;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Helper functions ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; beekeep-utility = honey-quant * (honey-price - prod-cost) - (travel-cost * distance * vehicles) - moving-cost to-report beekeep-utility [ha hi d] report (honey-quant ha hi) * ((honey-price hi) - prod-cost) - (travel-cost * d) end to-report honey-price [ hi ] if hi = "PF" [ report 3.48 ] ; Polyflower if hi = "AC" [ report 4.65 ] ; Accacia if hi = "LM" [ report 4.65 ] ; Lime if hi = "SF" [ report 2.32 ] ; Sunflower ; the following shouldn't happen error 1 end to-report prod-cost report 100 / 25000 ; 1 hive = 25000 bees end ; honey-quant = (bees-quant - 10000) * harv-index * uncertainty to-report honey-quant [ ha hi ] report ((bees-quant ha) - 10000) * (harv-index hi) * uncertainty end to-report harv-index [ hi ] if hi = "PF" [ report 0.000004 ] ; Polyflower if hi = "AC" [ report 0.0000135 ] ; Accacia if hi = "LM" [ report 0.000018 ] ; Lime if hi = "SF" [ report 0.000006 ] ; Sunflower ; the following shouldn't happen error 1 end to-report uncertainty report random-normal 1.0 harvesting-uncertainty end to-report bees-quant [ hive-age ] ifelse hive-age <= 21 [ report 2000 * hive-age + 27000 ] [ report 500 * hive-age + 65000 ] end to-report color-flower [ hi ] if hi = "PF" [ report VIOLET ] ; Polyflower if hi = "AC" [ report RED ] ; Accacia if hi = "LM" [ report GREEN ] ; Lime if hi = "SF" [ report YELLOW ] ; Sunflower ; the following shouldn't happen error 1 end