2012-08-24 21:33:20 +02:00

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\title{De la sonification à la « musification »\\de systèmes complexes}
\subtitle{Présentation de stage}
\author{Martin Potier\\
{\scriptsize MPRI, Université Paris Diderot}}
\date{6 septembre 2012}
{\small\textbf{Moreno Andreatta} et \textbf{Jean-Louis Giavitto}}\\
Équipe Représentation Musicales, Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique, CNRS \and
{\small\textbf{Wiebke Drenckhan}}\\
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris Sud, CNRS}
% Each presentation will last 30 minutes (20 minutes of presentation + 10
% minutes of questions). A video-projector will be available.
% Trouver des lois d'un système complexe sans connaissance a priori
\begin{frame}{Comprendre l'évolution d'une mousse liquide}
% movie
\begin{frame}{Comprendre l'évolution d'une mousse liquide (suite)}
10 ans pour obtenir le modèle
\section{De la sonification\ldots}
\begin{frame}{Un domaine nouveau}
« Sonification is the transformation of data relations into perceived
relations in an acoustic signal for the purposes of facilitating
communication or interpretation. »\hfill\textbf{Kramer~1999}
\begin{tikzpicture}[align=center, every node/.style={fg,auto}]
\node (phystate) {État local du système};
\node (phyobs) [below=of phystate] {Observables};
\node (sonrel) [right=of phystate] {Relations sonores\\(analogiques)};
\node (sonobs) [below=of sonrel] {Objets sonores};
\node (qb) at (barycentric cs:phyobs=1,sonobs=1)
[black,yshift=-1cm,font=\scriptsize] {mappings\\sonification};
\draw[thick,->, dotted] (phyobs) -- (phystate);
\draw[black,thick,->] (phyobs) |- (qb) -| (sonobs);
\draw[black,thick,font=\scriptsize,->] (sonobs)
to node [swap,text width=21mm] {perception (IHM)} (sonrel);
\draw[black,thick,->,dotted] (sonrel) to node [swap] {?} (phystate);
\begin{frame}{\sonif{sound/M1}{M$_1$ : synthèse modale, timbre et ordre (30 s)}}
Utilise Modalys (outil de l'IRCAM) pour la synthèse de timbre
Nombre de voisines & $\rightarrow$ Fréquence \\
Nombre de voisines & $\rightarrow$ Fréquence \\
Nombre de voisines & $\rightarrow$ Fréquence \\
Modalys simule 900 oscillateurs (un par bulle).
On peut entendre les configurations spatiales :
\item[Ordre] $\rightarrow$ fréquence pure ;
\item[Grain boundaries] $\rightarrow$ battement (deux fréquences proches) ;
\item[Désordre] $\rightarrow$ bruit non caractéristique.
\section{\ldots à la musification}
\begin{frame}{Enrichir la sonification}
\begin{tikzpicture}[align=center, every node/.style={fg,auto}]
\node (phystate) {État local du système};
\node (phyobs) [below=of phystate] {Observables};
\node (sonrel) [right=of phystate] {Relations sonores\\(analogiques)};
\node (musrel) [above=of sonrel] {Relations musicales\\(symboliques)};
\node (sonobs) [below=of sonrel] {Objets sonores};
\node (phyrel) [above=of phystate] {État global du système\\Lois du système};
\node (qt) at (barycentric cs:musrel=1,phyrel=1) [black,yshift=1cm] {?};
\node (qb) at (barycentric cs:phyobs=1,sonobs=1)
[black,yshift=-1cm,font=\scriptsize] {mappings\\sonification/musification};
\draw[thick,->, dotted] (phyobs) -- (phystate);
