Type make-same-domains, make-boolean-domains, make-boolean-network.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 77 additions and 33 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
State UpdateFunction DomainMapping
(struct-out network) Network)
(struct-out network) Network
make-same-domains make-boolean-domains make-boolean-network)
(define-type (State a) (VariableMapping a))
(define-type (UpdateFunction a) (-> (State a) a))
@ -19,6 +21,40 @@
[domains : (DomainMapping a)])
#:type-name Network)
(: make-same-domains (All (a) (-> (Listof Variable) (Listof a)
(DomainMapping a))))
(define (make-same-domains vars domain)
(for/hash ([var vars]) : (DomainMapping a)
(values var domain)))
(module+ test
(test-case "make-same-domains"
(check-equal? (make-same-domains '(a b) '(1 2))
#hash((a . (1 2)) (b . (1 2))))))
(: make-boolean-domains (-> (Listof Variable) (DomainMapping Boolean)))
(define (make-boolean-domains vars)
(make-same-domains vars '(#f #t)))
(module+ test
(test-case "make-boolean-domains"
(check-equal? (make-boolean-domains '(a b))
#hash((a . (#f #t)) (b . (#f #t))))))
(: make-boolean-network (-> (VariableMapping (UpdateFunction Boolean))
(Network Boolean)))
(define (make-boolean-network funcs)
(network funcs (make-boolean-domains (hash-keys funcs))))
(module+ test
(test-case "make-boolean-network"
(define f1 (λ ([s : (State Boolean)])
(and (hash-ref s 'x1) (not (hash-ref s 'x2)))))
(define f2 (λ ([s : (State Boolean)])
(not (hash-ref s 'x2))))
(define bn (make-boolean-network (hash 'x1 f1 'x2 f2)))
(check-equal? (network-domains bn) (hash 'x1 '(#f #t) 'x2 '(#f #t)))))
(require 'typed)
@ -39,8 +75,7 @@
[struct network-form ([forms variable-mapping?]
[domains domain-mapping/c])])
;; Functions
(contract-out [make-boolean-network (-> (hash/c variable? procedure?) network?)]
[make-01-network (-> (hash/c variable? procedure?) network?)]
(contract-out [make-01-network (-> (hash/c variable? procedure?) network?)]
[update (-> network? state? (set/c variable? #:kind 'dont-care) state?)]
[make-state (-> (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)) state?)]
[make-state-booleanize (-> (listof (cons/c symbol? (or/c 0 1))) state?)]
@ -58,8 +93,6 @@
[build-signed-interaction-graph (-> network? graph?)]
[build-signed-interaction-graph/form (-> network-form? graph?)]
[build-all-states (-> domain-mapping/c (listof state?))]
[make-same-domains (-> (listof variable?) generic-set? domain-mapping/c)]
[make-boolean-domains (-> (listof variable?) (hash/c variable? (list/c #f #t)))]
[make-01-domains (-> (listof variable?) (hash/c variable? (list/c 0 1)))]
[build-all-boolean-states (-> (listof variable?) (listof state?))]
[build-all-01-states (-> (listof variable?) (listof state?))]
@ -191,26 +224,11 @@
;;; values in their domains.
(define domain-mapping/c (hash/c variable? list?))
;;; Builds a network from a given hash table assigning functions to
;;; variables by attributing Boolean domains to every variable.
(define (make-boolean-network funcs)
(network funcs (make-boolean-domains (hash-keys funcs))))
;;; Build a network from a given hash table assigning functions to
;;; variables by attributing the domain {0,1} to every variable.
(define (make-01-network funcs)
(network funcs (make-01-domains (hash-keys funcs))))
(module+ test
(test-case "make-boolean-network"
(define f1 (λ (s) (let ([x1 (hash-ref s 'x1)]
[x2 (hash-ref s 'x2)])
(and x1 (not x2)))))
(define f2 (λ (s) (let ([x2 (hash-ref s 'x2)])
(not x2))))
(define bn (make-boolean-network (hash 'x1 f1 'x2 f2)))
(check-equal? (network-domains bn) (hash 'x1 '(#f #t) 'x2 '(#f #t)))))
;;; Given a state s updates all the variables from xs.
(define (update network s xs)
(define funcs (network-functions network))
@ -418,19 +436,6 @@
#hash((a . #f) (b . 2))
#hash((a . #f) (b . 3))))))
;;; Makes a hash set mapping all variables to a single domain.
(define (make-same-domains vars domain)
(for/hash ([var vars]) (values var domain)))
;;; Makes a hash set mapping all variables to the Boolean domain.
(define (make-boolean-domains vars)
(make-same-domains vars '(#f #t)))
(module+ test
(test-case "make-same-domains, make-boolean-domains"
(check-equal? (make-boolean-domains '(a b))
#hash((a . (#f #t)) (b . (#f #t))))))
;;; Makes a hash set mapping all variables to the Boolean domain,
;;; expressed as {0,1}.
(define (make-01-domains vars)
@ -77,6 +77,45 @@ The type of the instances of @racket[Network].
'b '(#f #t)))
@section{Constructing networks}
@defproc[(make-same-domains [vars (Listof Variable)]
[domain (Listof a)])
(DomainMapping a)]{
Makes a hash set mapping all variables to a single domain.
(make-same-domains '(a b) '(1 2))
@defproc[(make-boolean-domains [vars (Listof Variable)])
(DomainMapping Boolean)]{
Makes a hash set mapping all variables to the Boolean domain.
(make-boolean-domains '(a b))
@defproc[(make-boolean-network [vars (VariableMapping (UpdateFunction Boolean))])
(Network Boolean)]{
Builds a Boolean network from a given hash table assigning functions to
variables by attributing Boolean domains to every variable.
(: or-func (UpdateFunction Boolean))
(define (or-func s)
(or (hash-ref s 'a) (hash-ref s 'b)))
(: and-func (UpdateFunction Boolean))
(define (and-func s)
(and (hash-ref s 'a) (hash-ref s 'b)))
(make-boolean-network (hash 'a or-func 'b and-func))
@section{Syntactic description of networks}
@section{Inferring interaction graphs}
Add table
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