2017-07-06 15:54:32 +02:00

141 lines
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\begin{frame}{Le projet ANR SynBioTIC (2011—2015)}
\framesubtitle{Biologie synthétique}
% Abstraction, Découplage, Composition (ingénierie)
\item \structure{Biologie synthétique}
\item Génie génétique \\
Production d'insuline par \structure{une} bactérie\\
\structure{[Riggs et Itakura, 1978]}
\item \structure{Abstraction}, standardisation, découplage
\item Projet exploratoire:
« permettre l'exploitation des \structure{propriétés collectives} d'une
population bactérienne pour créer des biosystèmes artificiels.»\\
\tikz[overlay,abs/.style={ultra thick,-Stealth,thick,transform canvas={xshift=2mm}}]
\draw[abs] (genotype.east) to node[anchor=base,rotate=-90,yshift=1mm] {abstraction} (population.east);
\framesubtitle{compilation et multi-niveau}
node distance=15mm,
compilation/.style={compilcol,line width=5mm,-Triangle Cap},
amplitude=.5mm,segment length=2mm,post length=2mm}}]
\uncover<2-> {
\node[wp] (ibn) {%
\clip (0cm,0cm) rectangle (3cm,2cm);
\node[anchor=center,yshift=-9mm] at (15mm,1cm) {%
\node[wp,above=of ibn] (ihn) {%
\clip (0cm,0cm) rectangle (3cm,2cm);
\node[anchor=center,text width=3cm] at (15mm,1cm) {%
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1)
+ fib (n-2)
\node[anchor=center,minimum width=3cm, minimum height=2cm,fill=white,
opacity=0.9] at (15mm,1cm){\fontsize{55pt}{0}$f$};
\draw[compilation] (ihn) to node[auto] {Compilation} (ibn);
\node[wp,right=3cm of ibn,label=below:{\small Niveau local}] (bbn) {%
\clip (0cm,0cm) rectangle (3cm,2cm);
\node[anchor=center,yshift=9mm] at (15mm,1cm) {%
\node[wp,above=of bbn,label=above:{\small Niveau global}] (bhn) {%
\clip (0cm,0cm) rectangle (3cm,2cm);
\node[anchor=center] at (15mm,1cm) {%
\draw[emergence,transform canvas={xshift=-1cm}] (bbn) to (bhn);%
\draw[emergence,transform canvas={xshift=1cm}] (bbn) to (bhn);%
\draw[emergence] (bbn) to node[black,fill=white,opacity=.8]
{émergence} (bhn);
\draw[compilation] (bhn) to (bbn);
\node[right=4mm of ihn,text width=2cm, align=center]
{\small Haut niveau\\ de description};
\node[right=4mm of ibn,text width=2cm, align=center]
{\small Bas niveau\\ de description};
\begin{frame}%[label=this one]
\frametitle{Le projet ANR \textsc{SynBioTIC} (2011—2015)}
\item Découpe en work-package
\item \textcolor{black!40}{WP1: Études des formes, fourni des exemples}
\item \structure<2>{WP2: Programmation spatiale (L1)}
\item \structure<2>{WP3: Programmation orienté entité (L2)}
\item WP4: Réseau de régulation génétique (L3)
\item \textcolor{black!40}{WP5: Calculabilité}
\item \textcolor{black!40}{WP6: Sûreté, sécurité}
wp/.style={draw,text width=2cm,font=\footnotesize,align=center,
minimum width=22mm, minimum height=12mm},
%\path (population) to node[auto,xshift=-2mm,swap] {Compilation} (phenotype);
%\path (phenotype) to node[auto,xshift=-2mm,swap] {Compilation} (genotype);
\node[structure,left=1mm of population] {L1};
\node[structure,left=1mm of phenotype] {L2};
\node[left=1mm of genotype] {L3};