2017-07-06 15:51:31 +02:00

162 lines
6.6 KiB

[ scale=0.2 ]
% Source %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Notable positions
\coordinate (Lhead) at (-20, 0);
\coordinate (Lr0) at (-19, 2);
\coordinate (Lr1) at (-15, 3);
\coordinate (Lr2) at (-13, 2);
\coordinate (Lr3) at (-16,-3);
\coordinate (Lr4) at (-15,-7);
\coordinate (Lr5) at (-19,-8);
\coordinate (Ll0) at (-21, 2);
\coordinate (Ll1) at (-25, 3);
\coordinate (Ll2) at (-27, 2);
\coordinate (Ll3) at (-24,-3);
\coordinate (Ll4) at (-25,-7);
\coordinate (Ll5) at (-21,-8);
\coordinate (Lm1) at (-20,-8,1);
\coordinate (Ll6) at (-24,-10);
\coordinate (Luhead) at ([yshift=500]Lhead);
\coordinate (Lul1) at ([yshift=500]Ll1);
\coordinate (Lul2) at ([yshift=500]Ll2);
\coordinate (Lul3) at ([yshift=500]Ll3);
\coordinate (Lul4) at ([yshift=500]Ll4);
\coordinate (Lul5) at ([yshift=500]Ll5);
% 2D
\fill[gray] ( -- ( -- ( -- (;
\fill[gray!20] ( -- ( -- ( -- (;
\shade[right color=gray!20,left color=gray]
( -- ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
\shade[left color=gray!20,right color=gray]
( -- ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
% 1D
\draw[thick,black] (Lhead) -- (Lr1) -- (Lr2) -- (Lr3) -- (Lr4) -- (Lr5) -- (Lhead);
\draw[thick,black] (Lhead) -- (Ll1) -- (Ll2) -- (Ll3) -- (Ll4) -- (Ll5) -- (Lhead);
\draw[thick,black] (Ll5) -- (Lm1) -- (Lr5);
\draw[thick,black] (Lhead) -- (Lm1);
\draw[black,dashed] (Ll5) -- (Lr5);
\draw[thick,black] (Lhead) to [out=90,in=-150] (Lr0);
\draw[thick,black] (Lhead) to [out=90,in= -30] (Ll0);
\draw<3->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Ll1) -- (Lul1);
\draw<3->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Ll2) -- (Lul2);
\draw<3->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Ll3) -- (Lul3);
\draw<3->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Ll4) -- (Lul4);
\draw<3->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Ll5) -- (Lul5);
\draw<3->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Lhead) -- (Luhead);
\shade<3->[left color=fg!20,right color=fg]
( -- ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
\draw<3->[thick,fg] (Luhead) -- (Lul1) -- (Lul2) -- (Lul3) -- (Lul4) -- (Lul5) -- (Luhead);
%\node<3->[draw,fg,thick,circle,inner sep=0pt,%
% scale=0.2,fit=(Ll1) (Ll2) (Ll3) (Ll4) (Ll5)] {};
\node<2-> at (-20,-11) {\tiny Collection topologique};
% Destination %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Notable positions
\coordinate (Rhead) at (20, 0);
\coordinate (Rr0) at (21, 2);
\coordinate (Rr1) at (25, 3);
\coordinate (Rr2) at (27, 2);
\coordinate (Rr3) at (24,-3);
\coordinate (Rr4) at (25,-7);
\coordinate (Rr5) at (21,-8);
\coordinate (Rl0) at (19, 2);
\coordinate (Rl1) at (15, 3);
\coordinate (Rl2) at (13, 2);
\coordinate (Rl3) at (16,-3);
\coordinate (Rl4) at (15,-7);
\coordinate (Rl5) at (19,-8);
\coordinate (Rm1) at (20,-8,1);
\coordinate (Rl6) at (16,-10);
\coordinate (Ruhead) at ([yshift=500]Rhead);
\coordinate (Rul1) at ([yshift=500]Rl1);
\coordinate (Rul2) at ([yshift=500]Rl2);
\coordinate (Rul3) at ([yshift=500]Rl3);
\coordinate (Rul4) at ([yshift=500]Rl4);
\coordinate (Rul5) at ([yshift=500]Rl5);
\coordinate (Rul6) at ([yshift=500]Rl6);
% hack
\node[white] at (Rul1) {};
% 2D
\fill[gray] ( -- ( -- ( -- (;
\fill[gray!20] ( -- ( -- ( -- (;
\shade[right color=gray!20,left color=gray]
( -- ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
\shade[left color=gray!20,right color=gray]
( -- ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
% 1D
\draw[thick,black] (Rhead) -- (Rr1) -- (Rr2) -- (Rr3) -- (Rr4) -- (Rr5) -- (Rhead);
\draw[thick,black] (Rhead) -- (Rl1) -- (Rl2) -- (Rl3) -- (Rl4) -- (Rl5) -- (Rhead);
\draw[thick,black] (Rl5) -- (Rm1) -- (Rr5);
\draw[thick,black] (Rhead) -- (Rm1);
\draw[black,dashed] (Rl5) -- (Rr5);
\draw[thick,black] (Rhead) to [out=90,in=-150] (Rr0);
\draw[thick,black] (Rhead) to [out=90,in= -30] (Rl0);
\shade<5>[left color=alert!20,right color=alert]
( -- ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
\shade<5>[left color=alert!20,right color=alert]
( -- ( -- (;
\draw<5>[thick,alert] (Rhead) -- (Rl1) -- (Rl2) -- (Rl3) -- (Rl4) -- (Rl5) -- (Rhead);
\draw<5>[thick,alert] (Rl4) -- (Rl5) -- (Rl6) -- (Rl4);
\draw<5->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Rul1) -- (Rl1) ;
\draw<5->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Rul2) -- (Rl2) ;
\draw<5->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Rul3) -- (Rl3) ;
\draw<5->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Rul4) -- (Rl4) ;
\draw<5->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Rul5) -- (Rl5) ;
\draw<5->[dotted,-to,shorten >=5pt] (Ruhead) -- (Rhead);
\shade<4->[left color=alert!20,right color=alert]
( -- ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
\shade<4->[left color=alert!20,right color=alert]
( -- ( -- (;
\draw<4->[thick,alert] (Ruhead) -- (Rul1) -- (Rul2) -- (Rul3) -- (Rul4) -- (Rul5) -- (Ruhead);
\draw<4->[thick,alert] (Rul4) -- (Rul5) -- (Rul6) -- (Rul4);
\coordinate (Lu) at (barycentric cs:Luhead=1,Lul1=1,Lul2=1,Lul3=1,Lul4=1,Lul5=1);
\coordinate (Ru) at (barycentric cs:Ruhead=1,Rul1=1,Rul2=1,Rul3=1,Rul4=1,Rul5=1);
%\draw<4->[line width=2pt,->, shorten >=30pt,shorten <=30pt] (Lu.east) --
\node<4->[single arrow,left color=structure,right color=alert,
minimum height=6cm] at (barycentric cs:Lu=1,Ru=1) {};
%\draw<5>[thick,alert] (Rhead) -- (Rl1) -- (Rl2) -- (Rl3) -- (Rl4) -- (Rl5) -- (Rhead);
%\draw<5>[thick,alert] (Rl4) -- (Rl5) -- (Rl6) -- (Rl4);
\node<2-> at (20,-11) {\tiny Collection topologique};