Add table->network.

This commit is contained in:
Sergiu Ivanov 2023-03-10 23:52:01 +01:00
parent 6783b97add
commit 1490792a19
2 changed files with 87 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
tabulate-state tabulate-state/boolean tabulate-state tabulate-state/boolean
tabulate-state+headers tabulate-state+headers/boolean tabulate-state+headers tabulate-state+headers/boolean
tabulate-network tabulate-network+headers tabulate-network tabulate-network+headers
) )
(define-type (State a) (VariableMapping a)) (define-type (State a) (VariableMapping a))
@ -928,6 +930,65 @@
(#f #t #t #t) (#f #t #t #t)
(#t #f #f #f) (#t #f #f #f)
(#t #t #f #t))))) (#t #t #f #t)))))
(: table->network (All (a) (-> (Listof (Listof a)) (Network a))))
(define (table->network table)
(define n : Integer (quotient (length (car table)) 2))
;; Get the variable names from the table or generate them, if
;; necessary.
(define var-names : (Listof Variable)
(for/list : (Listof Variable)
([i (in-range 1 (add1 n))])
(format-symbol "x~a" i)))
;; Split the table into the inputs and the outputs of the functions.
(define-values (ins outs) (multi-split-at table n))
;; Transpose outs to have functions define by lines instead of by
;; columns.
(define func-lines : (Listof (Listof a)) (lists-transpose outs))
;; Make states out of inputs.
(define st-ins : (Listof (State a))
(for/list ([in ins]) (make-immutable-hash
(map (inst cons Variable a) var-names in))))
;; Construct the functions.
(define funcs : (Listof (UpdateFunction a))
(for/list ([out func-lines])
(for/list : (Listof (List (State a) a))
([in st-ins] [o out])
(list in o)))))
;; Infer the domains.
(define domains : (DomainMapping a)
(map (inst cons Variable (Domain a))
(map (inst remove-duplicates a) (lists-transpose ins)))))
;; Construct the network.
(network (make-immutable-hash
(map (inst cons Variable (UpdateFunction a))
var-names funcs))
(module+ test
(test-case "table->network"
(define n (table->network '((#f #f #f #f)
(#f #t #f #t)
(#t #f #t #f)
(#t #t #t #t))))
(define f1 (hash-ref (network-functions n) 'x1))
(define f2 (hash-ref (network-functions n) 'x2))
(check-false (f1 (hash 'x1 #f 'x2 #f)))
(check-false (f1 (hash 'x1 #f 'x2 #t)))
(check-true (f1 (hash 'x1 #t 'x2 #f)))
(check-true (f1 (hash 'x1 #t 'x2 #t)))
(check-false (f2 (hash 'x1 #f 'x2 #f)))
(check-true (f2 (hash 'x1 #f 'x2 #t)))
(check-false (f2 (hash 'x1 #t 'x2 #f)))
(check-true (f2 (hash 'x1 #t 'x2 #t)))
(check-equal? (network-domains n)
#hash((x1 . (#f #t)) (x2 . (#f #t))))))
) )
(require 'typed) (require 'typed)

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@ -832,6 +832,31 @@ function names in the corresponding column headers are of the form
@section{Constructing functions and networks} @section{Constructing functions and networks}
@defproc[(table->network [table (Listof (Listof a))])
(Network a)]{
Given a table like the one produced by @racket[tabulate-network],
constructs a network having this behaviour.
Variable names are generated as @tt{xi}, where 1 ≤ @tt{i} ≤ number of
variables. The columns defining the functions are taken to be in the
same order as the columns defining the variables. The domains of the
network are a mapping assigning to each variable the set of values
which can appear in the corresponding column in the table.
This function relies on @racket[table->unary-function], so the same
performance caveats apply.
This function does not check whether the table is complete.
(let ([n (table->network '((#f #f #f #f)
(#f #t #f #t)
(#t #f #t #f)
(#t #t #t #t)))])
(tabulate-network n))
@section{Random functions and networks} @section{Random functions and networks}
@section{TBF/TBN and SBF/SBN} @section{TBF/TBN and SBF/SBN}