Move to Iosevka

This commit is contained in:
eeva 2018-01-27 15:03:59 +02:00
parent b4780ef78d
commit a3ddf2ae81
3 changed files with 9 additions and 16 deletions

View file

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ promptConfig = def
, defaultText = ""
, fgColor = S.base02
, fgHLight = S.base03
, font = "xft:Fira Code:style=Regular:size=9"
, font = "xft:Iosevka Term:style=Regular:size=8"
, height = 24
, promptBorderWidth = 5

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@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
Config {
font = "xft:Fira Code:style=Regular:size=9"
, template = " %UnsafeStdinReader%}{%battery% <fc=#2AA198>•</fc> %date% "
font = "xft:Iosevka Term:style=Regular:size=8"
, template = " %UnsafeStdinReader%}{%date% "
, commands =
[ Run UnsafeStdinReader
, Run Date "%A %d %B %H:%M %Z" "date" 10
, Run Battery [ "--template", "<fn=1></fn> <left>% (<timeleft>) <fc=#2AA198>• <acstatus> • <watts>W</fc>"
, "-L", "25"
, "-H", "35"
, "-l", "#FF0000"
, "-n", "#FFFF00"
, "--"
, "-O", "ac on"
, "-i", "ac idle"
, "-o", "ac off"
] 50
, bgColor = "#002b36"
, fgColor = "#839496"
@ -22,7 +12,7 @@ Config {
, borderColor = "#859900"
, position = TopSize L 100 29
, textOffset = 16
, additionalFonts = [ "xft:FontAwesome:style=Regular:size=10" ]
, additionalFonts = [ "xft:FontAwesome:style=Regular:size=8" ]
-- , sepChar
-- , alignSep
-- , iconOffset

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@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ import MouseBindings as Mouse (modify)
-------- A list of my usual workspaces (with some FontAwesome & xmobar format)
wkspcs = [ wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF0E0" --  email
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF086" --  chat
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF121" --  work
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF126" --  work
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF120" --  work
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF1B6" --  game
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF11B" --  game
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF09C" --  password
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF16C" --  web work
, wrap "<fn=1>" "</fn>" "\xF025" --  sound
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ layouts = toggleLayouts fullscreen tiled
-------------- Here be the law of windows
myManageHook = composeOne
[ className =? "mpv" -?> doFullFloat <+> (doShift $ last wkspcs)
, className =? "Pinentry" -?> doFloat
, className =? "Steam" -?> doFloat
, className =? "csgo_linux64" -?> doFullFloat
, className =? "Pavucontrol" -?> doShift $ wkspcs !! 7
, className =? "qutebrowser" -?> doShift $ wkspcs !! 5
, isDialog -?> doCenterFloat