#!/usr/bin/python # This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from os import listdir,chmod from os.path import isfile,getsize from stat import S_IXOTH,S_IRUSR,S_IWUSR,S_IXUSR,S_IRGRP from sys import getfilesystemencoding from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator fg = FeedGenerator() fg.load_extension('podcast') fg.podcast.itunes_category('Technology','Podcasting') fg.id('http://pod.menf.in/podcast.xml') fg.title('Radio Julia') fg.author( name='Léo Potier', email='undisclosed@menf.in' ) fg.link( href='http://pod.menf.in/podcast.xml', rel='self' ) fg.logo('http://pod.menf.in/shows/podcast.jpg') fg.description('Podcast hebdomadaire') fg.language('fr') listOfPodcasts = [ p for p in listdir("./shows/") if p.endswith(".mp3") ] #for p in listOfPodcasts: # p = p.decode(getfilesystemencoding()) listOfPodcasts.sort() # For each file in 'shows' for p in listOfPodcasts: basename = p[:-4] name = basename[3:] description = "./shows/%s.txt" % basename fe = fg.add_entry() fe.id(p) fe.title(name) if isfile(description): with open(description, "r") as f: s = f.read() fe.description(s.decode('UTF-8')) else: fe.description("Émission " + name) fe.enclosure("http://pod.menf.in/shows/" + p, "%s" % getsize("./shows/%s" % p), 'audio/mpeg') fg.rss_str(pretty=True) fg.rss_file('podcast.xml') # Checking rights chmod("./shows", S_IXOTH | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP) print("That's all folks")