Drop the untyped part of dds/tbn.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 559 additions and 1283 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#lang scribble/manual
#lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/example racket/sandbox
@(require scribble/example racket/sandbox
(for-label typed/racket/base
(for-label typed/racket/base
(submod "../tbn.rkt" typed)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string]
(parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string]
[sandbox-error-output 'string]
[sandbox-error-output 'string]
[sandbox-memory-limit 500])
[sandbox-memory-limit 500])
(make-evaluator 'typed/racket #:requires '((submod "tbn.rkt" typed)))))
(make-evaluator 'typed/racket #:requires '("tbn.rkt"))))
@(define-syntax-rule (ex . args)
@(define-syntax-rule (ex . args)
(examples #:eval tbn-evaluator . args))
(examples #:eval tbn-evaluator . args))
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
@title[#:tag "tbn"]{dds/tbn: Threshold and Sign Boolean Networks (TBN and SBN)}
@title[#:tag "tbn"]{dds/tbn: Threshold and Sign Boolean Networks (TBN and SBN)}
@defmodule[(submod dds/tbn typed)]
@section{TBFs and states}
@section{TBFs and states}
@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
#lang racket
#lang typed/racket
(require (except-in "utils.rkt" lists-transpose) (submod "utils.rkt" untyped)
"functions.rkt" "networks.rkt"
graph racket/random racket/hash)
(module typed typed/racket
(require (except-in "utils.rkt" lists-transpose)
(require (except-in "utils.rkt" lists-transpose)
"utils.rkt" "functions.rkt" "networks.rkt"
"utils.rkt" "functions.rkt" "networks.rkt"
typed/graph typed/racket/random)
typed/graph typed/racket/random)
@ -717,723 +712,4 @@
'((a b) (0 2) (2 0)))
'((a b) (0 2) (2 0)))
(check-equal? (sbn->lists sbn #:headers #f #:func-names #f)
(check-equal? (sbn->lists sbn #:headers #f #:func-names #f)
'((0 2) (2 0)))))
'((0 2) (2 0)))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
;;; ===================
;;; ===================
;;; Applies a TBF to a state.
;;; The values of the variables of the state are ordered by hash-map
;;; and fed to the TBF in order. The number of the inputs of the TBF
;;; must match the number of variables in the state.
(define (apply-tbf-to-state tbf st)
(apply-tbf tbf (list->vector (hash-map st (λ (_ val) val)))))
(module+ test
(test-case "apply-tbf-to-state"
(define st (hash 'x1 0 'x2 1))
(define f (tbf #(1 1) 1))
(check-equal? (apply-tbf-to-state f st) 0)))
;;; A state TBF is a TBF with named inputs. A state TBF can be
;;; applied to states in an unambiguous ways.
(struct tbf/state (weights threshold) #:transparent)
;;; Shortcuts for acessing fields of a state/tbf.
(define tbf/state-w tbf/state-weights)
(define tbf/state-θ tbf/state-threshold)
;;; Makes a state/tbf from a list of pairs of names of variables and
;;; weights, as well as a threshold.
(define (make-tbf/state pairs threshold)
(tbf/state (make-immutable-hash pairs) threshold))
(module+ test
(test-case "tbf/state"
(define f (make-tbf/state '((x1 . 1) (x2 . 1)) 1))
(check-equal? (tbf/state-w f) #hash((x1 . 1) (x2 . 1)))
(check-equal? (tbf/state-θ f) 1)))
;;; A sign Boolean function (SBF) is a TBF whose threshold is 0.
(define sbf/state? (and/c tbf/state? (λ (tbf) (zero? (tbf/state-θ tbf)))))
(module+ test
(test-case "sbf/state?"
(check-true (sbf/state? (tbf/state #hash((a . -1) (b . 1)) 0)))))
;;; Makes a state/tbf which is an SBF from a list of pairs of names of
;;; variables and weights.
(define (make-sbf/state pairs)
(make-tbf/state pairs 0))
(module+ test
(test-case "make-sbf/state"
(check-equal? (make-sbf/state '((a . -1) (b . 1)))
(make-tbf/state '((a . -1) (b . 1)) 0))))
;;; Applies a state TBF to its inputs.
