2013-07-18 00:33:43 +02:00

20 lines
952 B

to-report with-collective-strategy
;; to explode. beekeeper do not know in advance
;let potential-empty-spots spots with [ not any? beekeepers-here or member? myself beekeepers-here ]
;let pes-radius-limited potential-empty-spots in-radius d-max
;report max-one-of pes-radius-limited [ beekeep-utility flower-type ([amount-of-hives] of myself) (distance myself) ]
set persistence-length d-max
let available-spots spots in-radius persistence-length
ifelse any? available-spots [
report max-one-of available-spots with [ not any? beekeepers-here or member? myself beekeepers-here ] [ beekeep-utility flower-type [amount-of-hives] of myself (distance myself) ]
set persistence-length persistence-length + d-max
to-report with-blind-strategy
;; to explode. beekeeper do not know in advance
report max-one-of spots in-radius d-max [ beekeep-utility flower-type [amount-of-hives] of myself (distance myself) ]