Start functions/untyped.

This commit is contained in:
Sergiu Ivanov 2022-04-09 01:12:17 +02:00
parent f2a9336d71
commit 096d536908
2 changed files with 80 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -19,10 +19,6 @@
pseudovariadic-lambda pvλ pseudovariadic-define pvdefine
tabulate* tabulate*/strict tabulate*/pv tabulate tabulate/strict tabulate/pv)
(rename-out [tabulate* tabulate*/untyped]
[tabulate tabulate/untyped]))
(module+ test
(require typed/rackunit))
@ -150,14 +146,50 @@
(test-case "tabulate/pv"
(check-equal? (tabulate/pv (pvλ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t)))
'((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t)))))
(module untyped racket
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(contract-out [tabulate* (-> (listof procedure?) (listof (listof any/c))
(listof (listof any/c)))]
[tabulate (-> procedure? (listof (listof any/c))
(listof (listof any/c)))]))
(define (tabulate* funcs doms)
(for/list ([xs (in-list (apply cartesian-product doms))])
(append xs (for/list ([f funcs])
(apply f xs)))))
(module+ test
(test-case "tabulate*"
(check-equal? (tabulate*
(list (λ (x y) (and x y))
(λ (x y) (or x y)))
'((#f #t) (#f #t)))
'((#f #f #f #f) (#f #t #f #t) (#t #f #f #t) (#t #t #t #t)))
(check-equal? (tabulate* empty '((#f #t) (#f #t)))
'((#f #f) (#f #t) (#t #f) (#t #t)))))
(define (tabulate func doms)
(tabulate* (list func) doms))
(module+ test
(test-case "tabulate"
(check-equal? (tabulate (λ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t)))
'((#f #f #f) (#f #t #f) (#t #f #f) (#t #t #t))))))
(require 'typed)
pseudovariadic-lambda pvλ pseudovariadic-define pvdefine
tabulate* tabulate*/strict tabulate*/pv tabulate*/untyped
tabulate tabulate/strict tabulate/pv tabulate/untyped)
tabulate* tabulate*/strict tabulate*/pv
tabulate tabulate/strict tabulate/pv)
(require (rename-in (submod 'typed untyped)
[tabulate tabulate/untyped]
[tabulate* tabulate*/untyped]))
;; Structures

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@ -112,33 +112,6 @@ Like @racket[tabulate], but @racket[func]
(tabulate/pv (pvλ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t)))
@defproc[(tabulate/untyped [funcs procedure?]
[doms (listof list?)])
(listof list?)]{
A version of @racket[tabulate] without type checking.
As of 2022-03-06, Typed Racket cannot generate contracts for polymorphic
variable-arity functions. This means that @racket[tabulate] cannot be used
directly in untyped code and should be replaced by @racket[tabulate/untyped],
which is simply an @racket[unsafe-provide] of @racket[tabulate].
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator
(tabulate/untyped (λ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t)))
The contracts in the documentation entry are provided for explanatory purposes
and are not actually enforced. Some contracts on the functions
@racket[tabulate] uses internally are still checked. For example, trying to
tabulate a function of wrong arity will still raise an error.
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator
(module tabulate/untyped-test racket/base
(require "functions.rkt")
(tabulate/untyped (λ (x y z) (and x y z)) '((#f #t) (#f #t))))
(eval:error (require 'tabulate/untyped-test))
@defproc[(tabulate* [funcs (Listof (-> a ... b))]
[doms (List (Listof a) ... a)])
(Listof (Listof (U Any b)))]{
@ -193,38 +166,50 @@ are @seclink["pseudovariadic"]{pseudovariadic}.
'((#f #t) (#f #t)))
@defproc[(tabulate*/untyped [funcs (listof procedure?)]
[doms (listof list?)])
(listof list?)]{
A version of @racket[tabulate*] without type checking.
As of 2022-03-06, Typed Racket cannot generate contracts for polymorphic
variable-arity functions. This means that @racket[tabulate*] cannot be used
directly in untyped code and should be replaced by @racket[tabulate*/untyped],
which is simply an @racket[unsafe-provide] of @racket[tabulate*].
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator
(tabulate*/untyped (list (λ (x y) (and x y))
(λ (x y) (or x y)))
'((#f #t) (#f #t)))
The contracts in the documentation entry are provided for explanatory purposes
and are not actually enforced. Some contracts on the functions
@racket[tabulate*] uses internally are still checked. For example, trying to
tabulate a function of wrong arity will still raise an error.
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator
(module tabulate*/untyped-test racket/base
(require "functions.rkt")
(tabulate*/untyped (list (λ (x y z) (and x y z)))
'((#f #t) (#f #t))))
(eval:error (require 'tabulate*/untyped-test))
@section{Constructing functions}
@section{Random functions}
@section{Threshold Boolean functions}
@section[#:tag "fuctions/untyped"]{Untyped definitions}
@defmodule[(submod dds/functions untyped)]
@(require (for-label (only-in racket/contract/base listof any/c)))
This submodule contains some functions which cannot be typed or some functions
for which Typed Racket cannot produce contracts, i.e. polymorphic functions of
variable arity. The definitions in this submodule specifically target untyped
user code.
@(define functions-evaluator/untyped
(parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string]
[sandbox-error-output 'string]
[sandbox-memory-limit 50])
(make-evaluator 'racket #:requires '((submod "functions.rkt" typed untyped)))))
@defproc[(tabulate [funcs procedure?]
[doms (listof list?)])
(listof list?)]{
Given a function @racket[func] and a list of domains @racket[doms] for each of
its arguments, in order, produces a list of lists giving the values of
arguments and the value of the functions for these inputs.
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator/untyped
(tabulate (λ (x y) (and x y)) '((#f #t) (#f #t)))
@defproc[(tabulate* [funcs (listof procedure?)]
[doms (listof list?)])
(listof list?)]{
Like @racket[tabulate], but @racket[funcs] is a list of functions taking the
same arguments over the same domains.
@examples[#:eval functions-evaluator/untyped
(tabulate* (list (λ (x y) (and x y))
(λ (x y) (or x y)))
'((#f #t) (#f #t)))