;;; Applying a TBF consists in multiplying the weights by the
;;; corresponding inputs and comparing the sum of the products to the
;;; threshold.
;;; This function is similar to apply-tbf, but applies a state TBF (a
;;; TBF with explicitly named inputs) to a state whose values are 0
;;; and 1.
(define (apply-tbf/state tbf st)
(any->01 (> (foldl + 0 (hash-values
(hash-intersect (tbf/state-w tbf)
#:combine *)))
(tbf/state-θ tbf))))
(module+ test
(test-case "apply-tbf/state"
(define st1 (hash 'a 1 'b 0 'c 1))
(define st2 (hash 'a 1 'b 1 'c 0))
(define tbf (make-tbf/state '((a . 2) (b . -2)) 1))
(check-equal? (apply-tbf/state tbf st1) 1)
(check-equal? (apply-tbf/state tbf st2) 0)))
;;; Reads a list of tbf/state from a list of list of numbers.
;;; The last element of each list is taken to be the threshold of the
;;; TBFs, and the rest of the elements are taken to be the weights.
;;; If headers is #t, the names of the variables to appear as the
;;; inputs of the TBF are taken from the first list. The last element
;;; of this list is discarded.
;;; If headers is #f, the names of the variables are generated as xi,
;;; where i is the index of the variable.
(define (lists->tbfs/state lsts #:headers [headers #t])
(define-values (var-names rows)
(if headers
(values (car lsts) (cdr lsts))
(values (for/list ([i (in-range (length (car lsts)))])
(string->symbol (format "x~a" i)))
(for/list ([lst (in-list rows)])
(define-values (ws θ) (split-at-right lst 1))
(make-tbf/state (for/list ([x (in-list var-names)]
[w (in-list ws)])
(cons x w))
(car θ))))
(module+ test
(test-case "lists->tbfs/state"
(define tbfs '((1 2 3) (1 1 2)))
(check-equal? (lists->tbfs/state tbfs #:headers #f)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 1) (x1 . 2)) 3)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 1) (x1 . 1)) 2)))
(check-equal? (lists->tbfs/state (cons '(a b f) tbfs))
(tbf/state '#hash((a . 1) (b . 2)) 3)
(tbf/state '#hash((a . 1) (b . 1)) 2)))))
;;; Like lists->tbfs/state, but does not expect thresholds in the
;;; input.
;;; Every lists in the list contains the weights of the SBF. If
;;; headers is #t, the names of the variables to appear as the inputs
;;; of the TBF are taken from the first list.
;;; If headers is #f, the names of the variables are generated as xi,
;;; where i is the index of the variable.
(define (lists->sbfs/state lsts #:headers [headers #t])
(define rows (if headers (cdr lsts) lsts))
(define rows-θ (for/list ([lst (in-list rows)]) (append lst '(0))))
(lists->tbfs/state (if headers (cons (car lsts) rows-θ) rows-θ)
#:headers headers))
(module+ test
(test-case "lists->sbfs/state"
(define tbfs '((1 2) (1 -1)))
(check-equal? (lists->sbfs/state tbfs #:headers #f)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 1) (x1 . 2)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 1) (x1 . -1)) 0)))
(check-equal? (lists->sbfs/state (cons '(a b) tbfs) #:headers #t)
(tbf/state '#hash((a . 1) (b . 2)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((a . 1) (b . -1)) 0)))))
;;; Reads a list of tbf/state from an Org-mode string containing a
;;; sexp, containing a list of lists of numbers. As in
;;; lists->tbfs/state, the last element of each list is taken to be
;;; the threshold of the TBFs, and the rest of the elements are taken
;;; to be the weights.
;;; If headers is #t, the names of the variables to appear as the
;;; inputs of the TBF are taken from the first list. The last element
;;; of this list is discarded.
;;; If headers is #f, the names of the variables are generated as xi,
;;; where i is the index of the variable.
