#lang racket ;;; Tests for dds/utils. (require rackunit graph "utils.rkt") (test-case "HashTable Injection" (test-case "auto-hash-ref/explicit" (let ([mytable #hash((a . 3) (b . 4))]) (check-equal? (auto-hash-ref/explicit (mytable b a) (* a b)) 12)) (let ([ht #hash((a . #t) (b . #f))]) (check-equal? (auto-hash-ref/explicit (ht a b) (and (not a) b)) #f))) (test-case "auto-hash-ref/:" (let ([ht #hash((x . #t) (y . #t) (t . #f))] [z #t]) (check-equal? (auto-hash-ref/: ht (and :x (not :y) z (or (and :t) :x))) #f)) (let ([ht #hash((a . 1) (b . 2))]) (check-equal? (auto-hash-ref/: ht (+ :a (* 2 :b))) 5))) (test-case "eval-with" (check-equal? (let ([ht #hash((a . 1) (b . 1))]) (eval-with ht '(+ b a 1))) 3))) (test-case "Analysis of quoted expressions" (check-equal? (extract-symbols '(1 (2 3) x (y z 3))) '(x y z))) (test-case "Variable mapping and Org-mode" (check-equal? (any->string 'a) "a") (check-equal? (any->string '(a 1 (x y))) "(a 1 (x y))") (check-equal? (any->string "hello") "hello") (let ([mp (stringify-variable-mapping #hash((a . (and a b)) (b . (not b))))]) (check-equal? (hash-ref mp 'a) "(and a b)") (check-equal? (hash-ref mp 'b) "(not b)")) (let ([mp (sgfy #hash((a . (and a b)) (b . (not b))))]) (check-equal? (hash-ref mp 'a) "(and a b)") (check-equal? (hash-ref mp 'b) "(not b)")) (check-equal? (string->any "(or b (not a))") '(or b (not a))) (check-equal? (string->any "14") 14) (check-equal? (read-org-table "((\"a\" \"(and a b)\") (\"b\" \"(or b (not a))\"))") '(("a" "(and a b)") ("b" "(or b (not a))"))) (check-equal? (unstringify-pairs '(("a" . "1") ("b" . "(and a (not b))"))) '((a . 1) (b . (and a (not b))))) (check-equal? (unstringify-pairs '(("a" . 1) ("b" . "(and a (not b))"))) '((a . 1) (b . (and a (not b))))) (let ([m1 (read-org-variable-mapping "((\"a\" \"(and a b)\") (\"b\" \"(or b (not a))\"))")] [m2 (read-org-variable-mapping "((\"a\" . \"(and a b)\") (\"b\" . \"(or b (not a))\"))")] [m3 (unorg "((\"a\" . \"(and a b)\") (\"b\" . \"(or b (not a))\"))")]) (check-equal? (hash-ref m1 'a) '(and a b)) (check-equal? (hash-ref m2 'a) '(and a b)) (check-equal? (hash-ref m3 'a) '(and a b)) (check-equal? (hash-ref m1 'b) '(or b (not a))) (check-equal? (hash-ref m2 'b) '(or b (not a))) (check-equal? (hash-ref m3 'b) '(or b (not a))))) (test-case "Additional graph utilities" (let* ([gr1 (directed-graph '((a b) (b c)))] [gr2 (undirected-graph '((a b) (b c)))] [dbl (λ (x) (let ([x-str (symbol->string x)]) (string->symbol (string-append x-str x-str))))] [new-gr1 (update-vertices/unweighted gr1 dbl)] [new-gr2 (update-vertices/unweighted gr2 dbl)] [new-gr1-ug (update-graph gr1 #:v-func dbl)] [new-gr2-ug (update-graph gr2 #:v-func dbl)] [gr3 (weighted-graph/directed '((10 a b) (11 b c)))] [new-gr3 (update-graph gr3 #:v-func dbl #:e-func (λ (x) (* 2 x)))]) (check-false (has-vertex? new-gr1 'a)) (check-true (has-vertex? new-gr1 'aa)) (check-false (has-vertex? new-gr1 'b)) (check-true (has-vertex? new-gr1 'bb)) (check-false (has-vertex? new-gr1 'c)) (check-true (has-vertex? new-gr1 'cc)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr1 'aa 'bb)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr1 'bb 'cc)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr2 'aa 'bb)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr2 'bb 'aa)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr2 'bb 'cc)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr2 'cc 'bb)) (check-false (has-vertex? new-gr1-ug 'a)) (check-true (has-vertex? new-gr1-ug 'aa)) (check-false (has-vertex? new-gr1-ug 'b)) (check-true (has-vertex? new-gr1-ug 'bb)) (check-false (has-vertex? new-gr1-ug 'c)) (check-true (has-vertex? new-gr1-ug 'cc)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr1-ug 'aa 'bb)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr1-ug 'bb 'cc)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr2-ug 'aa 'bb)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr2-ug 'bb 'aa)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr2-ug 'bb 'cc)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr2-ug 'cc 'bb)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr3 'aa 'bb)) (check-false (has-edge? new-gr3 'bb 'aa)) (check-true (has-edge? new-gr3 'bb 'cc)) (check-false (has-edge? new-gr3 'cc 'bb)) (check-equal? (edge-weight new-gr3 'aa 'bb) 20) (check-equal? (edge-weight new-gr3 'bb 'cc) 22))) (test-case "Pretty printing" (check-equal? (pretty-print-set (set 'a 'b 1)) "1 a b"))