2013-07-17 23:58:24 +02:00

26 lines
888 B

spots-own [ flower-type pollinisation-score amount-of-wild-hives ]
to setup-wild-bees
ask spots
[ set amount-of-wild-hives random max-wild-hives ]
to go-pollinate
if flower-season [
ask spots with [any? beekeepers-here]
[ set pollinisation-score amount-of-wild-hives + item 0 [amount-of-hives] of beekeepers-here
;show pollinisation-score
if pollinisation-score > 0 [ set size 5 ]] ]
if pollinisation-map-on
[ clear-drawing
ask turtles [ hide-turtle ]
let max-pollinisation-score max [ pollinisation-score ] of spots
ask patches with [ any? spots-here ]
[ let local-pollinisation-score (item 0 [ pollinisation-score ] of spots-here)
set pcolor scale-color RED local-pollinisation-score 0 50
;set pcolor WHITE
;if local-pollinisation-score > 0 [ show local-pollinisation-score ]
] ]
diffuse pcolor 0.2