(define (read-org-tbfs/state str #:headers [headers #t])
(lists->tbfs/state (read-org-sexp str) #:headers headers))
(module+ test
(test-case "read-org-tbfs/state"
(check-equal? (read-org-tbfs/state "((a b f) (1 2 3) (1 1 2))")
(tbf/state '#hash((a . 1) (b . 2)) 3)
(tbf/state '#hash((a . 1) (b . 1)) 2)))
(check-equal? (read-org-tbfs/state "((1 2 3) (1 1 2))" #:headers #f)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 1) (x1 . 2)) 3)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 1) (x1 . 1)) 2)))))
;;; Like read-org-tbfs/state, but reads a list of SBFs. Therefore,
;;; the lists of numbers in the sexp are taken to be the weights of
;;; the SBFs.
;;; If headers is #t, the names of the variables to appear as the
;;; inputs of the TBF are taken from the first list. If headers is
;;; #f, the names of the variables are generated as xi, where i is the
;;; index of the variable.
(define (read-org-sbfs/state str #:headers [headers #t])
(lists->sbfs/state (read-org-sexp str) #:headers headers))
(module+ test
(test-case "read-org-sbfs/state"
(check-equal? (read-org-sbfs/state "((a b) (-1 2) (1 1))")
(tbf/state '#hash((a . -1) (b . 2)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((a . 1) (b . 1)) 0)))
(check-equal? (read-org-sbfs/state "((-1 2) (1 1))" #:headers #f)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . -1) (x1 . 2)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 1) (x1 . 1)) 0)))))
;;; Given a list of tbf/state, produces a sexp that Org-mode can
;;; interpret as a table.
;;; All tbf/state in the list must have the same inputs. The function
;;; does not check this property.
;;; If #:headers is #f, does not print the names of the inputs of the
;;; TBFs. If #:headers is #t, the output starts by a list giving the
;;; names of the variables, as well as the symbol 'θ to represent the
;;; column giving the thresholds of the TBF.
(define (print-org-tbfs/state tbfs #:headers [headers #t])
(define table (for/list ([tbf (in-list tbfs)])
(append (hash-map (tbf/state-w tbf) (λ (_ w) w) #t)
(list (tbf/state-θ tbf)))))
(if headers
(cons (append (hash-map (tbf/state-w (car tbfs)) (λ (x _) x) #t) '(θ))
(module+ test
(test-case "print-org-tbfs/state"
(define tbfs (list (make-tbf/state '((a . 1) (b . 2)) 3)
(make-tbf/state '((a . -2) (b . 1)) 1)))
(check-equal? (print-org-tbfs/state tbfs)
'((a b θ) (1 2 3) (-2 1 1)))))
;;; Like print-org-tbfs/state, but expects a list of SBFs. The
;;; thresholds are therefore not included in the output.
;;; All sbf/state in the list must have the same inputs. The function
;;; does not check this property.
;;; If #:headers is #f, does not print the names of the inputs of the
;;; TBFs. If #:headers is #t, the output starts by a list giving the
;;; names of the variables.
(define (print-org-sbfs/state sbfs #:headers [headers #t])
(define table (for/list ([sbf (in-list sbfs)])
(hash-map (tbf/state-w sbf) (λ (_ w) w) #t)))
(if headers
(cons (hash-map (tbf/state-w (car sbfs)) (λ (x _) x) #t)
(module+ test
(define sbfs (list (make-sbf/state '((a . 1) (b . 2)))
(make-sbf/state '((a . -2) (b . 1)))))
(check-equal? (print-org-sbfs/state sbfs)
'((a b) (1 2) (-2 1)))
(check-equal? (print-org-sbfs/state sbfs #:headers #f)
'((1 2) (-2 1))))
;;; Tabulates a list of tbf/state.
;;; As in the case of tbf-tabulate*, the result is a list of lists
;;; giving the truth tables of the given TBFs. The first elements of
;;; each row give the values of the inputs, while the last elements
;;; give the values of each function corresponding to the input.
;;; All the TBFs must have exactly the same inputs. This function
;;; does not check this property.
;;; If #:headers is #t, the output starts by a list giving the names
;;; of the variables, and then the symbols 'fi, where i is the number
;;; of the TBF in the list.
