# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. export ZSH=$(/home/eeva/.nix-profile/bin/nix-env -q --out-path oh-my-zsh | cut -d' ' -f 3)/share/oh-my-zsh # Default plugins (used everywhere) plugins=(git systemd rsync) ZSH_THEME="zhann" DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true" export EDITOR='vim' # Set GPG_AGENT_INFO export GPG_TTY=$(tty) if [ -f "/tmp/.gpg-agent-info" ]; then . "/tmp/.gpg-agent-info" export GPG_AGENT_INFO fi # Pick a local at random for this session export LANG=$(locale -a | grep -vE "(C|POSIX)" | sort -R | head -n1) unset LC_CTYPE # Some more aliases source $HOME/.zsh-aliases # Define color names source $HOME/.zsh-color-names # Local config (not shared) if [ -f "$HOME/.zsh-local-$HOST" ]; then source $HOME/.zsh-local-$HOST fi # Colors files (if file exists if [ -f "$HOME/.dir_colors" ]; then eval `dircolors ~/.dir_colors` fi # If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH. # export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh