#To run this, you need nix (https://ariya.io/2016/05/nix-as-os-x-package-manager) #and the package nix-shell (just run `nix-env -iA nixos.nix-shell`) #Then, in the directory of this file, just call `nix-shell` #This will create a custom shell (with only the needed dependencies) for #building the presentation with import {}; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "thesis-presentation"; shellHook = '' latexmk \ -pvc \ -view=none \ -silent \ -time \ -interaction=nonstopmode \ -xelatex main.tex latexmk -c rm *.{snm,nav,vrb} ''; buildInputs = [ ( texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-basic collection-langfrench #algorithm2e #biblatex #caption #enumitem #logreq #minitoc #multirow #pgf #pgfplots #placeins #relsize #setspace #standalone #xcolor #xkeyval #xstring beamer colortbl euenc extsizes filehook jknapltx latexmk listings metafont ms pdfpages polyglossia realscripts rsfs siunitx tools ucharcat unicode-math xetex xetex-def xltxtra zapfding ;} ) #biber ]; } #thesis = buildEnv { # name = "memoire-these"; # buildInputs = [ # ]; # shellHook = '' # alias make=$(which buildthesis) # ln -s $(which buildthesis) buildme # echo "Juste type 'make' or './buildme' to build the thesis" # ''; #};