(define (tbf/state-tabulate* tbfs #:headers [headers #t])
(define vars (hash-map (tbf/state-w (car tbfs)) (λ (x _) x) #t))
(tabulate-state* (map (curry apply-tbf/state) tbfs)
(make-same-domains vars '(0 1))
#:headers headers))
(module+ test
(test-case "tbf/state-tabulate*"
(define tbfs (list (make-tbf/state '((a . 1) (b . 2)) 1)
(make-tbf/state '((a . -2) (b . 3)) 1)))
(check-equal? (tbf/state-tabulate* tbfs)
'((a b f1 f2)
(0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 1)
(1 0 0 0)
(1 1 1 0)))))
;;; Like tbf/state-tabulate*, but only tabulates a single TBF.
(define (tbf/state-tabulate tbf #:headers [headers #t])
(tbf/state-tabulate* (list tbf) #:headers headers))
(module+ test
(test-case "tbf/state-tabulate"
(define tbf (make-tbf/state '((a . -2) (b . 3)) 1))
(check-equal? (tbf/state-tabulate tbf)
'((a b f1)
(0 0 0)
(0 1 1)
(1 0 0)
(1 1 0)))))
;;; Given a truth table of a Boolean function, groups the lines by the
;;; "number of activated inputs"—the number of inputs which are 1 in
;;; the input vector.
;;; The truth table must not include the header line.
(define (group-truth-table-by-nai tt)
(define sum (((curry foldl) +) 0))
(group-by (λ (row) (drop-right row 1))
(λ (in1 in2) (= (sum in1) (sum in2)))))
(module+ test
(test-case "group-truth-table-by-nai"
(check-equal? (group-truth-table-by-nai '((0 0 0 1)
(0 0 1 1)
(0 1 0 0)
(0 1 1 1)
(1 0 0 0)
(1 0 1 0)
(1 1 0 1)
(1 1 1 0)))
'(((0 0 0 1))
((0 0 1 1) (0 1 0 0) (1 0 0 0))
((0 1 1 1) (1 0 1 0) (1 1 0 1))
((1 1 1 0))))))
;;; A TBN is a network form mapping variables to tbf/state.
;;; The tbf/state must only reference variables appearing in the
;;; network. This contract does not check this condition.
(define tbn? (hash/c symbol? tbf/state?))
;;; Builds a TBN from a list of pairs (variable, tbf/state).
(define make-tbn make-immutable-hash)
(module+ test
(test-case "make-tbn"
(define tbf-not (make-tbf/state '((a . -1)) -1))
(define tbf-id (make-sbf/state '((a . 1))))
(check-equal? (make-tbn `((a . ,tbf-not) (b . ,tbf-id)))
(hash 'a (tbf/state '#hash((a . -1)) -1)
'b (tbf/state '#hash((a . 1)) 0)))))
;;; A SBN is a network form mapping variables to sbf/state.
;;; The tbf/state must only reference variables appearing in the
;;; network. This contract does not check this condition.
(define sbn? (hash/c symbol? sbf/state?))
;;; Builds an SBN from a list of pairs (variable, sbf/state).
(define make-sbn make-immutable-hash)
(module+ test
(test-case "make-sbn"
(define sbf1 (make-sbf/state '((a . -1))))
(define sbf2 (make-sbf/state '((a . 1))))
(check-equal? (make-sbn `((a . ,sbf1) (b . ,sbf2)))
(hash 'a (tbf/state '#hash((a . -1)) 0)
'b (tbf/state '#hash((a . 1)) 0)))))
;;; Constructs a network from a network form defining a TBN.
(define (tbn->network tbn)
(make-01-network (for/hash ([(var tbf) (in-hash tbn)])
(values var ((curry apply-tbf/state) tbf)))))
(module+ test
(test-case "tbn->network"
(define tbn (make-tbn `((a . ,(make-sbf/state '((b . 1))))
(b . ,(make-tbf/state '((a . -1)) -1)))))
(define n (tbn->network tbn))
(define s1 (hash 'a 0 'b 0))
(check-equal? (update n s1 '(a b))
(hash 'a 0 'b 1))
(check-equal? (network-domains n) #hash((a . (0 1)) (b . (0 1))))
(define sbn (make-sbn `((a . ,(make-sbf/state '((b . -1))))
(b . ,(make-sbf/state '((a . 1)))))))
(define sn (tbn->network sbn))
(define s2 (hash 'a 1 'b 1))
(check-equal? (update sn s2 '(a b))
(hash 'a 0 'b 1))
(check-equal? (network-domains sn) #hash((a . (0 1)) (b . (0 1))))))
;;; A helper function for read-org-tbn and read-org-sbn. It reads a
;;; TBN from an Org-mode sexp containing a list of lists of numbers.
;;; As in lists->tbfs/state, the last element of each list is taken to
;;; be the threshold of the TBFs, and the rest of the elements are
;;; taken to be the weights.
;;; As in read-org-tbfs/state, if headers is #t, the names of the
;;; variables to appear as the inputs of the TBF are taken from the
;;; first list. The last element of this list is discarded.
;;; If headers is #f, the names of the variables are generated as xi,
;;; where i is the index of the variable.
;;; If func-names is #t, the first element in every row except the
;;; first one, are taken to be the name of the variable to which the
;;; TBF should be associated. If func-names is #f, the functions are
;;; assigned to variables in alphabetical order.
;;; func-names cannot be #t if headers is #f. The function does not
;;; check this condition.
(define (parse-org-tbn sexp
#:headers [headers #t]
#:func-names [func-names #t])
[(eq? func-names #t)
(define-values (vars rows) (multi-split-at sexp 1))
(define tbfs (lists->tbfs/state rows #:headers headers))
(for/hash ([tbf (in-list tbfs)] [var (in-list (cdr vars))])
(values (car var) tbf))]
(define tbfs (lists->tbfs/state sexp #:headers headers))
(define vars (hash-map (tbf/state-w (car tbfs)) (λ (x _) x) #t))
(for/hash ([tbf (in-list tbfs)] [var (in-list vars)])
(values var tbf))]))
;;; Reads a TBN from an Org-mode string containing a sexp, containing
;;; a list of lists of numbers. As in lists->tbfs/state, the last
;;; element of each list is taken to be the threshold of the TBFs, and
;;; the rest of the elements are taken to be the weights.
;;; As in read-org-tbfs/state, if headers is #t, the names of the
;;; variables to appear as the inputs of the TBF are taken from the
;;; first list. The last element of this list is discarded.
;;; If headers is #f, the names of the variables are generated as xi,
;;; where i is the index of the variable.
;;; If func-names is #t, the first element in every row except the
;;; first one, are taken to be the name of the variable to which the
;;; TBF should be associated. If func-names is #f, the functions are
;;; assigned to variables in alphabetical order.
;;; func-names cannot be #t if headers is #f. The function does not
;;; check this condition.
(define (read-org-tbn str
#:headers [headers #t]
#:func-names [func-names #t])
(parse-org-tbn (read-org-sexp str)
#:headers headers
#:func-names func-names))
(module+ test
(test-case "read-org-tbn, parse-org-tbn"
(check-equal? (read-org-tbn "((\"-\" \"x\" \"y\" \"θ\") (\"y\" -1 0 -1) (\"x\" 0 -1 -1))")
(tbf/state '#hash((x . 0) (y . -1)) -1)
(tbf/state '#hash((x . -1) (y . 0)) -1)))
(check-equal? (read-org-tbn "((\"x\" \"y\" \"θ\") (-1 0 -1) (0 -1 -1))" #:func-names #f)
(tbf/state '#hash((x . -1) (y . 0)) -1)
(tbf/state '#hash((x . 0) (y . -1)) -1)))
(check-equal? (read-org-tbn "((-1 0 -1) (0 -1 -1))" #:headers #f #:func-names #f)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . -1) (x1 . 0)) -1)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 0) (x1 . -1)) -1)))))
;;; Like read-org-tbn, but reads an SBN from an Org-mode string
;;; containing a sexp, containing a list of lists of numbers.
