-- Initially from -- https://github.com/MasseR/xmonad-masser/blob/master/src/XMonad/Password.hs module Password (passGeneratePrompt, passPrompt) where import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (foldl', scanl', sort, sortBy) import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory) import System.FilePath.Posix (dropExtension, takeExtension, ()) import System.Posix.Env (getEnv) import XMonad.Core import XMonad.Prompt import XMonad.Util.Run (runProcessWithInput) newtype Pass = Pass { passLabel :: String } -- Rosetta code levenshtein levenshtein :: String -> String -> Int levenshtein s1 s2 = last $ foldl' transform [0..length s1] s2 where transform [] _ = [] transform ns@(n:ns1) c = scanl' calc (n+1) $ zip3 s1 ns ns1 where calc z (c1, x, y) = minimum [y+1, z+1, x + (fromEnum (c1 /= c) * 2)] instance XPrompt Pass where showXPrompt p = passLabel p <> ": " commandToComplete _ = id nextCompletion _ = getNextCompletion passGeneratePrompt :: XPConfig -> X () passGeneratePrompt _ = return () -- Not implemented passPrompt :: XPConfig -> X () passPrompt = mkPassPrompt "Select password" copyPassword mkPassPrompt :: String -> (String -> X ()) -> XPConfig -> X () mkPassPrompt label f conf = do -- I'm just sorting here, but could use some kind of fuzzy matching instead, but it requires a bit more effort passwords <- sort <$> liftIO getPasswords -- Other change, use infixof instead of prefixof mkXPrompt (Pass label) conf (\input -> pure (sortBy (compare `on` levenshtein input) . filter (consumes input) $ passwords)) f where consumes [] _ = True -- everything consumed consumes (_:_) [] = False -- all not consumed consumes (a:xs) (a':ys) | a == a' = consumes xs ys | otherwise = consumes (a:xs) ys getPasswords = do passwordStoreDir <- ( "pass") <$> getHomeDirectory files <- runProcessWithInput "find" [ passwordStoreDir, "-type", "f", "-name", "*.gpg", "-printf", "%p\n"] [] return . lines $ files copyPassword :: String -> X () copyPassword pass = spawn $ "gpg --decrypt " ++ pass ++ " | copy"