let ([ht #hash((a . 1) (b . 1))] ;;; [z 1]) ;;; (eval-with ht '(+ b z a 1))) ;;; (define (eval-with ht expr) (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)]) (for ([(x val) ht]) (namespace-set-variable-value! x val)) (eval expr))) ;;; Same as eval-with, but returns only the first value produced by ;;; the evaluated expression. (define (eval-with1 ht expr) (let ([vals (call-with-values (λ () (eval-with ht expr)) (λ vals vals))]) (car vals))) ;;; ============================== ;;; Analysis of quoted expressions ;;; ============================== ;;; Produces a list of symbols appearing in the quoted expression ;;; passed in the first argument. (define (extract-symbols form) (match form [(? symbol?) (list form)] [(? list?) (flatten (for/list ([x form]) (extract-symbols x)))] [else '()])) ;;; ========================= ;;; Interaction with Org-mode ;;; ========================= ;;; Org-mode supports laying out the output of code blocks as tables, ;;; which is very practical for various variable mappings (e.g., ;;; states). However, when the hash table maps variables to lists, ;;; Org-mode will create a column per list element, which may or may ;;; not be the desired effect. In this section I define some ;;; utilities for nicer interoperation with Org-mode tables. I also ;;; define some shortcuts to reduce the number of words to type when ;;; using dds with Org-mode. See example.org for examples of usage. ;;; Converts any value to string. (define (any->string x) (with-output-to-string (λ () (display x)))) ;;; A string variable mapping is a mapping from variables to strings. (define (string-variable-mapping? dict) (hash/c symbol? string?)) ;;; Converts all the values of a variable mapping to string. (define (stringify-variable-mapping ht) (for/hash ([(key val) ht]) (values key (any->string val)))) ;;; A shortcut for variable-mapping-stingify. (define-syntax-rule (sgfy ht) (stringify-variable-mapping ht)) ;;; Reads any value from string. (define (string->any str) (with-input-from-string str (λ () (read)))) ;;; Reads a sexp from a string produced by Org-mode for a named table. ;;; See example.org for examples. (define (read-org-sexp str) (string->any str)) ;;; A contract allowing pairs constructed via cons or via list. (define (general-pair/c key-contract val-contract) (or/c (list/c key-contract val-contract) (cons/c key-contract val-contract))) ;;; Given a list of pairs of strings and some other values (possibly ;;; strings), converts the first element of each pair to a string, and ;;; reads the second element with string->any or keeps it as is if it ;;; is not a string. (define (unstringify-pairs pairs) (for/list ([p pairs]) (match p [(list key val) (cons (string->symbol key) (if (string? val) (string->any val) val))] [(cons key val) ; also handle improper pairs (cons (string->symbol key) (if (string? val) (string->any val) val))]))) ;;; Reads a variable mapping from a string, such as the one which ;;; Org-mode produces from tables. (define read-org-variable-mapping (compose make-immutable-hash unstringify-pairs read-org-sexp)) ;;; A synonym for read-org-variable-mapping. (define-syntax-rule (unorg str) (read-org-variable-mapping str)) ;;; Typeset the graph via graphviz and display it. (define-syntax-rule (dotit gr) (display (graphviz gr))) ;;; Reads a list of symbols from a string. (define (read-symbol-list str) (string->any (string-append "(" str ")"))) ;;; Removes the first and the last symbol of a given string. ;;; ;;; Useful for removing the parentheses in string representations of ;;; lists. (define (drop-first-last str) (substring str 1 (- (string-length str) 1))) ;;; Converts a list of sets of symbols to a list of strings containing ;;; those symbols. (define (list-sets->list-strings lst) (map (compose drop-first-last any->string set->list) lst)) ;;; Pretty-prints a set of sets of symbols. ;;; ;;; Typically used for pretty-printing the annotations on the edges of ;;; the state graph. (define (pretty-print-set-sets ms) (string-join (for/list ([m ms]) (format "{~a}" (pretty-print-set m))) "")) ;;; ========================== ;;; Additional graph utilities ;;; ========================== ;;; Apply a transformation to every vertex in the unweighted