;;; As in read-org-sbfs/state, if headers is #t, the names of the
;;; variables to appear as the inputs of the SBF are taken from the
;;; first list. The last element of this list is discarded.
;;; If headers is #f, the names of the variables are generated as xi,
;;; where i is the index of the variable.
;;; If func-names is #t, the first element in every row except the
;;; first one, are taken to be the name of the variable to which the
;;; TBF should be associated. If func-names is #f, the functions are
;;; assigned to variables in alphabetical order.
;;; func-names cannot be #t if headers is #f. The function does not
;;; check this condition.
(define (read-org-sbn str
#:headers [headers #t]
#:func-names [func-names #t])
(define sexp (read-org-sexp str))
;; Inject the 0 thresholds into the rows of the sexp we have just read.
(define (inject-0 rows) (for/list ([row (in-list rows)]) (append row '(0))))
(define sexp-ready (if headers
(cons (car sexp) (inject-0 (cdr sexp)))
(inject-0 sexp)))
(parse-org-tbn sexp-ready #:headers headers #:func-names func-names))
(module+ test
(test-case "read-org-sbn, parse-org-tbn"
(check-equal? (read-org-sbn "((\"-\" \"x\" \"y\") (\"y\" -1 0) (\"x\" 0 -1))")
(tbf/state '#hash((x . 0) (y . -1)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((x . -1) (y . 0)) 0)))
(check-equal? (read-org-sbn "((\"x\" \"y\") (-1 0) (0 -1))" #:func-names #f)
(tbf/state '#hash((x . -1) (y . 0)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((x . 0) (y . -1)) 0)))
(check-equal? (read-org-sbn "((-1 0) (0 -1))" #:headers #f #:func-names #f)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . -1) (x1 . 0)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((x0 . 0) (x1 . -1)) 0)))))
;;; A shortcut for building the state graphs of TBN.
(define build-tbn-state-graph
(compose pretty-print-state-graph
;;; Checks whether a TBN is normalized: whether all of the functions
;;; have the same inputs, and whether these inputs are exactly the
;;; variables of the TBN.
(define (normalized-tbn? tbn)
(define tbn-vars (hash-keys tbn))
(for/and ([tbf (in-list (hash-values tbn))])
(set=? tbn-vars (hash-keys (tbf/state-w tbf)))))
(module+ test
(test-case "normalized-tbn?"
(check-false (normalized-tbn?
(make-tbn `((a . ,(make-sbf/state '((b . 1))))
(b . ,(make-tbf/state '((a . -1)) -1))))))
(check-true (normalized-tbn?
(make-tbn `((a . ,(make-sbf/state '((a . 1) (b . -1))))
(b . ,(make-tbf/state '((a . -1) (b . 1)) -1))))))))
;;; Normalizes a TBN.
;;; For every TBF, removes the inputs that are not in the variables of
;;; the TBN, and adds missing inputs with 0 weight.
(define (normalize-tbn tbn)
(define vars-0 (for/hash ([(x _) (in-hash tbn)]) (values x 0)))
(define (normalize-tbf tbf)
;; Only keep the inputs which are also the variables of tbn.
(define w-pruned (hash-intersect tbn (tbf/state-w tbf)
#:combine (λ (_ w) w)))
;; Put in the missing inputs with weight 0.
(define w-complete (hash-union vars-0 w-pruned #:combine (λ (_ w) w)))
(tbf/state w-complete (tbf/state-θ tbf)))
(for/hash ([(x tbf) (in-hash tbn)]) (values x (normalize-tbf tbf))))
(module+ test
(test-case "normalize-tbn"
(check-equal? (normalize-tbn
(hash 'a (make-sbf/state '((b . 1) (c . 3)))
'b (make-tbf/state '((a . -1)) -1)))
(tbf/state '#hash((a . 0) (b . 1)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((a . -1) (b . 0)) -1)))))
;;; Compacts (and denormalizes) a TBF by removing all inputs which
;;; are 0.