\draw[thick,->, dotted] (phystate) -- (phyrel);
\draw[black,thick,->] (phyobs) |- (qb) -| (sonobs);
\draw[black,thick,font=\scriptsize,->] (sonobs)
to node [swap,text width=21mm] {perception (IHM)} (sonrel);
\draw[black,thick,->,dotted] (sonrel) to node [swap] {?} (phystate);
\draw[black,thick,->] (sonrel) to (musrel);
\draw[black,thick,->] (musrel.north) |- (qt) -| (phyrel.north);
\node[draw=gray,dashed,thick,fill=gray!10,inner sep=5mm,xshift=3mm,yshift=-4mm,
fit=(phystate) (sonrel) (sonobs) (phyobs) (qb)] {};
\item plus de paramètres
\item plus de multi-échelle
\begin{frame}{\sonif{sound/M2}{M$_2$ : un mapping rythmique (24 s)}}
\begin{frame}{Des Tonnetz aux graphes de Cayley}
$$ \rightarrow $$
[note/.style={draw,black,circle,inner sep=.5mm,minimum size=8mm},
label distance=-1mm,label position=below left,
double distance=.5mm, scale=.5, transform shape]
\node[note,double] (C) {Do };
\node[note,left=of C] (F) {Fa };
\node[note,right=of C] (G) {Sol };
\node[note,right=of G] (D) {};
\node[note,above=of F] (A) {La };
\node[note,right=of A] (E) {Mi };
\node[note,right=of E] (B) {Si };
\node[note,right=of B] (Fd) { Fa\#};
\node[note,above=of A] (Cd) { Do\#};
\node[note,right=of Cd] (Gd) {Sol\#};
\node[note,right=of Gd] (Dd) {\#};
\node[note,right=of Dd] (Ad) { La\#};
\draw (F) -- (C) -- node[above,midway] {+7} (G) -- (D);
\draw (A) -- (E) -- (B) -- (Fd);
\draw (Cd) -- (Gd) -- (Dd) -- (Ad);
\draw (F) -- (A) -- (Cd);
\draw (C) -- node[right,midway] {+4} (E) -- (Gd);
\draw (G) -- (B) -- (Dd);
\draw (D) -- (Fd) -- (Ad);
\draw[dashed] (Cd.north) -- +(0cm ,6mm );
\draw[dashed] (Gd.north) -- +(0cm ,6mm );
\draw[dashed] (Dd.north) -- +(0cm ,6mm );
\draw[dashed] (Ad.north) -- +(0cm ,6mm );
\draw[dashed] (F.south) -- +(0cm ,-6mm);
\draw[dashed] (C.south) -- +(0cm ,-6mm);
\draw[dashed] (G.south) -- +(0cm ,-6mm);
\draw[dashed] (D.south) -- +(0cm ,-6mm);
\draw[dashed] (F.west) -- +(-6mm,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (A.west) -- +(-6mm,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (Cd.west) -- +(-6mm,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (Ad.east) -- +(6mm ,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (Fd.east) -- +(6mm ,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (D.east) -- +(6mm ,0cm );
Présentation du groupe $\mathbb{Z}_{12}$ :
$$ g_{4,7} = < \mathbf{4}, \mathbf{7}\ |\ 3.\mathbf{4} + 0.\mathbf{7} = 0,\quad0.\mathbf{4} +
12.\mathbf{7} = 0,\quad\mathbf{4} + \mathbf{7} = \mathbf{7} + \mathbf{4} > $$
\begin{frame}{Des Tonnetz aux graphes de Cayley (suite)}
[note/.style={draw,black,circle,inner sep=2mm},
label distance=-1mm,label position=below left,
double distance=.5mm,xscale=.60\textwidth/9.2cm,
\node[note] (F) at (-1cm,0cm) {};
\node[note,double] (C) at ( 1cm,0cm) {};
\node[note] (G) at ( 3cm,0cm) {};
\node[note] (D) at ( 5cm,0cm) {};
\node[note] (A) at ( 0cm,2cm) {};
\node[note] (E) at ( 2cm,2cm) {};
\node[note] (B) at ( 4cm,2cm) {};
\node[note] (Fd) at ( 6cm,2cm) {};
\node[note] (Cd) at ( 1cm,4cm) {};
\node[note] (Gd) at ( 3cm,4cm) {};
\node[note] (Dd) at ( 5cm,4cm) {};
\node[note] (Ad) at ( 7cm,4cm) {};
\draw (F) -- (C) -- (G) -- (D);
\draw (A) -- (E) -- (B) -- (Fd);
