\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{tabu} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O} \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O} \begin{document} \newgeometry{text={15.5cm,25cm},centering} \thispagestyle{empty} ~ \vspace{15mm} \centerline{\LARGE Curriculum Vitæ} \vspace{7mm} \subsection*{Personal information} \vspace{.6em} \noindent {\Large Sergiu \textsc{Ivanov}} \vspace{.5em} \noindent born on September 17, 1988 in Feodosia, Crimea (ex-URSS), Moldovan nationality, single \vspace{.8em} \noindent {\em Personal address} \vspace{.4em} \setlength{\parindent}{2em} 13 rue Jules Vallès 91000 Évry Phone: +33 (0)6 95 83 58 59 \vspace{.6em} \noindent {\em Professional address} \vspace{.4em} IBISC - IBGBI – 2nd floor 23, boulevard de France 91034 Évry, France \setlength{\parindent}{15pt} \vspace{.8em} \noindent {\em E-mail}: {\tt sergiu.ivanov@lacl.fr} \vspace{.3em} \noindent {\em Personal page}: {\url{http://lacl.fr/~sivanov/}} \vspace{.3em} \subsection*{Current position} \noindent \textbf{Associate professor} (maître de conférences) at IBISC, team COSMO, Université Évry Val d'Essonne. \vspace{.3em} \subsection*{Doctoral thesis} \vspace{0em} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{center} \tabcolsep=.3em \tabulinesep=1.35mm \begin{tabu} to .95\linewidth {p{19.1ex} X[1j]<{\strut}} Title: & {\em On the Power and Universality of Biologically-inspired Models of Computation} \\ Supervisor: & {\large Serghei \textsc{Verlan}}, associate professor, Université Paris Est Créteil \\ School: & Université Paris Est \\ Laboratory: & Laboratory of Algorithmics, Complexity and Logic (LACL) \\ Defence date: & June 23, 2015 \end{tabu} \end{center} \vspace{-.5em} \subsubsection*{Thesis committee} \vspace{.5em} \begin{center} \tabcolsep=.4em \tabulinesep=1.3mm \begin{tabu} to .95\linewidth {X[.60l] X[1.1l] X[1.3l]} Referees: & {Jérôme \textsc{Durand-Lose}} & Université d'Orléans \\ & {Gheorghe \textsc{Păun}} & Romanian Academy \\ & {Philippe \textsc{Schnoebelen}} & CNRS \& ENS de Cachan \\[1.8mm] Examiners: & {Enrico \textsc{Formenti}} & Université de Nice -- Sophia Antipolis \\ & {Jean-Louis \textsc{Giavitto}} & CNRS \& IRCAM \\ & {Elisabeth \textsc{Pelz}} & Université Paris Est Créteil \\ \end{tabu} \end{center} \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \subsection*{Professional experience} { \tabcolsep=1.6mm \tabulinesep=1.2mm \vspace{.1em} \subsubsection*{Research experience} \vspace{-1mm} \begin{tabu}{X[.24r] c X[j]}\savetabu{exppro} 2017--\phantom{2017} & $\bullet$ & {\bf Associate professor} at IBISC, Université d'Évry \\ 2016--2017 & $\bullet$ & {\bf Postdoc} at TIMC-IMAG, Faculty of Medicine of Grenoble \\ 2015--2016 & $\bullet$ & {\bf ATER} affiliated to LACL, Université Paris Est Créteil \\ 2012--2015 & $\bullet$ & {\bf PhD student} at LACL, Université Paris Est Créteil; supervised by Serghei \textsc{Verlan} \\ 2009--2012 & $\bullet$ & {\bf Researcher} at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Moldova; supervised by Yurii \textsc{Rogozhin} \end{tabu} \vspace{-5mm} \subsubsection*{Research visits} \vspace{-1.3mm} \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{exppro}} August 2017 & $\bullet$ & Collaboration with \textbf{Rudolf~\textsc{Freund}} at Technical University of Vienna, Austria \\ August 2016 & $\bullet$ & Collaboration with \textbf{Rudolf~\textsc{Freund}} at Technical University of Vienna, Austria \\ January 2016 & $\bullet$ & Collaboration with \textbf{Ion~\textsc{Petre}} at Combio, Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland \\ November 2015 & $\bullet$ & Collaboration with \textbf{Rudolf~\textsc{Freund}} at Technical University of Vienna, Austria \\ October 2014 & $\bullet$ & Collaboration with \textbf{Ion~\textsc{Petre}} at Combio, Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland \\ April--May 2014 & $\bullet$ & Collaboration with \textbf{Ion~\textsc{Petre}} at Combio, Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland \\ August 2011 & $\bullet$ & Collaboration with \textbf{Serghei~\textsc{Verlan}} at LACL, Université Paris Est Créteil \\ \end{tabu} \vspace{-.8em} \subsubsection*{Teaching} \vspace{-2mm} \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{exppro}} 2017--\phantom{2017} & $\bullet$ & {\bf Associate professor} in the Computer Science department of Université d'Évry \\ 2015--2016 & $\bullet$ & {\bf ATER} at École Supérieure d'Informatique Appliquée à la Gestion, 260 hours \\ 2012--2015 & $\bullet$ & {\bf Monitor} during doctoral studies, 192 hours \\ \end{tabu} \vspace{-3mm} \subsubsection*{Programming} \vspace{-2mm} \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{exppro}} 2016--2017 & $\bullet$ & Framework for biomechanical modelling of microtubules (C++) \\ April 2014 & $\bullet$ & Reaction system simulator (Haskell, PHP) \\ 2013 & $\bullet$ & Tools for optimisation of the size of universal Petri nets with inhibitor arcs (Haskell, Gurobi, AMPL) \\ June--August 2012 & $\bullet$ & Google Summer of Code: category theory module for SymPy (Python) \\ \end{tabu} \vspace{1mm} \subsection*{Postgraduate studies} \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{exppro}} 2012--2015 & $\bullet$ & {\bf PhD student} at Université Paris Est (supervised by Serghei \textsc{Verlan}) \\ May 2013 & $\bullet$ & {\bf Summer school} for Young Researchers in Programming (EJCP), French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA), Rennes, 45h \\ September 2012 & $\bullet$ & {\bf Summer school} ``Advanced Introduction to Biology'', Institute of Systems \& Synthetic Biology, Évry Genopole, 40h \\ \end{tabu} } \restoregeometry \setlength{\parindent}{15pt} \end{document}