(define (compact-tbf tbf)
(for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash (tbf/state-w tbf))]
#:unless (zero? v))
(values k v))
(tbf/state-θ tbf)))
(module+ test
(test-case "compact-tbf"
(check-equal? (compact-tbf (tbf/state (hash 'a 0 'b 1 'c 2 'd 0) 2))
(tbf/state '#hash((b . 1) (c . 2)) 2))))
;;; Compacts a TBN by removing all inputs which are 0 or which are not
;;; variables of the network.
(define (compact-tbn tbn)
(define (remove-0-non-var tbf)
(for/hash ([(x w) (in-hash (tbf/state-w tbf))]
#:when (hash-has-key? tbn x)
#:unless (zero? w))
(values x w))
(tbf/state-θ tbf)))
(for/hash ([(x tbf) (in-hash tbn)])
(values x (remove-0-non-var tbf))))
(module+ test
(test-case "compact-tbn"
(compact-tbn (hash 'a (tbf/state (hash 'a 0 'b 1 'c 3 'd 0) 0)
'b (tbf/state (hash 'a -1 'b 1) -1)))
(tbf/state '#hash((b . 1)) 0)
(tbf/state '#hash((a . -1) (b . 1)) -1)))))
;;; Given TBN, produces a sexp containing the description of the
;;; functions of the TBN that Org-mode can interpret as a table.
;;; Like print-org-tbfs/state, if #:headers is #f, does not print the
;;; names of the inputs of the TBFs. If #:headers is #t, the output
;;; starts by a list giving the names of the variables, as well as the
;;; symbol 'θ to represent the column giving the thresholds of the
;;; TBF.
;;; If #:func-names is #t, the first column of the table gives the
;;; variable which the corresponding TBF updates.
;;; If both #:func-names and #:headers are #t, the first cell of the
;;; first column contains the symbol '-.
(define (print-org-tbn tbn
#:headers [headers #t]
#:func-names [func-names #t])
(define ntbn (normalize-tbn tbn))
(define vars-tbfs (hash-map ntbn (λ (x tbf) (cons x tbf)) #t))
(define tbfs (map cdr vars-tbfs))
(define tbfs-table (print-org-tbfs/state tbfs #:headers headers))
[(eq? func-names #t)
(define vars (map car vars-tbfs))
(define col-1 (if headers (cons '- vars) vars))
(for/list ([var (in-list col-1)] [row (in-list tbfs-table)])
(cons var row))]
(module+ test
(test-case "print-org-tbn"
(define tbn (make-tbn `((a . ,(make-sbf/state '((b . 1))))
(b . ,(make-tbf/state '((a . -1)) -1)))))
(check-equal? (print-org-tbn tbn)
'((- a b θ) (a 0 1 0) (b -1 0 -1)))))
;;; Given an SBN, produces a sexp containing the description of the
;;; functions of the SBN that Org-mode can interpret as a table.
;;; This function is therefore very similar to print-org-tbn.
;;; Like print-org-tbfs/state, if #:headers is #f, does not print the
;;; names of the inputs of the TBFs. If #:headers is #t, the output
;;; starts by a list giving the names of the variables.
;;; If #:func-names is #t, the first column of the table gives the
;;; variable which the corresponding TBF updates.
;;; If both #:func-names and #:headers are #t, the first cell of the
;;; first column contains the symbol '-.
(define (print-org-sbn sbn
#:headers [headers #t]
#:func-names [func-names #t])
(define tab (print-org-tbn sbn #:headers headers #:func-names func-names))
(define-values (tab-no-θ _) (multi-split-at
(- (length (car tab)) 1)))
(module+ test
(test-case "print-org-sbn"
(define sbn (hash
(tbf/state (hash 'b 2) 0)
(tbf/state (hash 'a 2) 0)))
(check-equal? (print-org-sbn sbn)
'((- a b) (a 0 2) (b 2 0)))))
;;; Given a TBN, constructs its interaction graph. The nodes of this
;;; graph are labeled with pairs (variable name . threshold), while
;;; the edges are labelled with the weights.
;;; If #:zero-edges is #t, the edges with zero weights will appear in
;;; the interaction graph.
