example: Update Random functions and networks.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 91 additions and 49 deletions
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
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@ -4,42 +4,80 @@
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@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ tab
| a | b | c | f |
| #f | 1 | cold | 4 |
| #f | 1 | hot | 5 |
@ -735,17 +735,17 @@ tab
| #t | 1 | hot | 6 |
| #t | 2 | cold | 4 |
| #t | 2 | hot | 5 |
We can build an entire random network over these domains:
#+BEGIN_SRC racket :results table drawer :var simple-domains=munch-sexp(simple-domains)
(random-seed 0)
(define n (random-network (unorgv simple-domains)))
(tabulate-network n (unorgv simple-domains))
(tabulate-network n)
| a | b | c | f-a | f-b | f-c |
| #f | 1 | cold | #f | 2 | hot |
| #f | 1 | hot | #f | 2 | cold |
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ tab
| #t | 1 | hot | #t | 1 | cold |
| #t | 2 | cold | #f | 2 | hot |
| #t | 2 | hot | #t | 1 | cold |
Let's snapshot this random network and give it a name.
#+NAME: rnd-network
@ -769,16 +769,16 @@ tab
| #t | 2 | cold | #f | 2 | hot |
| #t | 2 | hot | #t | 1 | cold |
Here's how we can read back this table as a Boolean network:
Here's how we can read back this table as a network:
#+HEADER: :var rnd-network=munch-sexp(rnd-network)
#+BEGIN_SRC racket :results output drawer
(string->any rnd-network)
'(("a" "b" "c" "f-a" "f-b" "f-c") ("#f" 1 "cold" "#f" 2 "hot") ("#f" 1 "hot" "#f" 2 "cold") ("#f" 2 "cold" "#t" 1 "cold") ("#f" 2 "hot" "#t" 2 "hot") ("#t" 1 "cold" "#f" 2 "cold") ("#t" 1 "hot" "#t" 1 "cold") ("#t" 2 "cold" "#f" 2 "hot") ("#t" 2 "hot" "#t" 1 "cold"))
You can use =table->network= to convert a table such as [[rnd-network][rnd-network]]
to a network.
@ -788,19 +788,23 @@ tab
'#hash((a . #<procedure:...dds/networks.rkt:518:4>) (b . #<procedure:...dds/networks.rkt:518:4>) (c . #<procedure:...dds/networks.rkt:518:4>))
(network '#hash((a . #<procedure:...ds/functions.rkt:145:4>) (b . #<procedure:...ds/functions.rkt:145:4>) (c . #<procedure:...ds/functions.rkt:145:4>)) '#hash((a . (#f #t)) (b . (1 2)) (c . (cold hot))))
Here's the state graph of [[rnd-network][rnd-network]].
#+NAME: rnd-network-sg
#+HEADER: :var rnd-network=munch-sexp(rnd-network)
#+HEADER: :var simple-domains=munch-sexp(simple-domains)
#+BEGIN_SRC racket :results silent drawer
(define n (table->network (unorg rnd-network)))
(define rnd-asyn (make-asyn-dynamics n))
(define states (list->set (build-all-states (unorgv simple-domains))))
(dotit (pretty-print-state-graph (dds-build-state-graph-annotated rnd-asyn states)))
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file dots/exampleHc023j.svg :results raw drawer :cmd sfdp :noweb yes
@ -808,17 +812,21 @@ tab
Here's the signed interaction graph of [[rnd-network][rnd-network]].
#+NAME: rnd-network-ig
#+HEADER: :var rnd-network=munch-sexp(rnd-network)
#+HEADER: :var simple-domains=munch-sexp(simple-domains)
#+BEGIN_SRC racket :results silent drawer
(define n (table->network (unorg rnd-network)))
(dotit (build-signed-interaction-graph n (unorgv simple-domains)))
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file dots/examplePIN5ac.svg :results raw drawer :cmd sfdp :noweb yes
@ -826,13 +834,9 @@ tab
Note that =build-signed-interaction-graph= only includes the + and
the - arcs in the graph, as it does not have access to the symbolic
description of the function.
** Standalone threshold Boolean functions (TBF)
/Note:/ Before using the objects described in this section,
Add table
Reference in a new issue