graph, ;;; return the new graph. If the transformation function maps two ;;; vertices to the same values, these vertices will be merged in the ;;; resulting graph. The transformation function may be called ;;; multiple times for the same vertex. ;;; ;;; This function does not rely on rename-vertex!, so it can be used ;;; to permute vertex labels. (define (update-vertices/unweighted gr func) (unweighted-graph/directed (for/list ([e (in-edges gr)]) (match-let ([(list u v) e]) (list (func u) (func v)))))) ;;; Given a graph, apply a transformation v-func to every vertex label ;;; and, if the graph is a weighted graph, the transformation e-func ;;; to every edge label. Both transformations default to identity ;;; functions. If gr is an weighted graph, the result is a weighted ;;; graph. If gr is an unweighted graph, the result is an unweighted ;;; graph. (define (update-graph gr #:v-func [v-func identity] #:e-func [e-func identity]) (define edges (for/list ([e (in-edges gr)]) (match-let ([(list u v) e]) (cond [(unweighted-graph? gr) (list (v-func u) (v-func v))] [else (list (e-func (edge-weight gr u v)) (v-func u) (v-func v))])))) (cond [(unweighted-graph? gr) (unweighted-graph/directed edges)] [else (weighted-graph/directed edges)])) ;;; =============== ;;; Pretty printing ;;; =============== ;;; Pretty print a set by listing its elements in alphabetic order. (define (pretty-print-set s) (string-join (sort (set-map s any->string) stringset ls)))) ;;; Converts the values of a hash table from lists to sets. (define (ht-values/list->set ht) (for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash ht)]) (values k (list->set v)))) ;;; Returns the key-value pairs of a given hash table in the order in ;;; which the hash table orders them for hash-map and hash-for-each. (define (hash->list/ordered ht) (hash-map ht cons #t)) ;;; Given a list of lists, splits every single list at the given ;;; position, and then returns two lists: one consisting of the first ;;; halves, and the one consisting of the second halves. (define (multi-split-at lsts pos) (define (split-1 lst res) (define-values (l r) (split-at lst pos)) (match res [(cons left right) (cons (cons l left) (cons r right))])) (match (foldr split-1 (cons '() '()) lsts) [(cons lefts rights) (values lefts rights)])) ;;; Given a list of lists of the same length, transposes them. ;;; ;;; > (lists-transpose '((1 2) (a b))) ;;; '((1 a) (2 b)) ;;; ;;; This function is essentially in-parallel, wrapped in a couple ;;; conversions. (define lists-transpose (compose sequence->list in-values-sequence ((curry apply) in-parallel))) ;;; ========= ;;; Functions ;;; ========= ;;; Returns #t if the function has fixed arity (i.e. if it does not ;;; take a variable number of arguments). (define (procedure-fixed-arity? func) (match (procedure-arity func) [(arity-at-least _) #f] [arity #t])) ;;; ========== ;;; Randomness ;;; ========== ;;; Generates a stream of inexact random numbers. The meaning of the ;;; arguments is the same as for the function random: ;;; ;;; (in-randoms k) — a sequence of random exact integers in the range ;;; 0 to k-1. ;;; ;;; (in-randoms min max) — a sequence of random exact integers the ;;; range min to max-1. ;;; ;;; (in-randoms) — a sequence of random inexact numbers between ;;; 0 and 1. (define in-random (case-lambda [() (for/stream ([i (in-naturals)]) (random))] [(k) (for/stream ([i (in-naturals)]) (random k))] [(min max) (for/stream ([i (in-naturals)]) (random min max))])) ;;; =========================== ;;; Additional stream utilities ;;; =========================== ;;; Returns the Cartesian product of the given streams. The result is ;;; a stream whose elements are the elements of the Cartesian product. ;;; ;;; The implementation is inspired from the implementation of ;;; cartesian-product in racket/list. (define (cartesian-product/stream . ss) ;; Cartesian product of two streams, produces an improper pair. (define (cp-2 ss1 ss2) (for*/stream ([s1 (in-stream ss1)] [s2 (in-stream ss2)]) (cons s1 s2))) ;; Fold-right over the list of streams. The value for the fold is a ;; 1-value stream containing the empty list, which makes all the ;; lists proper. (foldr cp-2 (sequence->stream (in-value (list))) ss))