\draw (Cd) -- (Gd) -- (Dd) -- (Ad);
\draw (F) -- (A) -- (Cd);
\draw (C) -- (E) -- (Gd);
\draw (G) -- (B) -- (Dd);
\draw (D) -- (Fd) -- (Ad);
\draw (Cd) -- (E) -- (G);
\draw (Gd) -- (B) -- (D);
\draw (Dd) -- (Fd);
\draw (A) -- (C);
\node (1u) at (barycentric cs:A=1,Cd=1,E=1) {};
\node (2u) at (barycentric cs:Gd=1,B=1,E=1) {};
\node (3u) at (barycentric cs:B=1,Dd=1,Fd=1) {};
\node (4u) at (barycentric cs:F=1,A=1,C=1) {};
\node (5u) at (barycentric cs:E=1,G=1,C=1) {};
\node (6u) at (barycentric cs:B=1,G=1,D=1) {};
\node (1d) at (barycentric cs:Cd=1,Gd=1,E=1) {};
\node (2d) at (barycentric cs:Dd=1,Gd=1,B=1) {};
\node (3d) at (barycentric cs:Dd=1,Ad=1,Fd=1) {};
\node (4d) at (barycentric cs:A=1,E=1,C=1) {};
\node (5d) at (barycentric cs:G=1,E=1,B=1) {};
\node (6d) at (barycentric cs:D=1,Fd=1,B=1) {};
\draw[dashed] (Cd.north) -- +(0cm ,6mm );
\draw[dashed] (Gd.north) -- +(0cm ,6mm );
\draw[dashed] (Dd.north) -- +(0cm ,6mm );
\draw[dashed] (Ad.north) -- +(0cm ,6mm );
\draw[dashed] (F.south) -- +(0cm ,-6mm);
\draw[dashed] (C.south) -- +(0cm ,-6mm);
\draw[dashed] (G.south) -- +(0cm ,-6mm);
\draw[dashed] (D.south) -- +(0cm ,-6mm);
\draw[dashed] (F.west) -- +(-6mm,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (A.west) -- +(-6mm,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (Cd.west) -- +(-6mm,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (Ad.east) -- +(6mm ,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (Fd.east) -- +(6mm ,0cm );
\draw[dashed] (D.east) -- +(6mm ,0cm );
\draw[hex] ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
\draw[hex] ( -- ( -- (
-- ( -- ( -- (;
\draw[hex] ( -- (;
\draw[hex] ( -- (;
\draw[hex] ( -- (;
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(0, 1.5cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(0, 1.5cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(0, 1.5cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(0,-1.5cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(0,-1.5cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(0,-1.5cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(150:1.0cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(150:1.0cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(-30:1.0cm);
\draw[hex,dashed] ( -- +(-30:1.0cm);
\begin{frame}{\sonif{sounds/M3}{M$_3$ : un mapping intervallique (45 s)}}
hex/.style={regular polygon, regular polygon sides=6, draw, inner sep=.5cm,
transform shape, text width=0}]
\node[hex,gray] (5) at ( 30:1.41cm) {}; %5
\node[hex,gray] (6) at ( 90:1.41cm) {}; %6
\node[hex,gray] (1) at (150:1.41cm) {}; %1
\node[hex,gray] (2) at (210:1.41cm) {}; %2
\node[hex,gray] (3) at (270:1.41cm) {}; %3
\node[hex,gray] (4) at (330:1.41cm) {}; %4
\node[hex,thick] (h) at (0,0) {};
\foreach \i in {1,...,6} {
\draw[gray,->,dashed] ( -- (\i) node[gray] {\i} ;}
\begin{frame}{\sonif{sounds/M4}{M$_4$ : un mapping intervallique et rythmique (56 s)}}
Association de M$_2$ et de M$_3$
\section{Bilan et perspectives}
Ce qui a été fait :
\item Musify
Résultats préliminaires encourageants
Ce qui est prévu :
\item \texttt{gnusic} (en référence à gnuplot)
\item exploration assisté des mappings