#+TITLE: Packaging =dds= * Building and installing Running the following: #+BEGIN_SRC shell raco pkg install #+END_SRC in the =dds= directory will build and install the dependencies and then link the directory as a package. * Building the Scribble documentation To build the Scribble documentation, run the following: #+BEGIN_SRC shell raco setup -l dds #+END_SRC The =dds= package must already be installed. Execute the following code block to open the documentation in the last visited browser window. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent (shell-command "firefox doc/dds/index.html") #+END_SRC * Racket Package catalog bug <2020-11-26 Thu> =raco pkg= had a bug which caused it to fail with the following error: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE Resolving "graph-lib" via https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/7.9/catalog/ .raco-wrapped pkg install: cannot find package on catalogs package: graph-lib #+END_EXAMPLE The fix coming from [[https://github.com/mbutterick/pollen/issues/239][here]] was to do the following: #+BEGIN_SRC shell raco pkg config --set catalogs https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/7.9/catalog/ "" #+END_SRC It looks like it make =raco pkg= redetect the proper URLs for Racket package catalogs. * Local Variables :noexport: # Local Variables: # eval: (auto-fill-mode) # ispell-local-dictionary: "en" # org-link-file-path-type: relative # End: