Type interaction?.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 64 additions and 39 deletions
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
build-all-states build-all-boolean-states build-all-01-states
list-syntactic-interactions build-syntactic-interaction-graph
(define-type (State a) (VariableMapping a))
@ -321,6 +322,46 @@
(check-true (has-edge? ig 'b 'b))
(check-false (has-edge? ig 'c 'b))
(check-false (has-edge? ig 'c 'a))))
(: interaction? (All (a) (-> (Network a) Variable Variable Boolean)))
(define (interaction? network x y)
(define doms (network-domains network))
(define states-not-x (build-all-states (hash-remove doms x)))
(define dom-x (hash-ref doms x))
(define y-func (hash-ref (network-functions network) y))
(: different-ys-exist? (-> (State a) Boolean))
(define (different-ys-exist? st)
(define x-states (for/list ([x-val (in-list dom-x)])
: (Listof (State a))
(hash-set st x x-val)))
;; TODO: Replace with for*/first when/if it is fixed.
(for*/first/typed : (Option Boolean)
([st1 : (State a) x-states]
[st2 : (State a) x-states]
#:unless (equal? (hash-ref st1 x) (hash-ref st2 x))
#:unless (equal? (y-func st1) (y-func st2)))
;; TODO: Replace with for/first when/if it is fixed.
(for/first/typed : (Option Boolean)
([st (in-list states-not-x)]
#:when (different-ys-exist? st))
(module+ test
(test-case "interaction?"
(define n1 (forms->boolean-network
(hash 'x '(not y)
'y 'x
'z '(and y z))))
(check-true (interaction? n1 'x 'y))
(check-true (interaction? n1 'y 'x))
(check-false (interaction? n1 'x 'z))
(define n-multi (hash 'x '(max (+ y 1) 2)
'y '(min (- y 1) 0)))
(define 123-doms (make-same-domains '(x y) '(0 1 2)))
(define n2 (network-form->network/any (network-form n-multi 123-doms)))
(check-false (interaction? n2 'x 'y))
(check-true (interaction? n2 'y 'x))))
(require 'typed)
@ -337,8 +378,7 @@
[struct dynamics ([network network?]
[mode mode?])])
;; Functions
(contract-out [interaction? (-> network? variable? variable? boolean?)]
[get-interaction-sign (-> network? variable? variable? (or/c #f -1 0 1))]
(contract-out [get-interaction-sign (-> network? variable? variable? (or/c #f -1 0 1))]
[build-interaction-graph (-> network? graph?)]
[build-interaction-graph/form (-> network-form? graph?)]
[build-signed-interaction-graph (-> network? graph?)]
@ -483,43 +523,6 @@
;;; Inferring interaction graphs
;;; ============================
;;; Given two variables x and y of a network f, verifies if they
;;; interact, i.e. that there exists such a state s with the property
;;; that s' which is s with a different value for x yields such a new
;;; state f(s') in which the value for y is different from f(s).
(define (interaction? network x y)
(define doms (network-domains network))
(define states-not-x (build-all-states (hash-remove doms x)))
(define dom-x (hash-ref doms x))
(define y-func (hash-ref (network-functions network) y))
(define (different-ys-exist? st)
(define x-states (for/list ([x-val (in-list dom-x)])
(hash-set st x x-val)))
(for*/first ([st1 x-states]
[st2 x-states]
#:unless (equal? (hash-ref st1 x) (hash-ref st2 x))
#:unless (equal? (y-func st1) (y-func st2)))
(for*/first ([st (in-list states-not-x)]
#:when (different-ys-exist? st))
(module+ test
(test-case "interaction?"
(define n1 (forms->boolean-network
(hash 'x '(not y)
'y 'x
'z '(and y z))))
(check-true (interaction? n1 'x 'y))
(check-true (interaction? n1 'y 'x))
(check-false (interaction? n1 'x 'z))
(define n-multi (hash 'x '(max (+ y 1) 2)
'y '(min (- y 1) 0)))
(define 123-doms (make-same-domains '(x y) '(0 1 2)))
(define n2 (network-form->network/any (network-form n-multi 123-doms)))
(check-false (interaction? n2 'x 'y))
(check-true (interaction? n2 'y 'x))))
;;; Given two variables x and y of a network f, checks whether they
;;; interact, and if they interact, returns 1 if increasing x leads to
;;; an increase in y, -1 if it leads to a decrease in y, and 0 if it
@ -412,6 +412,28 @@ appears in @racket[(list-interactions y)].
(b . (- b))))))
@defproc[(interaction? [network (Network a)]
[x Variable]
[y Variable])
Given two variables @racket[x] and @racket[y] of a @racket[network], verifies
if they interact, i.e. that there exists a pair of states @italic{s} and
@italic{s'} with the following properties:
@item{@italic{s} and @italic{s'} only differ in the value of @racket[x];}
@item{running the network from @italic{s} and @italic{s'} yields different
values for @racket[y].}
(let ([bn (forms->boolean-network #hash((a . (and a b))
(b . (not b))))])
(values (interaction? bn 'a 'b)
(interaction? bn 'b 'a)))
@section{Tabulating functions and networks}
@section{Constructing functions and networks}
Add table
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