networks: Add tabulate and illustrate it in example.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 71 additions and 1 deletions
@ -471,6 +471,44 @@ tab
** Network functions
=dds/networks= provides some basic primitives for working with
individual functions which may appear in a network model. Clearly,
these primitives can be applied in contexts not necessarily
directly related to networks.
Here's how you can tabulate a function. The domain of x is {1, 2},
and the domain of y is {0, 2, 4}. The first column in the output
corresponds to x, the second to y, and the third corresponds to the
value of the function.
#+BEGIN_SRC racket :results table drawer
(tabulate (λ (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2) '(0 2 4))
| 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 1 | 4 | 5 |
| 2 | 0 | 2 |
| 2 | 2 | 4 |
| 2 | 4 | 6 |
Here's how you tabulate a Boolean function:
#+BEGIN_SRC racket :results table drawer
(tabulate/boolean (λ (x y) (and x y)))
| #f | #f | #f |
| #f | #t | #f |
| #t | #f | #f |
| #t | #t | #t |
* Reaction systems
:header-args:racket: :prologue "#lang racket\n(require graph (file \"~/Candies/prj/racket/dds/rs.rkt\") (file \"~/Candies/prj/racket/dds/utils.rkt\"))"
@ -207,3 +207,11 @@
(check-equal? (edge-weight gr-complete-bool-ann
#hash((a . #f) (b . #t)) #hash((a . #t) (b . #t)))
(set (set 'a)))))
(test-case "Functions"
(check-equal? (tabulate/domain-list (λ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t)))
'((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t)))
(check-equal? (tabulate (λ (x y) (and x y)) '(#f #t) '(#f #t))
'((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t)))
(check-equal? (tabulate/boolean (lambda (x y) (and x y)))
'((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))
@ -55,7 +55,10 @@
[pretty-print-state-graph (-> graph? graph?)]
[pretty-print-boolean-state-graph (-> graph? graph?)]
[build-full-boolean-state-graph (-> dynamics? graph?)]
[build-full-boolean-state-graph-annotated (-> dynamics? graph?)])
[build-full-boolean-state-graph-annotated (-> dynamics? graph?)]
[tabulate/domain-list (-> procedure? (listof generic-set?) (listof list?))]
[tabulate (->* (procedure?) () #:rest (listof generic-set?) (listof list?))]
[tabulate/boolean (-> procedure-fixed-arity? (listof (listof boolean?)))])
;; Predicates
(contract-out [variable? (-> any/c boolean?)]
[state? (-> any/c boolean?)]
@ -385,3 +388,24 @@
(list->set (build-all-boolean-states (hash-keys (dynamics-network dyn))))))
;;; =========
;;; Functions
;;; =========
;;; Given a function and a list of domains for each of its arguments,
;;; in order, produces a list of lists giving the values of arguments
;;; and the value of the functions for these inputs.
(define (tabulate/domain-list func doms)
(for/list ([xs (apply cartesian-product doms)])
(append xs (list (apply func xs)))))
;;; Like tabulate, but the domains are given as a rest argument.
(define (tabulate func . doms) (tabulate/domain-list func doms))
;;; Like tabulate, but assumes the domains of all variables of the
;;; function are Boolean. func must have a fixed arity. It is an
;;; error to supply a function of variable arity.
(define (tabulate/boolean func)
(tabulate/domain-list func (make-list (procedure-arity func) '(#f #t))))
Add table
Reference in a new issue