rs: Add some functions for showing RS as Org tables.

Also add an example to
This commit is contained in:
Sergiu Ivanov 2020-03-01 21:10:01 +01:00
parent 0051380f2b
commit 77c0106ea2
3 changed files with 36 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -487,6 +487,17 @@ tab
(hash 'a (reaction (set 'x 't) (set 'y) (set 'z)) 'b (reaction (set 'x) (set 'q) (set 'z)))
Here is how we can put it back into an Org-mode table:
#+BEGIN_SRC racket :results table drawer :var input-rs=munch-table(rs1)
(org-rs (unorg-rs input-rs))
| a | "t x" | "y" | "z" |
| b | "x" | "q" | "z" |
* Local Variables :noexport:
# Local Variables:

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@ -20,4 +20,6 @@
(test-case "Org-mode interaction"
(check-equal? (ht-str-triples->rs #hash((a . ("x t" "y" "z"))))
(make-immutable-hash (list (cons 'a (reaction (set 'x 't) (set 'y) (set 'z)))))))
(make-immutable-hash (list (cons 'a (reaction (set 'x 't) (set 'y) (set 'z))))))
(check-equal? (rs->ht-str-triples (make-immutable-hash (list (cons 'a (reaction (set 'x 't) (set 'y) (set 'z))))))
#hash((a . ("t x" "y" "z")))))

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@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
[list-enabled (-> reaction-system/c (set/c species?) (listof symbol?))]
[union-products (-> reaction-system/c (listof symbol?) (set/c species?))]
[apply-rs (-> reaction-system/c (set/c species?) (set/c species?))]
[ht-str-triples->rs (-> (hash/c symbol? (list/c string? string? string?)) reaction-system/c)])
[ht-str-triples->rs (-> (hash/c symbol? (list/c string? string? string?)) reaction-system/c)]
[rs->ht-str-triples (-> reaction-system/c (hash/c symbol? (list/c string? string? string?)))])
;; Predicates
(contract-out [species? (-> any/c boolean?)])
;; Contracts
(contract-out [reaction-system/c contract?])
;; Syntax
unorg-rs org-rs)
;;; =================
;;; Basic definitions
@ -92,3 +93,22 @@
;;; Chains ht-str-triples->rs with unorg.
(define-syntax-rule (unorg-rs str) (ht-str-triples->rs (unorg str)))
;;; Removes the first and the last symbol of a given string.
(define (drop-first-last str)
(substring str 1 (- (string-length str) 1)))
;;; Converts a reaction to a triple of strings.
(define/match (reaction->str-triple r)
[((reaction r i p))
(map (compose drop-first-last any->string set->list)
(list r i p))])
;;; Converts a reaction system to a hash table mapping reaction names
;;; to triples of strings.
(define (rs->ht-str-triples rs)
(for/hash ([(a r) (in-hash rs)])
(values a (reaction->str-triple r))))
;;; A shortcut for rs->ht-str-triples.
(define-syntax-rule (org-rs rs) (rs->ht-str-triples rs))