(define (tbn-interaction-graph tbn
#:zero-edges [zero-edges #t])
(define ntbn (normalize-tbn tbn))
(define ig (weighted-graph/directed
(if zero-edges
(for*/list ([(tar tbf) (in-hash ntbn)]
[(src w) (in-hash (tbf/state-w tbf))])
(list w src tar))
(for*/list ([(tar tbf) (in-hash ntbn)]
[(src w) (in-hash (tbf/state-w tbf))]
#:unless (zero? w))
(list w src tar)))))
(update-graph ig #:v-func (λ (x) (cons x (tbf/state-θ (hash-ref ntbn x))))))
(module+ test
(test-case "tbn-interaction-graph"
(define tbn (make-tbn `((a . ,(make-sbf/state '((b . 1))))
(b . ,(make-tbf/state '((a . -1)) -1)))))
(check-equal? (graphviz (tbn-interaction-graph tbn))
"digraph G {\n\tnode0 [label=\"'(b . -1)\\n\"];\n\tnode1 [label=\"'(a . 0)\\n\"];\n\tsubgraph U {\n\t\tedge [dir=none];\n\t\tnode0 -> node0 [label=\"0\"];\n\t\tnode1 -> node1 [label=\"0\"];\n\t}\n\tsubgraph D {\n\t\tnode0 -> node1 [label=\"1\"];\n\t\tnode1 -> node0 [label=\"-1\"];\n\t}\n}\n")
(check-equal? (graphviz (tbn-interaction-graph tbn #:zero-edges #f))
"digraph G {\n\tnode0 [label=\"'(b . -1)\\n\"];\n\tnode1 [label=\"'(a . 0)\\n\"];\n\tsubgraph U {\n\t\tedge [dir=none];\n\t}\n\tsubgraph D {\n\t\tnode0 -> node1 [label=\"1\"];\n\t\tnode1 -> node0 [label=\"-1\"];\n\t}\n}\n")))
;;; Pretty prints the node labels of the interaction graph of a TBN.
(define (pretty-print-tbn-interaction-graph ig)
(update-graph ig #:v-func (match-lambda
[(cons var weight) (~a var ":" weight)])))
(module+ test
(test-case "pretty-print-tbn-interaction-graph"
(define tbn (make-tbn `((a . ,(make-sbf/state '((b . 1))))
(b . ,(make-tbf/state '((a . -1)) -1)))))
(check-equal? (graphviz (pretty-print-tbn-interaction-graph (tbn-interaction-graph tbn)))
"digraph G {\n\tnode0 [label=\"b:-1\"];\n\tnode1 [label=\"a:0\"];\n\tsubgraph U {\n\t\tedge [dir=none];\n\t\tnode0 -> node0 [label=\"0\"];\n\t\tnode1 -> node1 [label=\"0\"];\n\t}\n\tsubgraph D {\n\t\tnode0 -> node1 [label=\"1\"];\n\t\tnode1 -> node0 [label=\"-1\"];\n\t}\n}\n")))
;;; Given an SBN, constructs its interaction graph. As in
;;; tbn-interaction-graph, the nodes of this graph are labeled with
;;; the variable names, while the edges are labelled with the weights.
;;; If #:zero-edges is #t, the edges with zero weights will appear in
;;; the interaction graph.
(define (sbn-interaction-graph sbn
#:zero-edges [zero-edges #t])
(update-graph (tbn-interaction-graph sbn #:zero-edges zero-edges)
#:v-func (match-lambda
[(cons var _) var])))
(module+ test
(test-case "sbn-interaction-graph"
(define sbn (hash
(tbf/state (hash 'b 2) 0)
(tbf/state (hash 'a 2) 0)))
(check-equal? (graphviz (sbn-interaction-graph sbn))
"digraph G {\n\tnode0 [label=\"b\"];\n\tnode1 [label=\"a\"];\n\tsubgraph U {\n\t\tedge [dir=none];\n\t\tnode0 -> node1 [label=\"2\"];\n\t\tnode0 -> node0 [label=\"0\"];\n\t\tnode1 -> node1 [label=\"0\"];\n\t}\n\tsubgraph D {\n\t}\n}\n")))
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